Novel Functional Properties of Missense Mutations in the Glycine Receptor β Subunit in Startle Disease.Piro I, Eckes AL, Kasaragod VB, Sommer C, Harvey RJ, Schaefer N, Villmann C
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2021) 14: 745275.
343 008 ICC; tested species: mouse
The Rab5 activator RME-6 is required for amyloid precursor protein endocytosis depending on the YTSI motif.Eggert S, Gruebl T, Rajender R, Rupp C, Sander B, Heesch A, Zimmermann M, Hoepfner S, Zentgraf H, Kins S
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2020) : .
343 008 ICC; tested species: human