Tailor-made Antibodies
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- will be discontinued soon
Polyclonal antibodies are a finite resource. We have now started to sell the last lots of our well received Guinea pig polyclonal VGLUT1 antibody 135 304. It will be replaced by our new Guinea pig monoclonal recombinant IgG VGLUT1 antibody 135 318.

VGLUT1 antibody - 135 304 K.O.

VGluT1 is a glutamate transporter in the membrane of synaptic vesicles
Guinea pig polyclonal antiserum
Cat. No.: 135 304
Amount: 100 µl
Price: $400.00
Cat. No. 135 304 100 µl antiserum, lyophilized. For reconstitution add 100 µl H2O, then aliquot and store at -20°C until use.
Antibodies should be stored at +4°C when still lyophilized. Do not freeze!
WB: 1 : 5000 (AP staining) gallery  
IP: yes
ICC: 1 : 1000 up to 1 : 5000 gallery  
IHC: 1 : 500 up to 1 : 1000 gallery  
IHC-P: 1 : 200 gallery  
IHC-Fr: 1 : 750 (see remarks)
ExM: 1 : 1000
Clarity: 1 : 200 (see remarks)
EM: yes
FACS: yes
Immunogen Recombinant protein corresponding to residues near the carboxy terminus of rat VGLUT 1 (UniProt Id: Q62634)
Reactivity Reacts with: rat (Q62634), mouse (Q3TXX4), human (Q9P2U7), cow.
Other species not tested yet.
Specificity K.O. validated PubMed: 34876472
Matching control protein/peptide 135-3P

VGLUT 1 aggregates after boiling, making it necessary to run SDS-PAGE only with non-boiled samples.
IHC-Fr: 5 min MeOH and PFA fixation are possible.
Clarity: This antibody has been successfully used for CLARITY application in human brain (Woelfle et al., 2023; PMID: 37221592).

Data sheet 135_304.pdf

References for VGLUT1 - 135 304

Microglia enable cross-modal plasticity by removing inhibitory synapses.
Hashimoto A, Kawamura N, Tarusawa E, Takeda I, Aoyama Y, Ohno N, Inoue M, Kagamiuchi M, Kato D, Matsumoto M, Hasegawa Y, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 425: 112383. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuronopathic GBA1L444P Mutation Accelerates Glucosylsphingosine Levels and Formation of Hippocampal Alpha-Synuclein Inclusions.
Mahoney-Crane CL, Viswanathan M, Russell D, Curtiss RAC, Freire J, Bobba SS, Coyle SD, Kandebo M, Yao L, Wan BL, Hatcher NG, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) 433: 501-521. 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Epilepsy-Related CDKL5 Deficiency Slows Synaptic Vesicle Endocytosis in Central Nerve Terminals.
Kontaxi C, Ivanova D, Davenport EC, Kind PC, Cousin MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) 4311: 2002-2020. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Brevican, Neurocan, Tenascin-C, and Tenascin-R Act as Important Regulators of the Interplay Between Perineuronal Nets, Synaptic Integrity, Inhibitory Interneurons, and Otx2.
Mueller-Buehl C, Reinhard J, Roll L, Bader V, Winklhofer KF, Faissner A
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2022) 10: 886527. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Extracellular transglutaminase-2, nude or associated with astrocytic extracellular vesicles, modulates neuronal calcium homeostasis.
Tonoli E, Verduci I, Gabrielli M, Prada I, Forcaia G, Coveney C, Savoca MP, Boocock DJ, Sancini G, Mazzanti M, Verderio C, et al.
Progress in neurobiology (2022) : 102313. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Clathrin-independent endocytic retrieval of SV proteins mediated by the clathrin adaptor AP-2 at mammalian central synapses.
López-Hernández T, Takenaka KI, Mori Y, Kongpracha P, Nagamori S, Haucke V, Takamori S
eLife (2022) 11: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Vesicular Glutamate Transporters (SLCA17 A6, 7, 8) Control Synaptic Phosphate Levels.
Cheret C, Ganzella M, Preobraschenski J, Jahn R, Ahnert-Hilger G
Cell reports (2021) 342: 108623. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human,mouse
SHANK2 Mutations Result in Dysregulation of the ERK1/2 Pathway in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Neurons and Shank2(-/-) Mice.
Lutz AK, Pérez Arévalo A, Ioannidis V, Stirmlinger N, Demestre M, Delorme R, Bourgeron T, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2021) 14: 773571. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human
Neuroligin-3 Regulates Excitatory Synaptic Transmission and EPSP-Spike Coupling in the Dentate Gyrus In Vivo.
Muellerleile J, Vnencak M, Ippolito A, Krueger-Burg D, Jungenitz T, Schwarzacher SW, Jedlicka P
Molecular neurobiology (2021) : . 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring.
Mirabella F, Desiato G, Mancinelli S, Fossati G, Rasile M, Morini R, Markicevic M, Grimm C, Amegandjin C, Termanini A, Peano C, et al.
Immunity (2021) 5411: 2611-2631.e8. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Neurocan Contributes to Perineuronal Net Development.
Schmidt S, Arendt T, Morawski M, Sonntag M
Neuroscience (2020) 442: 69-86. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Critical role for piccolo in synaptic vesicle retrieval.
Ackermann F, Schink KO, Bruns C, Izsvák Z, Hamra FK, Rosenmund C, Garner CC
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Glutamate-induced and NMDA receptor-mediated neurodegeneration entails P2Y1 receptor activation.
Simões AP, Silva CG, Marques JM, Pochmann D, Porciúncula LO, Ferreira S, Oses JP, Beleza RO, Real JI, Köfalvi A, Bahr BA, et al.
Cell death & disease (2018) 93: 297. 135 304 WB; tested species: rat
Pentraxin 3 regulates synaptic function by inducing AMPA receptor clustering via ECM remodeling and β1-integrin.
Fossati G, Pozzi D, Canzi A, Mirabella F, Valentino S, Morini R, Ghirardini E, Filipello F, Moretti M, Gotti C, Annis DS, et al.
The EMBO journal (2018) : . 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Dose-dependent reversal of KCC2 hypofunction and phenobarbital-resistant neonatal seizures by ANA12.
Carter BM, Sullivan BJ, Landers JR, Kadam SD
Scientific reports (2018) 81: 11987. 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Blockade of adenosine A2A receptors recovers early deficits of memory and plasticity in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Silva AC, Lemos C, Gonçalves FQ, Pliássova AV, Machado NJ, Silva HB, Canas PM, Cunha RA, Lopes JP, Agostinho P
Neurobiology of disease (2018) : . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters in transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1)-positive neurons in the rat trigeminal ganglion.
Kim YS, Kim SK, Lee JS, Ko SJ, Bae YC
Brain research (2018) : . 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: rat
VGLUT1 Binding to Endophilin or Intersectin1 and Dynamin Phosphorylation in a Diurnal Context.
Richter K, Schmutz I, Darna M, Zander JF, Chavan R, Albrecht U, Ahnert-Hilger G
Neuroscience (2018) 371: 29-37. 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of IL-6 trans-signaling in the brain increases sociability in the BTBR mouse model of autism.
Wei H, Ma Y, Liu J, Ding C, Jin G, Wang Y, Hu F, Yu L
Biochimica et biophysica acta (2016) 186210: 1918-25. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Reduced Glutamate Release in Adult BTBR Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Wei H, Ma Y, Ding C, Jin G, Liu J, Chang Q, Hu F, Yu L
Neurochemical research (2016) 4111: 3129-3137. 135 304 WB, EM
An essential role of acetylcholine-glutamate synergy at habenular synapses in nicotine dependence.
