Retrosplenial inputs drive visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex.Dubanet O, Higley MJ
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214 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Alpha-synuclein pathology, microgliosis, and parvalbumin neuron loss in the amygdala associated with enhanced fear in the Thy1-aSyn model of Parkinson's disease.Torres ERS, Stanojlovic M, Zelikowsky M, Bonsberger J, Hean S, Mulligan C, Baldauf L, Fleming S, Masliah E, Chesselet MF, Fanselow MS, et al.
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214 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Loss of Piccolo Function in Rats Induces Cerebellar Network Dysfunction and Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 3-like Phenotypes.Falck J, Bruns C, Hoffmann-Conaway S, Straub I, Plautz EJ, Orlando M, Munawar H, Rivalan M, Winter Y, Izsvák Z, Schmitz D, et al.
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214 002 IHC; tested species: rat
Pharmacological targeting of GSK-3 and NRF2 provides neuroprotection in a preclinical model of tauopathy.Cuadrado A, Kügler S, Lastres-Becker I
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214 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
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214 002 IHC
Chronic mild stress modulates 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor expression in the cerebellar cortex of NC/Nga atopic-like mice.Rasul A, Johansson B, Lonne-Rahm SB, Nordlind K, Theodorsson E, El-Nour H
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214 002 IHC
Probing the functional equivalence of otoferlin and synaptotagmin 1 in exocytosis.Reisinger E, Bresee C, Neef J, Nair R, Reuter K, Bulankina A, Nouvian R, Koch M, Bückers J, Kastrup L, Roux I, et al.
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214 002 IHC; tested species: mouse