Assessing and improving the validity of COVID-19 autopsy studies - A multicentre approach to establish essential standards for immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analyses.Krasemann S, Dittmayer C, von Stillfried S, Meinhardt J, Heinrich F, Hartmann K, Pfefferle S, Thies E, von Manitius R, Aschman TAD, Radke J, et al.
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HS-452 011 IHC-P; tested species: human
Distinct tissue niches direct lung immunopathology via CCL18 and CCL21 in severe COVID-19.Mothes R, Pascual-Reguant A, Koehler R, Liebeskind J, Liebheit A, Bauherr S, Philipsen L, Dittmayer C, Laue M, von Manitius R, Elezkurtaj S, et al.
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HS-452 011 IHC-P; tested species: human
CYP19A1 mediates severe SARS-CoV-2 disease outcome in males.Stanelle-Bertram S, Beck S, Mounogou NK, Schaumburg B, Stoll F, Al Jawazneh A, Schmal Z, Bai T, Zickler M, Beythien G, Becker K, et al.
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HS-452 011 IHC-P; tested species: human
Post-mortem histopathology of pituitary and adrenals of COVID-19 patients.Fitzek A, Gerling M, Püschel K, Saeger W
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HS-452 011 IHC-P; tested species: human
Young COVID-19 Patients Show a Higher Degree of Microglial Activation When Compared to Controls.Matschke J, Lahann H, Krasemann S, Altmeppen H, Pfefferle S, Galliciotti G, Fitzek A, Sperhake JP, Ondruschka B, Busch M, Rotermund N, et al.
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HS-452 011 IHC-P; tested species: human