Frahm S, Antolin-Fontes B, Görlich A, Zander JF, Ahnert-Hilger G, Ibañez-Tallon I
eLife (2015) 4: e11396. 135 304 WB, IHC
Activity-Dependent Bidirectional Regulation of GAD Expression in a Homeostatic Fashion Is Mediated by BDNF-Dependent and Independent Pathways.
Hanno-Iijima Y, Tanaka M, Iijima T
PloS one (2015) 108: e0134296. 135 304 WB
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in the rat dental pulp and trigeminal ganglion following inflammation.
Yang ES, Jin MU, Hong JH, Kim YS, Choi SY, Kim TH, Cho YS, Bae YC
PloS one (2014) 910: e109723. 135 304 WB, IHC
Primary cilia signaling in astrocytes mediates development and regional-specific functional specification.
Wang L, Guo Q, Acharya S, Zheng X, Huynh V, Whitmore B, Yimit A, Malhotra M, Chatterji S, Rosin N, Labit E, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2024) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Protocol for the culturing of primary hippocampal mouse neurons for functional in vitro studies.
Cramer TML, Tyagarajan SK
STAR protocols (2024) 52: 102991. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Phosphoinositide detection at synapses of fixed murine hippocampal neurons.
Bolz S, Kaempf N, Muehlbauer M, Löwe D, Haucke V
STAR protocols (2024) 52: 102945. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Heterogeneous subpopulations of GABAAR-responding neurons coexist across neuronal network scales and developmental stages in health and disease.
Colombi I, Rastogi M, Parrini M, Alberti M, Potenzieri A, Chellali MM, Rosati S, Chiappalone M, Nanni M, Contestabile A, Cancedda L, et al.
iScience (2024) 274: 109438. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The stability of the primed pool of synaptic vesicles and the clamping of spontaneous neurotransmitter release rely on the integrity of the C-terminal half of the SNARE domain of syntaxin-1A.
Salazar Lázaro A, Trimbuch T, Vardar G, Rosenmund C
eLife (2024) 12: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Differential regulations of neural activity and survival in primary cortical neurons by PFOA or PFHpA.
Ko MY, Park H, Chon SH, Kim YB, Cha SW, Lee BS, Hyun SA, Ka M
Chemosphere (2024) 352: 141379. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Death Induced by Survival gene Elimination (DISE) correlates with neurotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease and aging.
Paudel B, Jeong SY, Martinez CP, Rickman A, Haluck-Kangas A, Bartom ET, Fredriksen K, Affaneh A, Kessler JA, Mazzulli JR, Murmann AE, et al.
Nature communications (2024) 151: 264. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Compartmentalization of soluble endocytic proteins in synaptic vesicle clusters by phase separation.
Yoshida T, Takenaka KI, Sakamoto H, Kojima Y, Sakano T, Shibayama K, Nakamura K, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Mori Y, Hirabayashi Y, Hirose K, et al.
iScience (2023) 266: 106826. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuronal extracellular vesicles and associated microRNAs induce circuit connectivity downstream BDNF.
Antoniou A, Auderset L, Kaurani L, Sebastian E, Zeng Y, Allahham M, Cases-Cunillera S, Schoch S, Gruendemann J, Fischer A, Schneider A, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 422: 112063. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Epilepsy-Related CDKL5 Deficiency Slows Synaptic Vesicle Endocytosis in Central Nerve Terminals.
Kontaxi C, Ivanova D, Davenport EC, Kind PC, Cousin MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) 4311: 2002-2020. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Syntaxin 7 modulates seizure activity in epilepsy.
Wu J, Zhang H, Yang L, Chen Y, Li J, Yang M, Zhang X, He C, Wang X, Xu X
Neurobiology of disease (2023) : 106118. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Long-term α5 GABA A receptor negative allosteric modulator treatment reduces NMDAR-mediated neuronal excitation and maintains basal neuronal inhibition.
Nuwer JL, Povysheva N, Jacob TC
Neuropharmacology (2023) 237: 109587. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
16p11.2 CNV gene Doc2α functions in neurodevelopment and social behaviors through interaction with Secretagogin.
Wang QW, Qin J, Chen YF, Tu Y, Xing YY, Wang Y, Yang LY, Lu SY, Geng L, Shi W, Yang Y, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 427: 112691. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 elevation contributes to age-associated cognitive decline.
Tian J, Guo L, Wang T, Jia K, Swerdlow RH, Zigman JM, Du H
JCI insight (2023) 810: . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Activity-dependent tau cleavage by caspase-3 promotes neuronal dysfunction and synaptotoxicity.
Opland CK, Bryan MR, Harris B, McGillion-Moore J, Tian X, Chen Y, Itano MS, Diering GH, Meeker RB, Cohen TJ
iScience (2023) 266: 106905. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Syntabulin regulates neuronal excitation/inhibition balance and epileptic seizures by transporting syntaxin 1B.
Ke P, Gu J, Liu J, Liu Y, Tian X, Ma Y, Meng Y, Xiao F
Cell death discovery (2023) 91: 187. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neurexin-3 subsynaptic densities are spatially distinct from Neurexin-1 and essential for excitatory synapse nanoscale organization in the hippocampus.
Lloyd BA, Han Y, Roth R, Zhang B, Aoto J
Nature communications (2023) 141: 4706. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Presynapses contain distinct actin nanostructures.
Bingham D, Jakobs CE, Wernert F, Boroni-Rueda F, Jullien N, Schentarra EM, Friedl K, Da Costa Moura J, van Bommel DM, Caillol G, Ogawa Y, et al.
The Journal of cell biology (2023) 22210: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Extracellular transglutaminase-2, nude or associated with astrocytic extracellular vesicles, modulates neuronal calcium homeostasis.
Tonoli E, Verduci I, Gabrielli M, Prada I, Forcaia G, Coveney C, Savoca MP, Boocock DJ, Sancini G, Mazzanti M, Verderio C, et al.
Progress in neurobiology (2022) : 102313. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Clathrin-independent endocytic retrieval of SV proteins mediated by the clathrin adaptor AP-2 at mammalian central synapses.
López-Hernández T, Takenaka KI, Mori Y, Kongpracha P, Nagamori S, Haucke V, Takamori S
eLife (2022) 11: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Endosomal phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate controls synaptic vesicle cycling and neurotransmission.
Liu GT, Kochlamazashvili G, Puchkov D, Müller R, Schultz C, Mackintosh AI, Vollweiter D, Haucke V, Soykan T
The EMBO journal (2022) : e109352. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
The synaptic scaffold protein MPP2 interacts with GABAA receptors at the periphery of the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic synapses.
Schmerl B, Gimber N, Kuropka B, Stumpf A, Rentsch J, Kunde SA, von Sivers J, Ewers H, Schmitz D, Freund C, Schmoranzer J, et al.
PLoS biology (2022) 203: e3001503. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Patient-derived anti-NMDAR antibody disinhibits cortical neuronal networks through dysfunction of inhibitory neuron output.
Andrzejak E, Rabinovitch E, Kreye J, Prüss H, Rosenmund C, Ziv NE, Garner CC, Ackermann F
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
MAD2B promotes podocyte injury through regulating Numb-dependent Notch 1 pathway in diabetic nephropathy.
Li MR, Lei CT, Tang H, Yin XJ, Hao Z, Qiu Y, Xie YR, Zeng JY, Su H, Zhang C
International journal of biological sciences (2022) 185: 1896-1911. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Deconstructing Synaptotagmin-1's Distinct Roles in Synaptic Vesicle Priming and Neurotransmitter Release.
Bouazza-Arostegui B, Camacho M, Brockmann MM, Zobel S, Rosenmund C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) 4214: 2856-2871. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Hemisynapse Formation Between Target Astrocytes and Cortical Neuron Axons in vitro.
Teng Z, Gottmann K
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2022) 15: 829506. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Aβ-Induced Alterations in Membrane Lipids Occur before Synaptic Loss Appears.
