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Tenascin-R antibody - 217 011 K.O.

Tenascin-R is a multidomain adhesion molecule
Mouse monoclonal purified IgG
Cat. No.: 217 011
Amount: 100 µg
Price: $420.00
Cat. No. 217 011 100 µg purified IgG, lyophilized. Albumin and azide were added for stabilization. For reconstitution add 100 µl H2O to get a 1mg/ml solution in PBS. Then aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C until use.
Antibodies should be stored at +4°C when still lyophilized. Do not freeze!
WB: 1 : 1000 (AP staining) gallery  
IP: not tested yet
ICC: 1 : 500 gallery  
IHC: 1 : 500 gallery  
IHC-P: not recommended
EM: yes

Western blot (WB); separation of proteins by PAGE and subsequent transfer to a membrane. Detection of target molecules is carried out with antibodies. Some antibodies require special sample preparation steps. For details, please refer to the “Remarks” section.

Immunoprecipitation (IP); Immunoisolation or pulldown of a target molecule using an antibody. For details and product specific hints, please refer to the ”Remarks” section.

Immunocytochemistry (ICC) on 4% PFA fixed cells. Immunoreactivity is usually revealed by fluorescence. Some antibodies require special fixation methods. For details, please refer to the “Remarks” section.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on 4% PFA perfusion fixed tissue with 24h PFA post fixation. Immunoreactivity is usually revealed by fluorescence or a chromogenic substrate. Some antibodies require special fixation methods or antigen retrieval steps. For details, please refer to the ”Remarks” section.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC-P) of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue (some antibodies require special antigen retrieval steps, please refer to the ”Remarks” section). Immunoreactivity is usually revealed by fluorescence or a chromogenic substrate.

Electron microscopy (EM) is a microscopy technique that detects the scatter of electrons through thin tissue sections. In Immuno-EM the antigen is usually revealed by colloidal gold conjugated secondary antibodies linking electron dense structures to antigen-bound primary antibodies.

Clone 619
Subtype IgG1 (κ light chain)
Immunogen full length bovine Tenascin-R isolated from brain (UniProt Id: E1BKN2)
Reactivity Reacts with: rat (Q05546), mouse (Q8BYI9), cow, chicken.
Other species not tested yet.
Specificity K.O. validated PubMed: 16870730
Data sheet 217_011.pdf

