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Rab3 antibody - 107 003

Rab3 proteins are the major Rab isoforms in brain and are highly enriched on synaptic vesicles
Rabbit polyclonal purified antibody
Cat. No.: 107 003
Amount: 50 µg
Price: $380.00
Cat. No. 107 003 50 µg specific antibody, lyophilized. Affinity purified with the immunogen. Albumin was added for stabilization. For reconstitution add 50 µl H2O to get a 1mg/ml solution in PBS. Then aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C until use.
Antibodies should be stored at +4°C when still lyophilized. Do not freeze!
WB: 1 : 1000 (AP staining) gallery  
IP: not tested yet
ICC: 1 : 1000 gallery  
IHC: 1 : 200 up to 1 : 500 gallery  
IHC-P: not tested yet

Western blot (WB); separation of proteins by PAGE and subsequent transfer to a membrane. Detection of target molecules is carried out with antibodies. Some antibodies require special sample preparation steps. For details, please refer to the “Remarks” section.

Immunoprecipitation (IP); Immunoisolation or pulldown of a target molecule using an antibody. For details and product specific hints, please refer to the ”Remarks” section.

Immunocytochemistry (ICC) on 4% PFA fixed cells. Immunoreactivity is usually revealed by fluorescence. Some antibodies require special fixation methods. For details, please refer to the “Remarks” section.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on 4% PFA perfusion fixed tissue with 24h PFA post fixation. Immunoreactivity is usually revealed by fluorescence or a chromogenic substrate. Some antibodies require special fixation methods or antigen retrieval steps. For details, please refer to the ”Remarks” section.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC-P) of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue (some antibodies require special antigen retrieval steps, please refer to the ”Remarks” section). Immunoreactivity is usually revealed by fluorescence or a chromogenic substrate.

Immunogen Recombinant protein corresponding to AA 154 to 227 from human Rab3c (UniProt Id: Q96E17)
Reactivity Reacts with: human (P20336, P20337, Q96E17, O95716), rat (P63012, Q63941, P62824, Q63942), mouse (P63011, Q9CZT8, P62823, P35276).
Other species not tested yet.
Specificity Specific for all four Rab 3 isoforms a, b, c, d.

This antibody has been affinity purified with the complete antigen (aa 154 - 227) and recognizes all isoforms, due to the homology of Rab 3 proteins.

Data sheet 107_003.pdf

References for Rab3 - 107 003

Synaptic localization of C9orf72 regulates post-synaptic glutamate receptor 1 levels.
Xiao S, McKeever PM, Lau A, Robertson J
Acta neuropathologica communications (2019) 71: 161. 107 003 WB; tested species: mouse
Synaptotagmin-1 docks secretory vesicles to syntaxin-1/SNAP-25 acceptor complexes.
de Wit H, Walter AM, Milosevic I, Gulyás-Kovács A, Riedel D, Sørensen JB, Verhage M
Cell (2009) 1385: 935-46. 107 003 WB
Dynamic Partitioning of Synaptic Vesicle Pools by the SNARE-Binding Protein Tomosyn.
Cazares VA, Njus MM, Manly A, Saldate JJ, Subramani A, Ben-Simon Y, Sutton MA, Ashery U, Stuenkel EL
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3644: 11208-11222. 107 003 ICC; tested species: rat
A new probe for super-resolution imaging of membranes elucidates trafficking pathways.
Revelo NH, Kamin D, Truckenbrodt S, Wong AB, Reuter-Jessen K, Reisinger E, Moser T, Rizzoli SO
The Journal of cell biology (2014) 2054: 591-606. 107 003 ICC
Liprin-α2 promotes the presynaptic recruitment and turnover of RIM1/CASK to facilitate synaptic transmission.
Spangler SA, Schmitz SK, Kevenaar JT, de Graaff E, de Wit H, Demmers J, Toonen RF, Hoogenraad CC
The Journal of cell biology (2013) 2016: 915-28. 107 003 ICC; tested species: rat
A secretagogin locus of the mammalian hypothalamus controls stress hormone release.
Romanov RA, Alpár A, Zhang MD, Zeisel A, Calas A, Landry M, Fuszard M, Shirran SL, Schnell R, Dobolyi Á, Oláh M, et al.
The EMBO journal (2015) 341: 36-54. 107 003 IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Cat. No.: 107 003
Amount: 50 µg
Price: $380.00
Synaptic localization of C9orf72 regulates post-synaptic glutamate receptor 1 levels.
Xiao S, McKeever PM, Lau A, Robertson J
Acta neuropathologica communications (2019) 71: 161. 107 003 WB; tested species: mouse
Synaptotagmin-1 docks secretory vesicles to syntaxin-1/SNAP-25 acceptor complexes.
de Wit H, Walter AM, Milosevic I, Gulyás-Kovács A, Riedel D, Sørensen JB, Verhage M
Cell (2009) 1385: 935-46. 107 003 WB
Dynamic Partitioning of Synaptic Vesicle Pools by the SNARE-Binding Protein Tomosyn.
Cazares VA, Njus MM, Manly A, Saldate JJ, Subramani A, Ben-Simon Y, Sutton MA, Ashery U, Stuenkel EL
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3644: 11208-11222. 107 003 ICC; tested species: rat
A new probe for super-resolution imaging of membranes elucidates trafficking pathways.
Revelo NH, Kamin D, Truckenbrodt S, Wong AB, Reuter-Jessen K, Reisinger E, Moser T, Rizzoli SO
The Journal of cell biology (2014) 2054: 591-606. 107 003 ICC
Liprin-α2 promotes the presynaptic recruitment and turnover of RIM1/CASK to facilitate synaptic transmission.
Spangler SA, Schmitz SK, Kevenaar JT, de Graaff E, de Wit H, Demmers J, Toonen RF, Hoogenraad CC
The Journal of cell biology (2013) 2016: 915-28. 107 003 ICC; tested species: rat
A secretagogin locus of the mammalian hypothalamus controls stress hormone release.
Romanov RA, Alpár A, Zhang MD, Zeisel A, Calas A, Landry M, Fuszard M, Shirran SL, Schnell R, Dobolyi Á, Oláh M, et al.
The EMBO journal (2015) 341: 36-54. 107 003 IHC; tested species: mouse,rat

Rab3 proteins belong to the Rab family, a subset of the Ras-related superfamily of small monomeric GTPases. There are four known isoforms: Rab3a, Rab3b, Rab3c, and Rab3d (1, 2). Rab3a and Rab3c are primarily found in neuronal and neuroendocrine cells, whereas Rab3b and Rab3d are predominantly expressed in non-neuronal tissues such as the parotid gland, pancreas, mast cells, and adipose tissue (2, 3).
Rab3a, the most abundant and well-characterized isoform, is highly enriched in synaptic vesicles. It regulates vesicle transport, docking, fusion, and Ca²⁺-dependent neurotransmitter release by cycling between a GDP-bound inactive state and a GTP-bound vesicle-associated active state, interacting with other synaptic proteins in the process (1, 2).
Unlike integral membrane proteins of synaptic vesicles, Rab3a and Rab3c are absent from the Golgi complex, preventing immunostaining of the axo-dendritic region, which can occur with proteins such as synaptophysin, synaptobrevin/VAMP, or synaptogyrin (1).
Beyond the nervous system, Rab3a is also expressed in the pancreas, where it is predominantly localized to β-cells of the islets of Langerhans. It plays a crucial role in regulated insulin secretion, while Rab3d is primarily involved in exocrine pancreatic enzyme secretion (3).