Van Bulck M, Brandt N, Claus RA, Gräler M, Bräuer AU
International journal of molecular sciences (2022) 234: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Identification of Synaptic DGKθ Interactors That Stimulate DGKθ Activity.
Barber CN, Goldschmidt HL, Ma Q, Devine LR, Cole RN, Huganir RL, Raben DM
Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience (2022) 14: 855673. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Involvement of CaV 2.2 channels and α2 δ-1 in homeostatic synaptic plasticity in cultured hippocampal neurons.
Pilch KS, Ramgoolam KH, Dolphin AC
The Journal of physiology (2022) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Beclin1 Deficiency Suppresses Epileptic Seizures.
Yang M, Lin P, Jing W, Guo H, Chen H, Chen Y, Guo Y, Gu Y, He M, Wu J, Jiang X, et al.
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2022) 15: 807671. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
The lipid transporter ORP2 regulates synaptic neurotransmitter release via two distinct mechanisms.
Weber-Boyvat M, Kroll J, Trimbuch T, Olkkonen VM, Rosenmund C
Cell reports (2022) 4113: 111882. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
A bidirectional switch in the Shank3 phosphorylation state biases synapses toward up- or downscaling.
Wu CH, Tatavarty V, Jean Beltran PM, Guerrero AA, Keshishian H, Krug K, MacMullan MA, Li L, Carr SA, Cottrell JR, Turrigiano GG, et al.
eLife (2022) 11: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Bassoon controls synaptic vesicle release via regulation of presynaptic phosphorylation and cAMP.
Montenegro-Venegas C, Guhathakurta D, Pina-Fernandez E, Andres-Alonso M, Plattner F, Gundelfinger ED, Fejtova A
EMBO reports (2022) 238: e53659. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
FMRP Sustains Presynaptic Function via Control of Activity-Dependent Bulk Endocytosis.
Bonnycastle K, Kind PC, Cousin MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) 428: 1618-1628. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
A high-content neuron imaging assay demonstrates inhibition of prion disease-associated neurotoxicity by an anti-prion protein antibody.
Reilly M, Benilova I, Khalili-Shirazi A, Schmidt C, Ahmed P, Yip D, Jat PS, Collinge J
Scientific reports (2022) 121: 9493. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring.
Mirabella F, Desiato G, Mancinelli S, Fossati G, Rasile M, Morini R, Markicevic M, Grimm C, Amegandjin C, Termanini A, Peano C, et al.
Immunity (2021) 5411: 2611-2631.e8. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuroinflammation induces synaptic scaling through IL-1β-mediated activation of the transcriptional repressor REST/NRSF.
Buffolo F, Petrosino V, Albini M, Moschetta M, Carlini F, Floss T, Kerlero de Rosbo N, Cesca F, Rocchi A, Uccelli A, Benfenati F, et al.
Cell death & disease (2021) 122: 180. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Amelioration of Tau pathology and memory deficits by targeting 5-HT7 receptor.
Labus J, Röhrs KF, Ackmann J, Varbanov H, Müller FE, Jia S, Jahreis K, Vollbrecht AL, Butzlaff M, Schill Y, Guseva D, et al.
Progress in neurobiology (2021) 197: 101900. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Vesicular Glutamate Transporters (SLCA17 A6, 7, 8) Control Synaptic Phosphate Levels.
Cheret C, Ganzella M, Preobraschenski J, Jahn R, Ahnert-Hilger G
Cell reports (2021) 342: 108623. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human,mouse
Synaptotagmin-1 interacts with PI(4,5)P2 to initiate synaptic vesicle docking in hippocampal neurons.
Chen Y, Wang YH, Zheng Y, Li M, Wang B, Wang QW, Fu CL, Liu YN, Li X, Yao J
Cell reports (2021) 3411: 108842. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Synaptotagmin-7-mediated activation of spontaneous NMDAR currents is disrupted in bipolar disorder susceptibility variants.
Wang QW, Wang YH, Wang B, Chen Y, Lu SY, Yao J
PLoS biology (2021) 197: e3001323. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Synaptogenic activity of the axon guidance molecule Robo2 underlies hippocampal circuit function.
Blockus H, Rolotti SV, Szoboszlay M, Peze-Heidsieck E, Ming T, Schroeder A, Apostolo N, Vennekens KM, Katsamba PS, Bahna F, Mannepalli S, et al.
Cell reports (2021) 373: 109828. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuronal Autophagy Regulates Presynaptic Neurotransmission by Controlling the Axonal Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Kuijpers M, Kochlamazashvili G, Stumpf A, Puchkov D, Swaminathan A, Lucht MT, Krause E, Maritzen T, Schmitz D, Haucke V
Neuron (2021) 1092: 299-313.e9. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Reciprocal regulation of spontaneous synaptic vesicle fusion by Fragile X mental retardation protein and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors.
Subrahmanyam R, Dwivedi D, Rashid Z, Bonnycastle K, Cousin MA, Chattarji S
Journal of neurochemistry (2021) 1585: 1094-1109. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
Improved modeling of human AD with an automated culturing platform for iPSC neurons, astrocytes and microglia.
Bassil R, Shields K, Granger K, Zein I, Ng S, Chih B
Nature communications (2021) 121: 5220. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
RNA editing-mediated regulation of calcium-dependent activator protein for secretion (CAPS1) localization and its impact on synaptic transmission.
Shumate KM, Tas ST, Kavalali ET, Emeson RB
Journal of neurochemistry (2021) 1582: 182-196. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Poly I:C Activated Microglia Disrupt Perineuronal Nets and Modulate Synaptic Balance in Primary Hippocampal Neurons in vitro.
Wegrzyn D, Freund N, Faissner A, Juckel G
Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience (2021) 13: 637549. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Cnksr2 Loss in Mice Leads to Increased Neural Activity and Behavioral Phenotypes of Epilepsy-Aphasia Syndrome.
Erata E, Gao Y, Purkey AM, Soderblom EJ, McNamara JO, Soderling SH
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2021) 4146: 9633-9649. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Presynaptic store-operated Ca2+ entry drives excitatory spontaneous neurotransmission and augments endoplasmic reticulum stress.
Chanaday NL, Nosyreva E, Shin OH, Zhang H, Aklan I, Atasoy D, Bezprozvanny I, Kavalali ET
Neuron (2021) 1098: 1314-1332.e5. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Ciliary neuropeptidergic signaling dynamically regulates excitatory synapses in postnatal neocortical pyramidal neurons.
Tereshko L, Gao Y, Cary BA, Turrigiano GG, Sengupta P
eLife (2021) 10: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
SHANK2 Mutations Result in Dysregulation of the ERK1/2 Pathway in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Neurons and Shank2(-/-) Mice.
Lutz AK, Pérez Arévalo A, Ioannidis V, Stirmlinger N, Demestre M, Delorme R, Bourgeron T, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2021) 14: 773571. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human
Deletion of RBMX RGG/RG motif in Shashi-XLID syndrome leads to aberrant p53 activation and neuronal differentiation defects.
Cai T, Cinkornpumin JK, Yu Z, Villarreal OD, Pastor WA, Richard S
Cell reports (2021) 362: 109337. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Synapse and Active Zone Assembly in the Absence of Presynaptic Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+ Entry.
Held RG, Liu C, Ma K, Ramsey AM, Tarr TB, De Nola G, Wang SSH, Wang J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Schneider T, Sun J, et al.
Neuron (2020) 1074: 667-683.e9. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Poly I:C induced maternal immune challenge reduces perineuronal net area and raises spontaneous network activity of hippocampal neurons in vitro.
Wegrzyn D, Manitz MP, Kostka M, Freund N, Juckel G, Faissner A
The European journal of neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The small GTPase Arf6 is dysregulated in a mouse model for fragile X syndrome.
