Tailor-made Antibodies
and Tools for Life Science
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AB Registry ID
Cat. No. Product Description Application Quantity Price Cart
448 003Elfn1, rabbit, polyclonal, affinity purifiedaffinity K.O.WB ICC IHC 50 µg$375.00
448 005Elfn1, Guinea pig, polyclonal, affinity purifiedaffinity WB ICC IHC 50 µg$365.00
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Dear customer,
this antibody is part of the Synaptic Systems HistoSure product-line.
By clicking {{ this.productId }} ({{ this.productName }}) you will be directly transferred to the corresponding fact sheet on our HistoSure web site.
On this web site we offer antibodies with excellent performance in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples for use in histopathology.