The first synapse in vision in the aging mouse retina.Gierke K, Lux UT, Regus-Leidig H, Brandstätter JH
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2023) 17: 1291054.
115 302 IHC; tested species: mouse
Modes and regulation of endocytic membrane retrieval in mouse auditory hair cells.Neef J, Jung S, Wong AB, Reuter K, Pangrsic T, Chakrabarti R, Kügler S, Lenz C, Nouvian R, Boumil RM, Frankel WN, et al.
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115 302 IHC; tested species: mouse
Evidence for a Clathrin-independent mode of endocytosis at a continuously active sensory synapse.Fuchs M, Brandstätter JH, Regus-Leidig H
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2014) 8: 60.
115 302 IHC, EM; tested species: rat