Briševac D, Scholz R, Du D, Elagabani MN, Köhr G, Kornau HC
Journal of neurochemistry (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Chemico-genetic discovery of astrocytic control of inhibition in vivo.
Takano T, Wallace JT, Baldwin KT, Purkey AM, Uezu A, Courtland JL, Soderblom EJ, Shimogori T, Maness PF, Eroglu C, Soderling SH, et al.
Nature (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Autism-Associated Shank3 Is Essential for Homeostatic Compensation in Rodent V1.
Tatavarty V, Torrado Pacheco A, Groves Kuhnle C, Lin H, Koundinya P, Miska NJ, Hengen KB, Wagner FF, Van Hooser SD, Turrigiano GG
Neuron (2020) 1065: 769-777.e4. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Rapid 3D Enhanced Resolution Microscopy Reveals Diversity in Dendritic Spinule Dynamics, Regulation, and Function.
Zaccard CR, Shapiro L, Martin-de-Saavedra MD, Pratt C, Myczek K, Song A, Forrest MP, Penzes P
Neuron (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Synaptotagmin 1 oligomers clamp and regulate different modes of neurotransmitter release.
Tagliatti E, Bello OD, Mendonça PRF, Kotzadimitriou D, Nicholson E, Coleman J, Timofeeva Y, Rothman JE, Krishnakumar SS, Volynski KE
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Genetic inactivation of mTORC1 or mTORC2 in neurons reveals distinct functions in glutamatergic synaptic transmission.
McCabe MP, Cullen ER, Barrows CM, Shore AN, Tooke KI, Laprade KA, Stafford JM, Weston MC
eLife (2020) 9: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Acute knockdown of Depdc5 leads to synaptic defects in mTOR-related epileptogenesis.
De Fusco A, Cerullo MS, Marte A, Michetti C, Romei A, Castroflorio E, Baulac S, Benfenati F
Neurobiology of disease (2020) : 104822. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
A CRHR1 antagonist prevents synaptic loss and memory deficits in a trauma-induced delirium-like syndrome.
Cursano S, Battaglia CR, Urrutia-Ruiz C, Grabrucker S, Schön M, Bockmann J, Braumüller S, Radermacher P, Roselli F, Huber-Lang M, Boeckers TM, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
The small GTPase ARF6 regulates GABAergic synapse development.
Kim H, Jung H, Jung H, Kwon SK, Ko J, Um JW
Molecular brain (2020) 131: 2. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: rat
Biallelic DMXL2 mutations impair autophagy and cause Ohtahara syndrome with progressive course.
Esposito A, Falace A, Wagner M, Gal M, Mei D, Conti V, Pisano T, Aprile D, Cerullo MS, De Fusco A, Giovedì S, et al.
Brain : a journal of neurology (2019) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuronal apolipoprotein E4 increases cell death and phosphorylated tau release in alzheimer disease.
Wadhwani AR, Affaneh A, Van Gulden S, Kessler JA
Annals of neurology (2019) 855: 726-739. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Glutamatergic Innervation onto Striatal Neurons Potentiates GABAergic Synaptic Output.
Paraskevopoulou F, Herman MA, Rosenmund C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) 3923: 4448-4460. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Induced neuronal activity does not attenuate amyloid beta-induced synaptic loss in vitro.
Kono R, Kim GL, Nagata H, Ikegaya Y, Koyama R
Neuropsychopharmacology reports (2019) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
p97 regulates GluA1 homomeric AMPA receptor formation and plasma membrane expression.
Ge Y, Tian M, Liu L, Wong TP, Gong B, Wu D, Cho T, Lin S, Kast J, Lu J, Wang YT, et al.
Nature communications (2019) 101: 4089. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Elimination of the four extracellular matrix molecules tenascin-C, tenascin-R, brevican and neurocan alters the ratio of excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
Gottschling C, Wegrzyn D, Denecke B, Faissner A
Scientific reports (2019) 91: 13939. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Brain-specific Drp1 regulates postsynaptic endocytosis and dendrite formation independently of mitochondrial division.
Itoh K, Murata D, Kato T, Yamada T, Araki Y, Saito A, Adachi Y, Igarashi A, Li S, Pletnikov M, Huganir RL, et al.
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Alternative Splicing and the Intracellular Domain Mediate TM-agrin's Ability to Differentially Regulate the Density of Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapse-like Specializations in Developing CNS Neurons.
Handara G, Kröger S
Neuroscience (2019) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Autism and Schizophrenia-Associated CYFIP1 Regulates the Balance of Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition.
Davenport EC, Szulc BR, Drew J, Taylor J, Morgan T, Higgs NF, López-Doménech G, Kittler JT
Cell reports (2019) 268: 2037-2051.e6. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
SMO-M2 mutation does not support cell-autonomous Hedgehog activity in cerebellar granule cell precursors.
Petroni M, Sahùn Roncero M, Ramponi V, Fabretti F, Nicolis Di Robilant V, Moretti M, Alfano V, Corsi A, De Panfilis S, Giubettini M, Di Giulio S, et al.
Scientific reports (2019) 91: 19623. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Modeling a Neurexin-3α Human Mutation in Mouse Neurons Identifies a Novel Role in the Regulation of Transsynaptic Signaling and Neurotransmitter Release at Excitatory Synapses.
Restrepo S, Langer NJ, Nelson KA, Aoto J
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) 3946: 9065-9082. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Multiplexed and high-throughput neuronal fluorescence imaging with diffusible probes.
Guo SM, Veneziano R, Gordonov S, Li L, Danielson E, Perez de Arce K, Park D, Kulesa AB, Wamhoff EC, Blainey PC, Boyden ES, et al.
Nature communications (2019) 101: 4377. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Differential Properties of the Synaptogenic Activities of the Neurexin Ligands Neuroligin1 and LRRTM2.
Dagar S, Gottmann K
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2019) 12: 269. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Critical role for piccolo in synaptic vesicle retrieval.
Ackermann F, Schink KO, Bruns C, Izsvák Z, Hamra FK, Rosenmund C, Garner CC
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
The Role of Agrin, Lrp4 and MuSK during Dendritic Arborization and Synaptogenesis in Cultured Embryonic CNS Neurons.
Handara G, Hetsch FJA, Jüttner R, Schick A, Haupt C, Rathjen FG, Kröger S
Developmental biology (2018) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Blockade of adenosine A2A receptors recovers early deficits of memory and plasticity in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Silva AC, Lemos C, Gonçalves FQ, Pliássova AV, Machado NJ, Silva HB, Canas PM, Cunha RA, Lopes JP, Agostinho P
Neurobiology of disease (2018) : . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Critical roles of αII spectrin in brain development and epileptic encephalopathy.
Wang Y, Ji T, Nelson AD, Glanowska K, Murphy GG, Jenkins PM, Parent JM
The Journal of clinical investigation (2018) 1282: 760-773. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Salvianolic acid B attenuates mitochondrial stress against Aβ toxicity in primary cultured mouse neurons.
He Y, Jia K, Li L, Wang Q, Zhang S, Du J, Du H
Biochemical and biophysical research communications (2018) 4984: 1066-1072. 135 304 ICC
De novo mutations of the ATP6V1A gene cause developmental encephalopathy with epilepsy.
Fassio A, Esposito A, Kato M, Saitsu H, Mei D, Marini C, Conti V, Nakashima M, Okamoto N, Olmez Turker A, Albuz B, et al.
Brain : a journal of neurology (2018) 1416: 1703-1718. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Constitutive Inactivation of the PRRT2 Gene Alters Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity and Promotes Network Hyperexcitability in Hippocampal Neurons.
Valente P, Romei A, Fadda M, Sterlini B, Lonardoni D, Forte N, Fruscione F, Castroflorio E, Michetti C, Giansante G, Valtorta F, et al.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) (2018) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuregulin 1-ErbB module in C-bouton synapses on somatic motor neurons: molecular compartmentation and response to peripheral nerve injury.
