Nonapoptotic caspase-3 guides C1q-dependent synaptic phagocytosis by microglia.Andoh M, Shinoda N, Taira Y, Araki T, Kasahara Y, Takeuchi H, Miura M, Ikegaya Y, Koyama R
Nature communications (2025) 161: 918.
160 002 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Astrocyte-secreted neurocan controls inhibitory synapse formation and function.Irala D, Wang S, Sakers K, Nagendren L, Ulloa Severino FP, Bindu DS, Savage JT, Eroglu C
Neuron (2024) 11210: 1657-1675.e10.
160 002 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Vaccination reduces central nervous system IL-1β and memory deficits after COVID-19 in mice.Vanderheiden A, Hill JD, Jiang X, Deppen B, Bamunuarachchi G, Soudani N, Joshi A, Cain MD, Boon ACM, Klein RS
Nature immunology (2024) 257: 1158-1171.
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
c-Maf-positive spinal cord neurons are critical elements of a dorsal horn circuit for mechanical hypersensitivity in neuropathy.Frezel N, Ranucci M, Foster E, Wende H, Pelczar P, Mendes R, Ganley RP, Werynska K, d'Aquin S, Beccarini C, Birchmeier C, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 424: 112295.
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
A genetic variant of the Wnt receptor LRP6 accelerates synapse degeneration during aging and in Alzheimer's disease.Jones ME, Büchler J, Dufor T, Palomer E, Teo S, Martin-Flores N, Boroviak K, Metzakopian E, Gibb A, Salinas PC
Science advances (2023) 92: eabo7421.
160 002 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Piccolino is required for ribbon architecture at cochlear inner hair cell synapses and for hearing.Michanski S, Kapoor R, Steyer AM, Möbius W, Früholz I, Ackermann F, Gültas M, Garner CC, Hamra FK, Neef J, Strenzke N, et al.
EMBO reports (2023) 249: e56702.
160 002 IHC; tested species: rat
Loss of the parkinsonism-associated protein FBXO7 in glutamatergic forebrain neurons in mice leads to abnormal motor behavior and synaptic defects.Wang J, Joseph S, Vingill S, Dere E, Tatenhorst L, Ronnenberg A, Lingor P, Preisinger C, Ehrenreich H, Schulz JB, Stegmüller J, et al.
Journal of neurochemistry (2023) : .
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Age-associated systemic factors change central and peripheral immunity in adult male mice.van Olst L, Kamermans A, van der Pol SMA, Rodríguez E, Hulshof LA, van Dijk RE, Vonk DN, Schouten M, Witte ME, de Vries HE, Middeldorp J, et al.
Brain, behavior, and immunity (2023) 111: 395-411.
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Synapse development is regulated by microglial THIK-1 K+ channels.Izquierdo P, Shiina H, Hirunpattarasilp C, Gillis G, Attwell D
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2021) 11842: .
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Genetic disruption of WASHC4 drives endo-lysosomal dysfunction and cognitive-movement impairments in mice and humans.Courtland JL, Bradshaw TW, Waitt G, Soderblom EJ, Ho T, Rajab A, Vancini R, Kim IH, Soderling SH
eLife (2021) 10: .
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Miro1-dependent mitochondrial dynamics in parvalbumin interneurons.Kontou G, Antonoudiou P, Podpolny M, Szulc BR, Arancibia-Carcamo IL, Higgs NF, Lopez-Domenech G, Salinas PC, Mann EO, Kittler JT
eLife (2021) 10: .
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Comparison of Multiscale Imaging Methods for Brain Research.Tröger J, Hoischen C, Perner B, Monajembashi S, Barbotin A, Löschberger A, Eggeling C, Kessels MM, Qualmann B, Hemmerich P
Cells (2020) 96: .
160 002 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
AP180 promotes release site clearance and clathrin-dependent vesicle reformation in mouse cochlear inner hair cells.Kroll J, Özçete ÖD, Jung S, Maritzen T, Milosevic I, Wichmann C, Moser T
Journal of cell science (2020) 1332: .
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Semaphorin4D Induces Inhibitory Synapse Formation by Rapid Stabilization of Presynaptic Boutons via MET Coactivation.Frias CP, Liang J, Bresser T, Scheefhals L, van Kesteren M, van Dorland R, Hu HY, Bodzeta A, van Bergen En Henegouwen PMP, Hoogenraad CC, Wierenga CJ, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) 3922: 4221-4237.
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
In Vivo Protein Complementation Demonstrates Presynaptic α-Synuclein Oligomerization and Age-Dependent Accumulation of 8-16-mer Oligomer Species.Kiechle M, von Einem B, Höfs L, Voehringer P, Grozdanov V, Markx D, Parlato R, Wiesner D, Mayer B, Sakk O, Baumann B, et al.
Cell reports (2019) 299: 2862-2874.e9.
160 002 IHC; tested species: rat
Dorsal Horn Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Expressing Neurons Transmit Spinal Itch But Not Pain Signals.Albisetti GW, Pagani M, Platonova E, Hösli L, Johannssen HC, Fritschy JM, Wildner H, Zeilhofer HU
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) : .
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Activity-Dependent Gating of Parvalbumin Interneuron Function by the Perineuronal Net Protein Brevican.Favuzzi E, Marques-Smith A, Deogracias R, Winterflood CM, Sánchez-Aguilera A, Mantoan L, Maeso P, Fernandes C, Ewers H, Rico B
Neuron (2017) 953: 639-655.e10.
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse
Identification of Two Classes of Somatosensory Neurons That Display Resistance to Retrograde Infection by Rabies Virus.Albisetti GW, Ghanem A, Foster E, Conzelmann KK, Zeilhofer HU, Wildner H
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2017) 3743: 10358-10371.
160 002 IHC; tested species: mouse