References for Tenascin-R - 217 011

Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Mice deficient for tenascin-R display alterations of the extracellular matrix and decreased axonal conduction velocities in the CNS.
Weber P, Bartsch U, Rasband MN, Czaniera R, Lang Y, Bluethmann H, Margolis RU, Levinson SR, Shrager P, Montag D, Schachner M, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (1999) 1911: 4245-62. 217 011 WB, IHC; KO verified
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Nutritional regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation regulates perineuronal net remodeling in the median eminence.
Kohnke S, Buller S, Nuzzaci D, Ridley K, Lam B, Pivonkova H, Bentsen MA, Alonge KM, Zhao C, Tadross J, Holmqvist S, et al.
Cell reports (2021) 362: 109362. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Synaptic coupling of inner ear sensory cells is controlled by brevican-based extracellular matrix baskets resembling perineuronal nets.
Sonntag M, Blosa M, Schmidt S, Reimann K, Blum K, Eckrich T, Seeger G, Hecker D, Schick B, Arendt T, Engel J, et al.
BMC biology (2018) 161: 99. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Hyaluronan deficiency due to Has3 knock-out causes altered neuronal activity and seizures via reduction in brain extracellular space.
Arranz AM, Perkins KL, Irie F, Lewis DP, Hrabe J, Xiao F, Itano N, Kimata K, Hrabetova S, Yamaguchi Y
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3418: 6164-76. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Tenascin-R restricts posttraumatic remodeling of motoneuron innervation and functional recovery after spinal cord injury in adult mice.
Apostolova I, Irintchev A, Schachner M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2006) 2630: 7849-59. 217 011 IHC; KO verified; tested species: mouse
Postnatal development of perineuronal nets in wild-type mice and in a mutant deficient in tenascin-R.
Brückner G, Grosche J, Schmidt S, Härtig W, Margolis RU, Delpech B, Seidenbecher CI, Czaniera R, Schachner M
The Journal of comparative neurology (2000) 4284: 616-29. 217 011 IHC; KO verified; tested species: mouse
Mice deficient for tenascin-R display alterations of the extracellular matrix and decreased axonal conduction velocities in the CNS.
Weber P, Bartsch U, Rasband MN, Czaniera R, Lang Y, Bluethmann H, Margolis RU, Levinson SR, Shrager P, Montag D, Schachner M, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (1999) 1911: 4245-62. 217 011 WB, IHC; KO verified
The distribution of tenascin-R in the developing avian nervous system.
Derr LB, McKae LA, Tucker RP
The Journal of experimental zoology (1998) 2802: 152-64. 217 011 IHC; tested species: chicken
Isolation of a tenascin-R binding protein from mouse brain membranes. A phosphacan-related chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan.
Xiao ZC, Bartsch U, Margolis RK, Rougon G, Montag D, Schachner M
The Journal of biological chemistry (1997) 27251: 32092-101. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Cat. No.: 217 011
Amount: 100 µg
Price: $420.00
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Mice deficient for tenascin-R display alterations of the extracellular matrix and decreased axonal conduction velocities in the CNS.
Weber P, Bartsch U, Rasband MN, Czaniera R, Lang Y, Bluethmann H, Margolis RU, Levinson SR, Shrager P, Montag D, Schachner M, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (1999) 1911: 4245-62. 217 011 WB, IHC; KO verified
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Nutritional regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation regulates perineuronal net remodeling in the median eminence.
Kohnke S, Buller S, Nuzzaci D, Ridley K, Lam B, Pivonkova H, Bentsen MA, Alonge KM, Zhao C, Tadross J, Holmqvist S, et al.
Cell reports (2021) 362: 109362. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Synaptic coupling of inner ear sensory cells is controlled by brevican-based extracellular matrix baskets resembling perineuronal nets.
Sonntag M, Blosa M, Schmidt S, Reimann K, Blum K, Eckrich T, Seeger G, Hecker D, Schick B, Arendt T, Engel J, et al.
BMC biology (2018) 161: 99. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Hyaluronan deficiency due to Has3 knock-out causes altered neuronal activity and seizures via reduction in brain extracellular space.
Arranz AM, Perkins KL, Irie F, Lewis DP, Hrabe J, Xiao F, Itano N, Kimata K, Hrabetova S, Yamaguchi Y
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3418: 6164-76. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Tenascin-R restricts posttraumatic remodeling of motoneuron innervation and functional recovery after spinal cord injury in adult mice.
Apostolova I, Irintchev A, Schachner M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2006) 2630: 7849-59. 217 011 IHC; KO verified; tested species: mouse
Postnatal development of perineuronal nets in wild-type mice and in a mutant deficient in tenascin-R.
Brückner G, Grosche J, Schmidt S, Härtig W, Margolis RU, Delpech B, Seidenbecher CI, Czaniera R, Schachner M
The Journal of comparative neurology (2000) 4284: 616-29. 217 011 IHC; KO verified; tested species: mouse
Mice deficient for tenascin-R display alterations of the extracellular matrix and decreased axonal conduction velocities in the CNS.
Weber P, Bartsch U, Rasband MN, Czaniera R, Lang Y, Bluethmann H, Margolis RU, Levinson SR, Shrager P, Montag D, Schachner M, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (1999) 1911: 4245-62. 217 011 WB, IHC; KO verified
The distribution of tenascin-R in the developing avian nervous system.
Derr LB, McKae LA, Tucker RP
The Journal of experimental zoology (1998) 2802: 152-64. 217 011 IHC; tested species: chicken
Isolation of a tenascin-R binding protein from mouse brain membranes. A phosphacan-related chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan.
Xiao ZC, Bartsch U, Margolis RK, Rougon G, Montag D, Schachner M
The Journal of biological chemistry (1997) 27251: 32092-101. 217 011 IHC; tested species: mouse
Extracellular matrix remodeling through endocytosis and resurfacing of Tenascin-R.
Dankovich TM, Kaushik R, Olsthoorn LHM, Petersen GC, Giro PE, Kluever V, Agüi-Gonzalez P, Grewe K, Bao G, Beuermann S, Hadi HA, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 7129. 217 011 WB, IP, ICC, IHC, UPTAKE; KO,KD verified; tested species: mouse,rat
Tenascin-R, also referred to as TNR and J1-160/180, is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein expressed by oligodendrocytes and subpopulations of neurons in the adult CNS of vertebrates. TNR is a member of the Tenascin family of multidomain adhesion molecules and affects neuronal cell migration and neurite extension.