Casanovas A, Salvany S, Lahoz V, Tarabal O, Piedrafita L, Sabater R, Hernández S, Calderó J, Esquerda JE
Scientific reports (2017) 7: 40155. 135 304 ICC
Bicistronic CACNA1A Gene Expression in Neurons Derived from Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6 Patient-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Bavassano C, Eigentler A, Stanika R, Obermair GJ, Boesch S, Dechant G, Nat R
Stem cells and development (2017) 2622: 1612-1625. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Neuronal hyperactivity causes Na+/H+ exchanger-induced extracellular acidification at active synapses.
Chiacchiaretta M, Latifi S, Bramini M, Fadda M, Fassio A, Benfenati F, Cesca F
Journal of cell science (2017) 1308: 1435-1449. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The antipsychotic drugs olanzapine and haloperidol modify network connectivity and spontaneous activity of neural networks in vitro.
Dzyubenko E, Juckel G, Faissner A
Scientific reports (2017) 71: 11609. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
ELKS controls the pool of readily releasable vesicles at excitatory synapses through its N-terminal coiled-coil domains.
Held RG, Liu C, Kaeser PS
eLife (2016) 5: . 135 304 ICC
Arf6 regulates the cycling and the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles at hippocampal synapse.
Tagliatti E, Fadda M, Falace A, Benfenati F, Fassio A
eLife (2016) 5: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
PRRT2 Is a Key Component of the Ca(2+)-Dependent Neurotransmitter Release Machinery.
Valente P, Castroflorio E, Rossi P, Fadda M, Sterlini B, Cervigni RI, Prestigio C, Giovedì S, Onofri F, Mura E, Guarnieri FC, et al.
Cell reports (2016) 151: 117-31. 135 304 ICC
Electrical Responses and Spontaneous Activity of Human iPS-Derived Neuronal Networks Characterized for 3-month Culture with 4096-Electrode Arrays.
Amin H, Maccione A, Marinaro F, Zordan S, Nieus T, Berdondini L
Frontiers in neuroscience (2016) 10: 121. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Deregulation of mitochondrial F1FO-ATP synthase via OSCP in Alzheimer's disease.
Beck SJ, Guo L, Phensy A, Tian J, Wang L, Tandon N, Gauba E, Lu L, Pascual JM, Kroener S, Du H, et al.
Nature communications (2016) 7: 11483. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Optogenetic activation of intracellular adenosine A2A receptor signaling in the hippocampus is sufficient to trigger CREB phosphorylation and impair memory.
Li P, Rial D, Canas PM, Yoo JH, Li W, Zhou X, Wang Y, van Westen GJ, Payen MP, Augusto E, Gonçalves N, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2015) 2011: 1339-49. 135 304 ICC
Regulated Dynamic Trafficking of Neurexins Inside and Outside of Synaptic Terminals.
Neupert C, Schneider R, Klatt O, Reissner C, Repetto D, Biermann B, Niesmann K, Missler M, Heine M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2015) 3540: 13629-47. 135 304 ICC
Vesicular Synaptobrevin/VAMP2 Levels Guarded by AP180 Control Efficient Neurotransmission.
Koo SJ, Kochlamazashvili G, Rost B, Puchkov D, Gimber N, Lehmann M, Tadeus G, Schmoranzer J, Rosenmund C, Haucke V, Maritzen T, et al.
Neuron (2015) 882: 330-44. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Subventricular zone neural progenitors reverse TNF-alpha effects in cortical neurons.
Morini R, Ghirardini E, Butti E, Verderio C, Martino G, Matteoli M
Stem cell research & therapy (2015) 6: 166. 135 304 ICC
Impact of preconditioning with retinoic acid during early development on morphological and functional characteristics of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons.
Horschitz S, Matthäus F, Groß A, Rosner J, Galach M, Greffrath W, Treede RD, Utikal J, Schloss P, Meyer-Lindenberg A
Stem cell research (2015) 151: 30-41. 135 304 ICC
Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Presynaptic Localization of the ALS/FTD Related Protein FUS in Hippocampal Neurons.
Schoen M, Reichel JM, Demestre M, Putz S, Deshpande D, Proepper C, Liebau S, Schmeisser MJ, Ludolph AC, Michaelis J, Boeckers TM, et al.
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2015) 9: 496. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
ROCK1 and 2 differentially regulate actomyosin organization to drive cell and synaptic polarity.
Newell-Litwa KA, Badoual M, Asmussen H, Patel H, Whitmore L, Horwitz AR
The Journal of cell biology (2015) 2102: 225-42. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Reduced SNAP-25 increases PSD-95 mobility and impairs spine morphogenesis.
Fossati G, Morini R, Corradini I, Antonucci F, Trepte P, Edry E, Sharma V, Papale A, Pozzi D, Defilippi P, Meier JC, et al.
Cell death and differentiation (2015) 229: 1425-36. 135 304 ICC
Investigation of synapse formation and function in a glutamatergic-GABAergic two-neuron microcircuit.
Chang CL, Trimbuch T, Chao HT, Jordan JC, Herman MA, Rosenmund C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 343: 855-68. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The active zone protein family ELKS supports Ca2+ influx at nerve terminals of inhibitory hippocampal neurons.
Liu C, Bickford LS, Held RG, Nyitrai H, Südhof TC, Kaeser PS
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3437: 12289-303. 135 304 ICC
High abundance of BDNF within glutamatergic presynapses of cultured hippocampal neurons.
Andreska T, Aufmkolk S, Sauer M, Blum R
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2014) 8: 107. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Microglia convert aggregated amyloid-β into neurotoxic forms through the shedding of microvesicles.
Joshi P, Turola E, Ruiz A, Bergami A, Libera DD, Benussi L, Giussani P, Magnani G, Comi G, Legname G, Ghidoni R, et al.
Cell death and differentiation (2014) 214: 582-93. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Signaling adaptor protein SH2B1 enhances neurite outgrowth and accelerates the maturation of human induced neurons.
Hsu YC, Chen SL, Wang YJ, Chen YH, Wang DY, Chen L, Chen CH, Chen HH, Chiu IM
Stem cells translational medicine (2014) 36: 713-22. 135 304 ICC
Reduced SNAP-25 alters short-term plasticity at developing glutamatergic synapses.
Antonucci F, Corradini I, Morini R, Fossati G, Menna E, Pozzi D, Pacioni S, Verderio C, Bacci A, Matteoli M
EMBO reports (2013) 147: 645-51. 135 304 ICC
Complexin activates exocytosis of distinct secretory vesicles controlled by different synaptotagmins.
Cao P, Yang X, Südhof TC
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 334: 1714-27. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Netrin-1 promotes excitatory synaptogenesis between cortical neurons by initiating synapse assembly.
Goldman JS, Ashour MA, Magdesian MH, Tritsch NX, Harris SN, Christofi N, Chemali R, Stern YE, Thompson-Steckel G, Gris P, Glasgow SD, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 3344: 17278-89. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Specific trans-synaptic interaction with inhibitory interneuronal neurexin underlies differential ability of neuroligins to induce functional inhibitory synapses.
Futai K, Doty CD, Baek B, Ryu J, Sheng M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 338: 3612-23. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
The Munc13 proteins differentially regulate readily releasable pool dynamics and calcium-dependent recovery at a central synapse.
Chen Z, Cooper B, Kalla S, Varoqueaux F, Young SM
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 3319: 8336-51. 135 304 ICC
CDKL5 ensures excitatory synapse stability by reinforcing NGL-1-PSD95 interaction in the postsynaptic compartment and is impaired in patient iPSC-derived neurons.
Ricciardi S, Ungaro F, Hambrock M, Rademacher N, Stefanelli G, Brambilla D, Sessa A, Magagnotti C, Bachi A, Giarda E, Verpelli C, et al.
Nature cell biology (2012) 149: 911-23. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
β-III spectrin is critical for development of purkinje cell dendritic tree and spine morphogenesis.
Gao Y, Perkins EM, Clarkson YL, Tobia S, Lyndon AR, Jackson M, Rothstein JD
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2011) 3146: 16581-90. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Activation of voltage-gated Na⁺ and Ca²⁺ channels is required for glutamate release from retinal glial cells implicated in cell volume regulation.
Linnertz R, Wurm A, Pannicke T, Krügel K, Hollborn M, Härtig W, Iandiev I, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A, Bringmann A
Neuroscience (2011) 188: 23-34. 135 304 ICC
Quantitative comparison of glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic vesicles unveils selectivity for few proteins including MAL2, a novel synaptic vesicle protein.
Grønborg M, Pavlos NJ, Brunk I, Chua JJ, Münster-Wandowski A, Riedel D, Ahnert-Hilger G, Urlaub H, Jahn R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 301: 2-12. 135 304 ICC, IHC, EM
Tumor necrosis factor-α signaling maintains the ability of cortical synapses to express synaptic scaling.
Steinmetz CC, Turrigiano GG
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 3044: 14685-90. 135 304 ICC
Stiff person syndrome-associated autoantibodies to amphiphysin mediate reduced GABAergic inhibition.
Geis C, Weishaupt A, Hallermann S, Grünewald B, Wessig C, Wultsch T, Reif A, Byts N, Beck M, Jablonka S, Boettger MK, et al.
Brain : a journal of neurology (2010) 13311: 3166-80. 135 304 ICC
Structural and mutational analysis of functional differentiation between synaptotagmins-1 and -7.
Xue M, Craig TK, Shin OH, Li L, Brautigam CA, Tomchick DR, Südhof TC, Rosenmund C, Rizo J
PloS one (2010) 59: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Dendritic branching of olfactory bulb mitral and tufted cells: regulation by TrkB.
Imamura F, Greer CA
PloS one (2009) 48: e6729. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Splice-specific roles of glycine receptor alpha3 in the hippocampus.
Eichler SA, Förstera B, Smolinsky B, Jüttner R, Lehmann TN, Fähling M, Schwarz G, Legendre P, Meier JC
The European journal of neuroscience (2009) 306: 1077-91. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Scribble interacts with beta-catenin to localize synaptic vesicles to synapses.
Sun Y, Aiga M, Yoshida E, Humbert PO, Bamji SX
Molecular biology of the cell (2009) 2014: 3390-400. 135 304 ICC
Association of medullary reticular formation ventral part with spasticity in mice suffering from photothrombotic stroke.
Isumi S, Futamura D, Hanasaki T, Sako Y, Miyata S, Kan H, Suzuki Y, Hasegawa N, Mushiake H, Kametaka S, Uchiyama Y, et al.
NeuroImage (2024) 298: 120791. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spatiotemporal Mapping and Molecular Basis of Whole-brain Circuit Maturation.
Xue J, Brawner AT, Thompson JR, Yelhekar TD, Newmaster KT, Qiu Q, Cooper YA, Yu CR, Ahmed-Braima YH, Kim Y, Lin Y, et al.
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Beyond neuromuscular activity: botulinum toxin type A exerts direct central action on spinal control of movement.
Šoštarić P, Matić M, Nemanić D, Lučev Vasić Ž, Cifrek M, Pirazzini M, Matak I
European journal of pharmacology (2024) 962: 176242. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Synaptic cell-adhesion molecule latrophilin-2 is differentially directed to dendritic domains of hippocampal neurons.
Murphy TR, Amidon RF, Donohue JD, Li L, Anderson GR
iScience (2024) 272: 108799. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A microglial activation cascade across cortical regions underlies secondary mechanical hypersensitivity to amputation.
Wei HR, Tang L, Yang XL, Chen CM, Li LX, Mao Y, Wang D, Kang F, Qun S, Zhang Z, Cao P, et al.
Cell reports (2024) 432: 113804. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Loss of interleukin 1 signaling causes impairment of microglia- mediated synapse elimination and autistic-like behaviour in mice.
Borreca A, Mantovani C, Desiato G, Corradini I, Filipello F, Elia CA, D'Autilia F, Santamaria G, Garlanda C, Morini R, Pozzi D, et al.
Brain, behavior, and immunity (2024) 117: 493-509. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Exacerbate Epileptic Seizures by Modulating the TLR4-Autophagy Axis.
Ke P, Liu J, Chen C, Luo S, Gu H, Gu J, Liu Y, Ma Y, Meng Y, Hu L, Tian X, et al.
International journal of nanomedicine (2024) 19: 2025-2038. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neonatal GABAergic transmission primes vestibular gating of output for adult spatial navigation.
Jiang Q, Wu KL, Hu XQ, Cheung MH, Chen W, Ma CW, Shum DK, Chan YS
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2024) 811: 147. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Lifelong absence of microglia alters hippocampal glutamatergic networks but not synapse and spine density.
Surala M, Soso-Zdravkovic L, Munro D, Rifat A, Ouk K, Vida I, Priller J, Madry C
EMBO reports (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Transplantation of dorsal root ganglia overexpressing the NaChBac sodium channel improves locomotion after complete SCI.
Hingorani S, Paniagua Soriano G, Sánchez Huertas C, Villalba Riquelme EM, López Mocholi E, Martínez Rojas B, Alastrué Agudo A, Dupraz S, Ferrer Montiel AV, Moreno Manzano V
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Dysfunction of specific auditory fibers impacts cortical oscillations, driving an autism phenotype despite near-normal hearing.
Marchetta P, Dapper K, Hess M, Calis D, Singer W, Wertz J, Fink S, Hage SR, Alam M, Schwabe K, Lukowski R, et al.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (2024) 382: e23411. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Role of Tenascin-C on the Structural Plasticity of Perineuronal Nets and Synaptic Expression in the Hippocampus of Male Mice.
Jakovljević A, Stamenković V, Poleksić J, Hamad MIK, Reiss G, Jakovcevski I, Andjus PR
Biomolecules (2024) 144: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Obesity alters POMC and kisspeptin neuron crosstalk leading to reduced luteinizing hormone in male mice.
Villa PA, Ruggiero-Ruff RE, Jamieson BB, Campbell RE, Coss D
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Growth hormone promotes myelin repair after chronic hypoxia via triggering pericyte-dependent angiogenesis.
Ren SY, Xia Y, Yu B, Lei QJ, Hou PF, Guo S, Wu SL, Liu W, Yang SF, Jiang YB, Chen JF, et al.
Neuron (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Adenosine mediates the amelioration of social novelty deficits during rhythmic light treatment of 16p11.2 deletion female mice.
Ju J, Li X, Pan Y, Du J, Yang X, Men S, Liu B, Zhang Z, Zhong H, Mai J, Wang Y, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia enhance post-anesthesia neuronal activity by shielding inhibitory synapses.
Haruwaka K, Ying Y, Liang Y, Umpierre AD, Yi MH, Kremen V, Chen T, Xie T, Qi F, Zhao S, Zheng J, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2024) 273: 449-461. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Excitatory and inhibitory synapses show a tight subcellular correlation that weakens over development.
Horton S, Mastrolia V, Jackson RE, Kemlo S, Pereira Machado PM, Carbajal MA, Hindges R, Fleck RA, Aguiar P, Neves G, Burrone J, et al.
Cell reports (2024) 437: 114361. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Excitatory synaptic structural abnormalities produced by templated aggregation of α-syn in the basolateral amygdala.
Gcwensa NZ, Russell DL, Long KY, Brzozowski CF, Liu X, Gamble KL, Cowell RM, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Neurobiology of disease (2024) 199: 106595. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prefrontal microglia deficiency during adolescence disrupts adult cognitive functions and synaptic structures: A follow-up study in female mice.
von Arx AS, Dawson K, Lin HY, Mattei D, Notter T, Meyer U, Schalbetter SM
Brain, behavior, and immunity (2023) 111: 230-246. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mice deficient in synaptic protease neurotrypsin show impaired spaced long-term potentiation and blunted learning-induced modulation of dendritic spines.
Ferrer-Ferrer M, Jia S, Kaushik R, Schneeberg J, Figiel I, Aleshin S, Mironov A, Safari M, Frischknecht R, Wlodarczyk J, Senkov O, et al.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2023) 804: 82. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Structural preservation does not ensure function at sensory Ia - motoneuron synapses following peripheral nerve injury and repair.
Rotterman TM, García VV, Housley SN, Nardelli P, Sierra R, Fix CE, Cope TC
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Neonatal immune challenge poses a sex-specific risk for epigenetic microglial reprogramming and behavioral impairment.
Schwabenland M, Mossad O, Sievert A, Peres AG, Ringel E, Baasch S, Kolter J, Cascone G, Dokalis N, Vlachos A, Ruzsics Z, et al.
Nature communications (2023) 141: 2721. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Immunohistochemical analysis of glutamatergic and serotonergic signaling pathways in chemosensory cell clusters in the pharynx and larynx of rats.
Abdali SS, Yokoyama T, Nakamuta N, Saino T, Yamamoto Y
Tissue & cell (2023) 82: 102122. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 elevation contributes to age-associated cognitive decline.
Tian J, Guo L, Wang T, Jia K, Swerdlow RH, Zigman JM, Du H
JCI insight (2023) 810: . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Post-weaning social isolation in male mice leads to abnormal aggression and disrupted network organization in the prefrontal cortex: Contribution of parvalbumin interneurons with or without perineuronal nets.
Biro L, Miskolczi C, Szebik H, Bruzsik B, Varga ZK, Szente L, Toth M, Halasz J, Mikics E
Neurobiology of stress (2023) 25: 100546. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Golgi polarity shift instructs dendritic refinement in the neonatal cortex by mediating NMDA receptor signaling.
Nakagawa N, Iwasato T
Cell reports (2023) : 112843. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Developmental profile of microglia distribution in nuclei of the superior olivary complex.
Zacher AC, Hohaus K, Felmy F, Pätz-Warncke C
The Journal of comparative neurology (2023) : . 135 304 IHC
Dendritic Degeneration and Altered Synaptic Innervation of a Central Auditory Neuron During Age-related Hearing Loss.
Wang M, Zhang C, Lin S, Xie R
Neuroscience (2023) 514: 25-37. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Increased hippocampal cannabinoid 1 receptor expression is associated with protection from severe seizures in pregnant mice with reduced uterine perfusion pressure.
Jones-Muhammad M, Pryor T, Shao Q, Freeman KB, Warrington JP
Journal of neuroscience research (2023) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Synaptic mechanisms for associative learning in the cerebellar nuclei.
Broersen R, Albergaria C, Carulli D, Carey MR, Canto CB, De Zeeuw CI
Nature communications (2023) 141: 7459. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Phospholipid scramblase Xkr8 is required for developmental axon pruning via phosphatidylserine exposure.
Neniskyte U, Kuliesiute U, Vadisiute A, Jevdokimenko K, Coletta L, Deivasigamani S, Pamedytyte D, Daugelaviciene N, Dabkeviciene D, Perlas E, Bali A, et al.
The EMBO journal (2023) 4214: e111790. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The proteomic landscape of synaptic diversity across brain regions and cell types.
van Oostrum M, Blok TM, Giandomenico SL, Tom Dieck S, Tushev G, Fürst N, Langer JD, Schuman EM
Cell (2023) 18624: 5411-5427.e23. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia enable cross-modal plasticity by removing inhibitory synapses.
Hashimoto A, Kawamura N, Tarusawa E, Takeda I, Aoyama Y, Ohno N, Inoue M, Kagamiuchi M, Kato D, Matsumoto M, Hasegawa Y, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 425: 112383. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Engram cell connectivity as a mechanism for information encoding and memory function.
Ortega-de San Luis C, Pezzoli M, Urrieta E, Ryan TJ
Current biology : CB (2023) 3324: 5368-5380.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Age-Dependent Regulation of Dendritic Spine Density and Protein Expression in Mir324 KO Mice.
Parkins EV, Burwinkel JM, Ranatunga R, Yaser S, Hu YC, Tiwari D, Gross C
Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN (2023) 739-10: 818-830. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Adamtsl3 mediates DCC signaling to selectively promote GABAergic synapse function.
Cramer TML, Pinan-Lucarre B, Cavaccini A, Damilou A, Tsai YC, Bhat MA, Panzanelli P, Rama N, Mehlen P, Benke D, Karayannis T, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 428: 112947. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Shared GABA transmission pathology in dopamine agonist- and antagonist-induced dyskinesia.
Abe Y, Yagishita S, Sano H, Sugiura Y, Dantsuji M, Suzuki T, Mochizuki A, Yoshimaru D, Hata J, Matsumoto M, Taira S, et al.
Cell reports. Medicine (2023) 410: 101208. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
SAPAP3 regulates epileptic seizures involving GluN2A in post-synaptic densities.
Zhang Y, Wu J, Yan Y, Gu Y, Ma Y, Wang M, Zhang H, Tao K, Lü Y, Yu W, Jing W, et al.
Cell death & disease (2022) 135: 437. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Brevican, Neurocan, Tenascin-C, and Tenascin-R Act as Important Regulators of the Interplay Between Perineuronal Nets, Synaptic Integrity, Inhibitory Interneurons, and Otx2.
Mueller-Buehl C, Reinhard J, Roll L, Bader V, Winklhofer KF, Faissner A
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2022) 10: 886527. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Novel types of frequency filtering in the lateral perforant path projections to dentate gyrus.
Quintanilla J, Jia Y, Lauterborn JC, Pruess BS, Le AA, Cox CD, Gall CM, Lynch G, Gunn BG
The Journal of physiology (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Differential expression patterns of phospholipase D isoforms 1 and 2 in the mammalian brain and retina.
Barber CN, Goldschmidt HL, Lilley B, Bygrave AM, Johnson RC, Huganir RL, Zack DJ, Raben DM
Journal of lipid research (2022) 638: 100247. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Structural arrangement of auditory brainstem nuclei in the bats Phyllostomus discolor and Carollia perspicillata.
Pätz C, Console-Meyer L, Felmy F
The Journal of comparative neurology (2022) : . 135 304 IHC
Cross-talk between GABAergic postsynapse and microglia regulate synapse loss after brain ischemia.
Cramer T, Gill R, Thirouin ZS, Vaas M, Sampath S, Martineau F, Noya SB, Panzanelli P, Sudharshan TJJ, Colameo D, Chang PK, et al.
Science advances (2022) 89: eabj0112. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Calretinin-Expressing Synapses Show Improved Synaptic Efficacy with Reduced Asynchronous Release during High-Rate Activity.
Zhang C, Wang M, Lin S, Xie R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) 4213: 2729-2742. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Cranial irradiation impairs intrinsic excitability and synaptic plasticity of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons with implications for cognitive function.
Wu MY, Zou WJ, Yu P, Yang Y, Li SJ, Liu Q, Xie J, Chen SQ, Lin WJ, Tang Y
Neural regeneration research (2022) 1710: 2253-2259. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Laser microscopy acquisition and analysis of premotor synapses in the murine spinal cord.
Buettner JM, Kirmann T, Mentis GZ, Hallermann S, Simon CM
STAR protocols (2022) 31: 101236. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Time course of activity-dependent changes in auditory nerve synapses reveals multiple underlying cellular mechanisms.
Wong NF, Xu-Friedman MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A direct excitatory projection from entorhinal layer 6b neurons to the hippocampus contributes to spatial coding and memory.
