Tailor-made Antibodies
and Tools for Life Science
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Microglia are the primary immune cells of the central nervous system. However, recent data indicate that microglia also contribute to diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes that extend beyond immune-related functions, e.g. brain development. Microglia are ontogenetically and functionally distinct from monocyte-derived macrophages that infiltrate the CNS under pathological conditions.

Synaptic Systems offers now new antibodies against TMEM119, also referred to as OBIF, a protein which is an excellent marker for microglia in the brain. In contrast to other established microglia-marker proteins, TMEM119 is in the CNS specific for microglia and cannot be found on macrophages.

Indirect immunostaining of PFA fixed paraffin embedded mouse brain sections with rabbit anti-TMEM119
Indirect immunostaining of PFA fixed mouse brain section with affinity purified rabbit anti-TMEM119

Figure 1: TMEM119 cat. no. 400 002 IHC

Indirect immunostaining of PFA fixed paraffin embedded mouse brain sections with rabbit anti-TMEM119 (cat. no. 400 002, dilution 1:500) using DAB as chromogen. Nuclei have been visualized by haematoxylin staining (blue).


Courtesy: Dr. Susanne Krasemann, Institute for Neuropathology, UKE Hamburg

Figure 2: TMEM119 cat. no. 400 003 IHC

Indirect immunostaining of PFA fixed mouse brain section with affinity purified rabbit anti-TMEM119 (cat. no. 400 003, dilution 1:500; red). Nuclei have been visualized by DAPI staining (blue).



Cat. No. Product Description Application Quantity Price Cart
400 002TMEM119, rabbit, polyclonal, antiserumantiserum
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P 200 µl$365.00
400 003TMEM119, rabbit, polyclonal, affinity purifiedaffinity
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P 50 µg$460.00
400 004TMEM119, Guinea pig, polyclonal, antiserumantiserum K.D.
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P IHC-Fr 100 µl$375.00
400 006TMEM119, chicken, polyclonal, affinity purifiedaffinity
discontinued, replacement: 400 009
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P 50 µg
400 008TMEM119, rabbit, monoclonal, recombinant IgGrecombinant IgG
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P 50 µg$420.00
400 009TMEM119, chicken, monoclonal, recombinant IgYrecombinant IgY
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P 50 µg$420.00
400 011TMEM119, mouse, monoclonal, purified IgG IgG
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P 100 µg$435.00
400 102TMEM119, rabbit, polyclonal, antiserumantiserum
human specific
IHC-P 200 µl$360.00
400 111TMEM119, mouse, monoclonal, purified IgG IgG
human specific
IHC-P 100 µg$420.00
400 121TMEM119, mouse, monoclonal, purified IgG IgG
human specific
IHC-P 100 µg$420.00
400 203TMEM119, rabbit, polyclonal, affinity purifiedaffinity IHC 50 µg$380.00
400 211TMEM119, mouse, monoclonal, purified IgG IgG
rat specific
IHC IHC-P 100 µg$420.00
400 308TMEM119, Guinea pig, monoclonal, recombinant IgGrecombinant IgG
mouse specific
IHC IHC-P 50 µg$420.00
Result count: 13

Synaptic Systems offers additional antibodies which show excellent performance in various applications and can be used in microglia/macrophage research: