Alterations in non-REM sleep and EEG spectra precede REM-sleep deficits in a model of synucleinopathy.Käufer C, Stanojlović M, Schidlitzki A, Bonsberger J, Storch A, Richter F
Journal of Parkinson's disease (2025) : 1877718X241310723.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neonatal sevoflurane exposures inhibits DHHC5-mediated palmitoylation of TfR1 in oligodendrocytes, leading to hypomyelination and neurological impairments.Liu H, Su B, Zhang Z, Jia S, Wang J, Zhou F, Liu Y, Cao Q, Tang J, Ou Z, Zhang MM, et al.
Journal of advanced research (2025) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
BDNF-TrkB signaling orchestrates the buildup process of local sleep.ElGrawani W, Sun G, Kliem FP, Sennhauser S, Pierre-Ferrer S, Rosi-Andersen A, Boccalaro I, Bethge P, Heo WD, Helmchen F, Adamantidis AR, et al.
Cell reports (2024) 437: 114500.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Scaling of smaller pyramidal neuron size and lower energy production in schizophrenia.Schoonover KE, Miller NE, Fish KN, Lewis DA
Neurobiology of disease (2024) 191: 106394.
266 004 IHC; tested species: human
Crym-positive striatal astrocytes gate perseverative behaviour.Ollivier M, Soto JS, Linker KE, Moye SL, Jami-Alahmadi Y, Jones AE, Divakaruni AS, Kawaguchi R, Wohlschlegel JA, Khakh BS
Nature (2024) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Silencing CA1 pyramidal cells output reveals the role of feedback inhibition in hippocampal oscillations.Adaikkan C, Joseph J, Foustoukos G, Wang J, Polygalov D, Boehringer R, Middleton SJ, Huang AJY, Tsai LH, McHugh TJ
Nature communications (2024) 151: 2190.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
A fluorescent splice-switching mouse model enables high-throughput, sensitive quantification of antisense oligonucleotide delivery and activity.Byrnes AE, Roudnicky F, Gogineni A, Soung AL, Xiong M, Hayne M, Heaster-Ford T, Shatz-Binder W, Dominguez SL, Imperio J, Gierke S, et al.
Cell reports methods (2024) 41: 100673.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Long-access heroin self-administration induces region specific reduction of grey matter volume and microglia reactivity in the rat.Cannella N, Tambalo S, Lunerti V, Scuppa G, de Vivo L, Abdulmalek S, Kinen A, Mackle J, Kuhn B, Solberg Woods LC, Chung D, et al.
Brain, behavior, and immunity (2024) 118: 210-220.
266 004 IHC; tested species: rat
Gastrodin Ameliorates Post-Stroke Depressive-Like Behaviors Through Cannabinoid-1 Receptor-Dependent PKA/RhoA Signaling Pathway.Wang S, Yu L, Guo H, Zuo W, Guo Y, Liu H, Wang J, Wang J, Li X, Hou W, Wang M, et al.
Molecular neurobiology (2024) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
HCN channels in the lateral habenula regulate pain and comorbid depressive-like behaviors in mice.Cao XZ, Zhu MY, Xu G, Li F, Yan Y, Zhang JJ, Wang J, Zeng F, Bao Y, Zhang XX, Liu T, et al.
CNS neuroscience & therapeutics (2024) 307: e14831.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Temporal progression of tau pathology and neuroinflammation in a rhesus monkey model of Alzheimer's disease.Beckman D, Diniz GB, Ott S, Hobson B, Chaudhari AJ, Muller S, Chu Y, Takano A, Schwarz AJ, Yeh CL, McQuade P, et al.
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association (2024) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: monkey
A multi-omics analysis reveals vitamin D supplementation since childhood modulates molecules for signal transductions in the mouse striatum.Zhou QL, Ye D, Ren PC, Pang WB, Lin XM, Cao RH, Ye XS, Xiang W, Xiao L
Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie (2024) 178: 117145.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Heterozygous knockout of Synaptotagmin13 phenocopies ALS features and TP53 activation in human motor neurons.Lehmann J, Aly A, Steffke C, Fabbio L, Mayer V, Dikwella N, Halablab K, Roselli F, Seiffert S, Boeckers TM, Brenner D, et al.
Cell death & disease (2024) 158: 560.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Oligodendroglia-to-pericyte conversion after lipopolysaccharide exposure is gender-dependent.Yu Q, Zhang L, Xu T, Shao J, Yuan F, Yang Z, Wu Y, Lyu H
PloS one (2024) 198: e0308132.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Bradykinin 2 Receptors Mediate Long-Term Neurocognitive Deficits After Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury.Wehn AC, Khalin I, Hu S, Harapan BN, Mao X, Cheng S, Plesnila N, Terpolilli NA
Journal of neurotrauma (2024) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Multifunctional Tetrode-like Drug delivery, Optical stimulation, and Electrophysiology (Tetro-DOpE) probes.Kim J, Gilbert E, Arndt K, Huang H, Oleniacz P, Jiang S, Kimbrough I, Sontheimer H, English DF, Jia X
Biosensors & bioelectronics (2024) 265: 116696.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
pTau pathology in the retina of TAU58 mice: association with ganglion cell degeneration and implications on seeding and propagation of pTau from human brain lysates.Walkiewicz G, Ronisz A, Ospitalieri S, Tsaka G, Tomé SO, Vandenberghe R, von Arnim CAF, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, De Groef L, Thal DR, et al.
Acta neuropathologica communications (2024) 121: 194.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neonatal brain injury unravels transcriptional and signaling changes underlying the reactivation of cortical progenitors.Foucault L, Capeliez T, Angonin D, Lentini C, Bezin L, Heinrich C, Parras C, Donega V, Marcy G, Raineteau O
Cell reports (2024) 432: 113734.
266 004 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Female-specific dysfunction of sensory neocortical circuits in a mouse model of autism mediated by mGluR5 and estrogen receptor α.Molinaro G, Bowles JE, Croom K, Gonzalez D, Mirjafary S, Birnbaum SG, Razak KA, Gibson JR, Huber KM
Cell reports (2024) 434: 114056.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Simple and highly specific targeting of resident microglia with adeno-associated virus.Serrano C, Cananzi S, Shen T, Wang LL, Zhang CL
iScience (2024) 279: 110706.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Jionoside A1 alleviates ischemic stroke ischemia/reperfusion injury by promoting Nix-mediated mitophagy.Yu X, Liu X, Mi X, Luo X, Lian Z, Tang J, Wang G
Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) (2023) 698: 237-245.
266 004 ICC, IHC; tested species: rat
Neuronal and astrocytic contributions to Huntington's disease dissected with zinc finger protein transcriptional repressors.Gangwani MR, Soto JS, Jami-Alahmadi Y, Tiwari S, Kawaguchi R, Wohlschlegel JA, Khakh BS
Cell reports (2023) 421: 111953.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
An In Vivo Platform for Rebuilding Functional Neocortical Tissue.Quezada A, Ward C, Bader ER, Zolotavin P, Altun E, Hong S, Killian NJ, Xie C, Batista-Brito R, Hébert JM
Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland) (2023) 102: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Astrocyte-neuron subproteomes and obsessive-compulsive disorder mechanisms.Soto JS, Jami-Alahmadi Y, Chacon J, Moye SL, Diaz-Castro B, Wohlschlegel JA, Khakh BS
Nature (2023) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
c-Maf-positive spinal cord neurons are critical elements of a dorsal horn circuit for mechanical hypersensitivity in neuropathy.Frezel N, Ranucci M, Foster E, Wende H, Pelczar P, Mendes R, Ganley RP, Werynska K, d'Aquin S, Beccarini C, Birchmeier C, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 424: 112295.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prefrontal microglia deficiency during adolescence disrupts adult cognitive functions and synaptic structures: A follow-up study in female mice.von Arx AS, Dawson K, Lin HY, Mattei D, Notter T, Meyer U, Schalbetter SM
Brain, behavior, and immunity (2023) 111: 230-246.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
A Selective Projection from the Subthalamic Nucleus to Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons of the Striatum.Kondabolu K, Doig NM, Ayeko O, Khan B, Torres A, Calvigioni D, Meletis K, Koós T, Magill PJ
eNeuro (2023) 107: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Estrogen receptor beta in astrocytes modulates cognitive function in mid-age female mice.Itoh N, Itoh Y, Meyer CE, Suen TT, Cortez-Delgado D, Rivera Lomeli M, Wendin S, Somepalli SS, Golden LC, MacKenzie-Graham A, Voskuhl RR, et al.
Nature communications (2023) 141: 6044.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Epigenomic dissection of Alzheimer's disease pinpoints causal variants and reveals epigenome erosion.Xiong X, James BT, Boix CA, Park YP, Galani K, Victor MB, Sun N, Hou L, Ho LL, Mantero J, Scannail AN, et al.
Cell (2023) 18620: 4422-4437.e21.
266 004 IHC; tested species: human
Neuropeptide Y-expressing dorsal horn inhibitory interneurons gate spinal pain and itch signalling.Boyle KA, Polgar E, Gutierrez-Mecinas M, Dickie AC, Cooper AH, Bell AM, Jumolea E, Casas-Benito A, Watanabe M, Hughes DI, Weir GA, et al.
eLife (2023) 12: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuroanatomical characterization of the Nmu-Cre knock-in mice reveals an interconnected network of unique neuropeptidergic cells.Medrano M, Allaoui W, Van Bulck M, Thys S, Makrini-Maleville L, Seuntjens E, De Vos WH, Valjent E, Gaszner B, Van Eeckhaut A, Smolders I, et al.
Open biology (2023) 136: 220353.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuronal DNA double-strand breaks lead to genome structural variations and 3D genome disruption in neurodegeneration.Dileep V, Boix CA, Mathys H, Marco A, Welch GM, Meharena HS, Loon A, Jeloka R, Peng Z, Bennett DA, Kellis M, et al.
Cell (2023) 18620: 4404-4421.e20.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Sexual dimorphic distribution of G protein-coupled receptor 30 in pain-related regions of the mouse brain.Li Y, Jiang Z, Zuo W, Huang C, Zhao J, Liu P, Wang J, Guo J, Zhang X, Wang M, Lu Y, et al.
Journal of neurochemistry (2023) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Anticonvulsant Action and Long-Term Effects of Chronic Cannabidiol Treatment in the Rat Pentylenetetrazole-Kindling Model of Epilepsy.Gáll Z, Kelemen K, Tolokán A, Zolcseak I, Sável I, Bod R, Ferencz E, Vancea S, Urkon M, Kolcsár M
Biomedicines (2022) 108: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
NMDAR-dependent presynaptic homeostasis in adult hippocampus: Synapse growth and cross-modal inhibitory plasticity.Chipman PH, Fetter RD, Panzera LC, Bergerson SJ, Karmelic D, Yokoyama S, Hoppa MB, Davis GW
Neuron (2022) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Designing AAV Vectors for Monitoring the Subtle Calcium Fluctuations of Inferior Olive Network in vivo.Dorgans K, Guo D, Kurima K, Wickens J, Uusisaari MY
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2022) 16: 825056.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Regulation of adult neurogenesis by the endocannabinoid-producing enzyme diacylglycerol lipase alpha (DAGLa).Schuele LL, Schuermann B, Bilkei-Gorzo A, Gorgzadeh S, Zimmer A, Leidmaa E
Scientific reports (2022) 121: 633.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Shank2/3 double knockout-based screening of cortical subregions links the retrosplenial area to the loss of social memory in autism spectrum disorders.Garrido D, Beretta S, Grabrucker S, Bauer HF, Bayer D, Sala C, Verpelli C, Roselli F, Bockmann J, Proepper C, Catanese A, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2022) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Grpr expression defines a population of superficial dorsal horn vertical cells that have a role in both itch and pain.Polgár E, Dickie AC, Gutierrez-Mecinas M, Bell AM, Boyle KA, Quillet R, Rashid EA, Clark RA, German MT, Watanabe M, Riddell JS, et al.
Pain (2022) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Melittin regulates iron homeostasis and mediates macrophage polarization in rats with lumbar spinal stenosis.Kim H, Hong JY, Jeon WJ, Lee J, Lee YJ, Ha IH
Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie (2022) 156: 113776.
266 004 IHC; tested species: rat
Neuronal signature of spatial decision-making during navigation by freely moving rats by using calcium imaging.Gobbo F, Mitchell-Heggs R, Tse D, Al Omrani M, Spooner PA, Schultz SR, Morris RGM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2022) 11944: e2212152119.
266 004 IHC; tested species: rat
Electroacupuncture pretreatment induces ischemic tolerance by neuronal TREM2-mediated enhancement of autophagic flux.Yang M, Wang Y, Wang S, Guo Y, Gu T, Shi L, Zhang J, Tuo X, Liu X, Zhang M, Deng J, et al.
Brain research bulletin (2022) 193: 27-36.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
mTORC2 inhibition improves morphological effects of PTEN loss, but does not correct synaptic dysfunction or prevent seizures.Cullen ER, Tariq K, Shore AN, Luikart BW, Weston MC
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Thalamocortical Circuit Controls Neuropathic Pain via Up-regulation of HCN2 in the Ventral Posterolateral Thalamus.Yan Y, Zhu M, Cao X, Xu G, Shen W, Li F, Zhang J, Luo L, Zhang X, Zhang D, Liu T, et al.
Neuroscience bulletin (2022) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
SARS-CoV-2 infects neurons and induces neuroinflammation in a non-human primate model of COVID-19.Beckman D, Bonillas A, Diniz GB, Ott S, Roh JW, Elizaldi SR, Schmidt BA, Sammak RL, Van Rompay KKA, Iyer SS, Morrison JH, et al.
Cell reports (2022) 415: 111573.
266 004 IHC; tested species: monkey
The RNA-Binding Protein HuR Is Integral to the Function of Nociceptors in Mice and Humans.Kunder N, de la Peña JB, Lou TF, Chase R, Suresh P, Lawson J, Shukla T, Black B, Campbell ZT
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) 4249: 9129-9141.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Structural MRI Reveals Cervical Spinal Cord Atrophy in the P301L Mouse Model of Tauopathy: Gender and Transgene-Dosing Effects.Sartoretti T, Ganley RP, Ni R, Freund P, Zeilhofer HU, Klohs J
Frontiers in aging neuroscience (2022) 14: 825996.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Edinger-Westphal peptidergic neurons enable maternal preparatory nesting.Topilko T, Diaz SL, Pacheco CM, Verny F, Rousseau CV, Kirst C, Deleuze C, Gaspar P, Renier N
Neuron (2022) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Adult-born dentate granule cells promote hippocampal population sparsity.McHugh SB, Lopes-Dos-Santos V, Gava GP, Hartwich K, Tam SKE, Bannerman DM, Dupret D
Nature neuroscience (2022) 2511: 1481-1491.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neurons burdened by DNA double-strand breaks incite microglia activation through antiviral-like signaling in neurodegeneration.Welch GM, Boix CA, Schmauch E, Davila-Velderrain J, Victor MB, Dileep V, Bozzelli PL, Su Q, Cheng JD, Lee A, Leary NS, et al.
Science advances (2022) 839: eabo4662.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Divergent complement system activation in two clinically distinct murine models of multiple sclerosis.Linzey M, DiSano K, Welsh N, Pachner A, Gilli F
Frontiers in immunology (2022) 13: 924734.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Ca2+ imaging of self and other in medial prefrontal cortex during social dominance interactions in a tube test.Garcia-Font N, Mitchell-Heggs R, Saxena K, Gabbert C, Taylor G, Mastroberadino G, Spooner PA, Gobbo F, Dabrowska JK, Chattarji S, Kind PC, et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2022) 11931: e2107942119.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Sex-specific cannabinoid 1 receptors on GABAergic neurons in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray mediate analgesia in mice.Jiang Z, Wang Q, Zhao J, Wang J, Li Y, Dai W, Zhang X, Fang Z, Hou W, Xiong L
The Journal of comparative neurology (2022) 53013: 2315-2334.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Diazepam binding inhibitor governs neurogenesis of excitatory and inhibitory neurons during embryonic development via GABA signaling.Everlien I, Yen TY, Liu YC, Di Marco B, Vázquez-Marín J, Centanin L, Alfonso J, Monyer H
Neuron (2022) 11019: 3139-3153.e6.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Pum2 and TDP-43 refine area-specific cytoarchitecture post-mitotically and modulate translation of Sox5, Bcl11b, and Rorb mRNAs in developing mouse neocortex.Harb K, Richter M, Neelagandan N, Magrinelli E, Harfoush H, Kuechler K, Henis M, Hermanns-Borgmeyer I, Calderon de Anda F, Duncan K
eLife (2022) 11: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Regionally Altered Immunosignals of Surfactant Protein-G, Vascular and Non-Vascular Elements of the Neurovascular Unit after Experimental Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice, Rats, and Sheep.Michalski D, Reimann W, Spielvogel E, Mages B, Biedermann B, Barthel H, Nitzsche B, Schob S, Härtig W
International journal of molecular sciences (2022) 2311: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Deficiency in endocannabinoid synthase DAGLB contributes to early onset Parkinsonism and murine nigral dopaminergic neuron dysfunction.Liu Z, Yang N, Dong J, Tian W, Chang L, Ma J, Guo J, Tan J, Dong A, He K, Zhou J, et al.
Nature communications (2022) 131: 3490.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression of immunoglobulin constant domain genes in neurons of the mouse central nervous system.Scheurer L, Das Gupta RR, Saebisch A, Grampp T, Benke D, Zeilhofer HU, Wildner H
Life science alliance (2021) 411: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuron-specific spinal cord translatomes reveal a neuropeptide code for mouse dorsal horn excitatory neurons.Das Gupta RR, Scheurer L, Pelczar P, Wildner H, Zeilhofer HU
Scientific reports (2021) 111: 5232.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
RIPK1 or RIPK3 deletion prevents progressive neuronal cell death and improves memory function after traumatic brain injury.Wehn AC, Khalin I, Duering M, Hellal F, Culmsee C, Vandenabeele P, Plesnila N, Terpolilli NA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 138.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor increases matrix metallopeptidase 9 and 14 expression in microglia and promotes microglia-mediated glioma progression.Huang Y, Zhang B, Haneke H, Haage V, Lubas M, Yuan Y, Xia P, Motta E, Nanvuma C, Dzaye O, Hu F, et al.
Journal of neuroscience research (2021) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Exercise Ameliorates Spinal Cord Injury by Changing DNA Methylation.Davaa G, Hong JY, Kim TU, Lee SJ, Kim SY, Hong K, Hyun JK
Cells (2021) 101: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: rat
A novel tau-based rhesus monkey model of Alzheimer's pathogenesis.Beckman D, Chakrabarty P, Ott S, Dao A, Zhou E, Janssen WG, Donis-Cox K, Muller S, Kordower JH, Morrison JH
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association (2021) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: monkey
Reprogramming reactive glia into interneurons reduces chronic seizure activity in a mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.Lentini C, d'Orange M, Marichal N, Trottmann MM, Vignoles R, Foucault L, Verrier C, Massera C, Raineteau O, Conzelmann KK, Rival-Gervier S, et al.
Cell stem cell (2021) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Surfactant protein C is associated with perineuronal nets and shows age-dependent changes of brain content and hippocampal deposits in wildtype and 3xTg mice.Schob S, Puchta J, Winter K, Michalski D, Mages B, Martens H, Emmer A, Hoffmann KT, Gaunitz F, Meinicke A, Krause M, et al.
Journal of chemical neuroanatomy (2021) 118: 102036.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring.Mirabella F, Desiato G, Mancinelli S, Fossati G, Rasile M, Morini R, Markicevic M, Grimm C, Amegandjin C, Termanini A, Peano C, et al.
Immunity (2021) 5411: 2611-2631.e8.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
A role for translational regulation by S6 kinase and a downstream target in inflammatory la Peña JB, Kunder N, Lou TF, Chase R, Stanowick A, Barragan-Iglesias P, Pancrazio JJ, Campbell ZT
British journal of pharmacology (2021) 17823: 4675-4690.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia sense neuronal activity via GABA in the early postnatal hippocampus.Logiacco F, Xia P, Georgiev SV, Franconi C, Chang YJ, Ugursu B, Sporbert A, Kühn R, Kettenmann H, Semtner M
Cell reports (2021) 3713: 110128.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Astrocyte dysfunction increases cortical dendritic excitability and promotes cranial pain in familial migraine.Romanos J, Benke D, Pietrobon D, Zeilhofer HU, Santello M
Science advances (2020) 623: eaaz1584.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spatial Expression Pattern of the Major Ca2+-Buffer Proteins in Mouse Retinal Ganglion Cells.Kovács-Öller T, Szarka G, Tengölics ÁJ, Ganczer A, Balogh B, Szabó-Meleg E, Nyitrai M, Völgyi B
Cells (2020) 94: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
HDAC1 modulates OGG1-initiated oxidative DNA damage repair in the aging brain and Alzheimer's disease.Pao PC, Patnaik D, Watson LA, Gao F, Pan L, Wang J, Adaikkan C, Penney J, Cam HP, Huang WC, Pantano L, et al.
Nature communications (2020) 111: 2484.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spatial Multiplexing of Fluorescent Reporters for Imaging Signaling Network Dynamics.Linghu C, Johnson SL, Valdes PA, Shemesh OA, Park WM, Park D, Piatkevich KD, Wassie AT, Liu Y, An B, Barnes SA, et al.
Cell (2020) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
CNS Transduction Benefits of AAV-PHP.eB over AAV9 Are Dependent on Administration Route and Mouse Strain.Mathiesen SN, Lock JL, Schoderboeck L, Abraham WC, Hughes SM
Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development (2020) 19: 447-458.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Rab27a Contributes to the Processing of Inflammatory Pain in Mice.Gross T, Wack G, Syhr KMJ, Tolmachova T, Seabra MC, Geisslinger G, Niederberger E, Schmidtko A, Kallenborn-Gerhardt W
Cells (2020) 96: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spatial Transcriptomics and In Situ Sequencing to Study Alzheimer's Disease.Chen WT, Lu A, Craessaerts K, Pavie B, Sala Frigerio C, Corthout N, Qian X, Laláková J, Kühnemund M, Voytyuk I, Wolfs L, et al.
Cell (2020) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Foreign body responses in mouse central nervous system mimic natural wound responses and alter biomaterial functions.OʼShea TM, Wollenberg AL, Kim JH, Ao Y, Deming TJ, Sofroniew MV
Nature communications (2020) 111: 6203.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
On the objectivity, reliability, and validity of deep learning enabled bioimage analyses.Segebarth D, Griebel M, Stein N, von Collenberg CR, Martin C, Fiedler D, Comeras LB, Sah A, Schoeffler V, Lüffe T, Dürr A, et al.
eLife (2020) 9: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Quantification of Huntington's Disease Related Markers in the R6/2 Mouse Model.Etxeberria-Rekalde E, Alzola-Aldamizetxebarria S, Flunkert S, Hable I, Daurer M, Neddens J, Hutter-Paier B
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2020) 13: 617229.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spatiotemporal Changes of Cerebral Monocarboxylate Transporter 8 Expression.Wilpert NM, Krueger M, Opitz R, Sebinger D, Paisdzior S, Mages B, Schulz A, Spranger J, Wirth EK, Stachelscheid H, Mergenthaler P, et al.
Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association (2020) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Multiplexed expansion microscopy of the brain through fluorophore screening.Min K, Cho I, Choi M, Chang JB
Methods (San Diego, Calif.) (2019) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Antigen retrieval pre-treatment causes a different expression pattern of Cav3.2 in rat and mouse spinal dorsal horn.Cheng XE, Ma LX, Feng XJ, Zhu MY, Zhang DY, Xu LL, Liu T
European journal of histochemistry : EJH (2019) 631: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Transient, Consequential Increases in Extracellular Potassium Ions Accompany Channelrhodopsin2 Excitation.Octeau JC, Gangwani MR, Allam SL, Tran D, Huang S, Hoang-Trong TM, Golshani P, Rumbell TH, Kozloski JR, Khakh BS
Cell reports (2019) 278: 2249-2261.e7.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Gamma Entrainment Binds Higher-Order Brain Regions and Offers Neuroprotection.Adaikkan C, Middleton SJ, Marco A, Pao PC, Mathys H, Kim DN, Gao F, Young JZ, Suk HJ, Boyden ES, McHugh TJ, et al.
Neuron (2019) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Maturation dynamics of the axon initial segment (AIS) of newborn dentate granule cells in young adult C57BL/6J mice.Bolós M, Terreros-Roncal J, Perea JR, Pallas-Bazarra N, Ávila J, Llorens-Martín M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Occurrence of Transmembrane Protein 119 in the Retina is Not Restricted to the Microglia: An Immunohistochemical Study.Su N, März S, Plagemann T, Cao J, Schnittler HJ, Eter N, Heiduschka P
Translational vision science & technology (2019) 86: 29.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Increased expression of heme-binding protein 1 early in Alzheimer's disease is linked to neurotoxicity.Yagensky O, Kohansal-Nodehi M, Gunaseelan S, Rabe T, Zafar S, Zerr I, Härtig W, Urlaub H, Chua JJ
eLife (2019) 8: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression of cholecystokinin by neurons in mouse spinal dorsal horn.Gutierrez-Mecinas M, Bell AM, Shepherd F, Polgár E, Watanabe M, Furuta T, Todd AJ
The Journal of comparative neurology (2019) 52711: 1857-1871.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Ventral hippocampal projections to the medial prefrontal cortex regulate social memory.Phillips ML, Robinson HA, Pozzo-Miller L
eLife (2019) 8: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Morphological and functional properties distinguish the substance P and gastrin-releasing peptide subsets of excitatory interneuron in the spinal cord dorsal horn.Dickie AC, Bell AM, Iwagaki N, Polgár E, Gutierrez-Mecinas M, Kelly R, Lyon H, Turnbull K, West SJ, Etlin A, Braz J, et al.
Pain (2019) 1602: 442-462.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuropathological findings suggestive for a stroke in an alpaca (Vicugna pacos).Schöniger S, Schütze E, Michalski D, Puchta J, Kaiser M, Härtig W
Acta veterinaria Scandinavica (2019) 611: 1.
266 004 IHC
mTh1 driven expression of hTDP-43 results in typical ALS/FTLD neuropathological symptoms.Scherz B, Rabl R, Flunkert S, Rohler S, Neddens J, Taub N, Temmel M, Panzenboeck U, Niederkofler V, Zimmermann R, Hutter-Paier B, et al.
PloS one (2018) 135: e0197674.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
A machine learning approach for online automated optimization of super-resolution optical microscopy.Durand A, Wiesner T, Gardner MA, Robitaille LÉ, Bilodeau A, Gagné C, De Koninck P, Lavoie-Cardinal F
Nature communications (2018) 91: 5247.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression of calretinin among different neurochemical classes of interneuron in the superficial dorsal horn of the mouse spinal cord.Gutierrez-Mecinas M, Davis O, Polgár E, Shahzad M, Navarro-Batista K, Furuta T, Watanabe M, Hughes DI, Todd AJ
Neuroscience (2018) : .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
NPAS4 recruits CCK basket cell synapses and enhances cannabinoid-sensitive inhibition in the mouse hippocampus.Hartzell AL, Martyniuk KM, Brigidi GS, Heinz DA, Djaja NA, Payne A, Bloodgood BL
eLife (2018) 7: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Impaired Neurofilament Integrity and Neuronal Morphology in Different Models of Focal Cerebral Ischemia and Human Stroke Tissue.Mages B, Aleithe S, Altmann S, Blietz A, Nitzsche B, Barthel H, Horn AKE, Hobusch C, Härtig W, Krueger M, Michalski D, et al.
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2018) 12: 161.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields.Grossman N, Bono D, Dedic N, Kodandaramaiah SB, Rudenko A, Suk HJ, Cassara AM, Neufeld E, Kuster N, Tsai LH, Pascual-Leone A, et al.
Cell (2017) 1696: 1029-1041.e16.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Damaged Neocortical Perineuronal Nets Due to Experimental Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice, Rats and Sheep.Härtig W, Mages B, Aleithe S, Nitzsche B, Altmann S, Barthel H, Krueger M, Michalski D
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience (2017) 11: 15.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Early tissue damage and microstructural reorganization predict disease severity in experimental epilepsy.Janz P, Schwaderlapp N, Heining K, Häussler U, Korvink JG, von Elverfeldt D, Hennig J, Egert U, LeVan P, Haas CA
eLife (2017) 6: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: human
Reorganization of corticospinal output during motor learning.Peters AJ, Lee J, Hedrick NG, O'Neil K, Komiyama T
Nature neuroscience (2017) 208: 1133-1141.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Physiological Concentrations of Amyloid Beta Regulate Recycling of Synaptic Vesicles via Alpha7 Acetylcholine Receptor and CDK5/Calcineurin Signaling.Lazarevic V, Fieńko S, Andres-Alonso M, Anni D, Ivanova D, Montenegro-Venegas C, Gundelfinger ED, Cousin MA, Fejtova A
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2017) 10: 221.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Type I Interferon response in olfactory bulb, the site of tick-borne flavivirus accumulation, is primarily regulated by IPS-1.Kurhade C, Zegenhagen L, Weber E, Nair S, Michaelsen-Preusse K, Spanier J, Gekara NO, Kröger A, Överby AK
Journal of neuroinflammation (2016) 13: 22.
266 004 IHC
Nasal TRPA1 mediates irritant-induced bradypnea in mice.Inui K, Chen C, Pauli JL, Kuroki C, Tashiro S, Kanmura Y, Kashiwadani H, Kuwaki T
Physiological reports (2016) 424: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Multiscale Analysis of Neurite Orientation and Spatial Organization in Neuronal Images.Singh P, Negi P, Laezza F, Papadakis M, Labate D
Neuroinformatics (2016) 144: 465-77.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Histone deacetylase 3 associates with MeCP2 to regulate FOXO and social behavior.Nott A, Cheng J, Gao F, Lin YT, Gjoneska E, Ko T, Minhas P, Zamudio AV, Meng J, Zhang F, Jin P, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2016) 1911: 1497-1505.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Fibroblast Growth Factor 14 Modulates the Neurogenesis of Granule Neurons in the Adult Dentate Gyrus.Alshammari MA, Alshammari TK, Nenov MN, Scala F, Laezza F
Molecular neurobiology (2016) 5310: 7254-7270.
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse
Increased Neuronal DNA/RNA Oxidation in the Frontal Cortex of Mice Subjected to Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress.Maluach AM, Misquitta KA, Prevot TD, Fee C, Sibille E, Banasr M, Andreazza AC
Chronic stress (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) () 1: .
266 004 IHC; tested species: mouse