Ben-Simon Y, Kaefer K, Velicky P, Csicsvari J, Danzl JG, Jonas P
Nature communications (2022) 131: 4826. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Beclin1 Deficiency Suppresses Epileptic Seizures.
Yang M, Lin P, Jing W, Guo H, Chen H, Chen Y, Guo Y, Gu Y, He M, Wu J, Jiang X, et al.
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2022) 15: 807671. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Aging-Associated Changes in Cognition, Expression and Epigenetic Regulation of Chondroitin 6-Sulfotransferase Chst3.
Baidoe-Ansah D, Sakib S, Jia S, Mirzapourdelavar H, Strackeljan L, Fischer A, Aleshin S, Kaushik R, Dityatev A
Cells (2022) 1113: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Shank2/3 double knockout-based screening of cortical subregions links the retrosplenial area to the loss of social memory in autism spectrum disorders.
Garrido D, Beretta S, Grabrucker S, Bauer HF, Bayer D, Sala C, Verpelli C, Roselli F, Bockmann J, Proepper C, Catanese A, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglial control of neuronal development via somatic purinergic junctions.
Cserép C, Schwarcz AD, Pósfai B, László ZI, Kellermayer A, Környei Z, Kisfali M, Nyerges M, Lele Z, Katona I, Ádám Dénes , et al.
Cell reports (2022) 4012: 111369. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A mutation in ATP11A causes autosomal-dominant auditory neuropathy type 2.
Chepurwar S, von Loh SM, Wigger DC, Neef J, Frommolt P, Beutner D, Lang-Roth R, Kubisch C, Strenzke N, Volk AE
Human molecular genetics (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Preliminary analysis of hippocampus synaptic apoptosis and microglial phagocytosis induced by severe restraint stress.
Enomoto S, Ohgidani M, Sagata N, Inamine S, Kato TA
Neuropsychopharmacology reports (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Tonotopic differentiation of presynaptic neurotransmitter-releasing machinery in the auditory brainstem during the prehearing period and its selective deficits in Fmr1 knockout mice.
Yu X, Wang Y
The Journal of comparative neurology (2022) 53018: 3248-3269. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
p53-dependent c-Fos expression is a marker but not executor for motor neuron death in spinal muscular atrophy mouse models.
Buettner JM, Sowoidnich L, Gerstner F, Blanco-Redondo B, Hallermann S, Simon CM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2022) 16: 1038276. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia maintain the normal structure and function of the hippocampal astrocyte network.
Du Y, Brennan FH, Popovich PG, Zhou M
Glia (2022) 707: 1359-1379. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prenatal environmental stressors impair postnatal microglia function and adult behavior in males.
Block CL, Eroglu O, Mague SD, Smith CJ, Ceasrine AM, Sriworarat C, Blount C, Beben KA, Malacon KE, Ndubuizu N, Talbot A, et al.
Cell reports (2022) 405: 111161. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Altered basal forebrain function during whole-brain network activity at pre- and early-plaque stages of Alzheimer's disease in TgF344-AD rats.
van den Berg M, Adhikari MH, Verschuuren M, Pintelon I, Vasilkovska T, Van Audekerke J, Missault S, Heymans L, Ponsaerts P, De Vos WH, Van der Linden A, et al.
Alzheimer's research & therapy (2022) 141: 148. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Disruption of VGLUT1 in Cholinergic Medial Habenula Projections Increases Nicotine Self-Administration.
Souter EA, Chen YC, Zell V, Lallai V, Steinkellner T, Conrad WS, Wisden W, Harris KD, Fowler CD, Hnasko TS
eNeuro (2022) 91: . 135 304 IHC; KO verified; tested species: mouse
Biased auditory nerve central synaptopathy is associated with age-related hearing loss.
Wang M, Zhang C, Lin S, Wang Y, Seicol BJ, Ariss RW, Xie R
The Journal of physiology (2021) 5996: 1833-1854. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Sleep down state-active ID2/Nkx2.1 interneurons in the neocortex.
Valero M, Viney TJ, Machold R, Mederos S, Zutshi I, Schuman B, Senzai Y, Rudy B, Buzsáki G
Nature neuroscience (2021) 243: 401-411. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Nutritional regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation regulates perineuronal net remodeling in the median eminence.
Kohnke S, Buller S, Nuzzaci D, Ridley K, Lam B, Pivonkova H, Bentsen MA, Alonge KM, Zhao C, Tadross J, Holmqvist S, et al.
Cell reports (2021) 362: 109362. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia Depletion-Induced Remodeling of Extracellular Matrix and Excitatory Synapses in the Hippocampus of Adult Mice.
Strackeljan L, Baczynska E, Cangalaya C, Baidoe-Ansah D, Wlodarczyk J, Kaushik R, Dityatev A
Cells (2021) 108: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Orexin-A/Hypocretin-1 Controls the VTA-NAc Mesolimbic Pathway via Endocannabinoid-Mediated Disinhibition of Dopaminergic Neurons in Obese Mice.
Tunisi L, D'Angelo L, Fernández-Rilo AC, Forte N, Piscitelli F, Imperatore R, de Girolamo P, Di Marzo V, Cristino L
Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience (2021) 13: 622405. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Inhibitory control in neuronal networks relies on the extracellular matrix integrity.
Dzyubenko E, Fleischer M, Manrique-Castano D, Borbor M, Kleinschnitz C, Faissner A, Hermann DM
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2021) 7814: 5647-5663. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Distinct subtypes of proprioceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons regulate adaptive proprioception in mice.
Wu H, Petitpré C, Fontanet P, Sharma A, Bellardita C, Quadros RM, Jannig PR, Wang Y, Heimel JA, Cheung KKY, Wanderoy S, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 1026. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
C9orf72 deficiency promotes microglial-mediated synaptic loss in aging and amyloid accumulation.
Lall D, Lorenzini I, Mota TA, Bell S, Mahan TE, Ulrich JD, Davtyan H, Rexach JE, Muhammad AKMG, Shelest O, Landeros J, et al.
Neuron (2021) 10914: 2275-2291.e8. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Detrimental impacts of mixed-ion radiation on nervous system function.
Klein PM, Parihar VK, Szabo GG, Zöldi M, Angulo MC, Allen BD, Amin AN, Nguyen QA, Katona I, Baulch JE, Limoli CL, et al.
Neurobiology of disease (2021) : 105252. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Surfactant protein C is associated with perineuronal nets and shows age-dependent changes of brain content and hippocampal deposits in wildtype and 3xTg mice.
Schob S, Puchta J, Winter K, Michalski D, Mages B, Martens H, Emmer A, Hoffmann KT, Gaunitz F, Meinicke A, Krause M, et al.
Journal of chemical neuroanatomy (2021) 118: 102036. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Orexin-A and endocannabinoids are involved in obesity-associated alteration of hippocampal neurogenesis, plasticity, and episodic memory in mice.
Forte N, Boccella S, Tunisi L, Fernández-Rilo AC, Imperatore R, Iannotti FA, De Risi M, Iannotta M, Piscitelli F, Capasso R, De Girolamo P, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 6137. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Layer-Specific Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 1 Immunofluorescence Levels Delineate All Layers of the Human Hippocampus Including the Stratum lucidum.
Woelfle S, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2021) 15: 789903. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
Sparser and Less Efficient Hippocampal-Prefrontal Projections account for Developmental Network Dysfunction in a Model of Psychiatric Risk Mediated by Gene-Environment Interaction.
Song L, Xu X, Putthoff P, Fleck D, Spehr M, Hanganu-Opatz IL
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2021) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Central synaptopathy is the most conserved feature of motor circuit pathology across spinal muscular atrophy mouse models.
Buettner JM, Sime Longang JK, Gerstner F, Apel KS, Blanco-Redondo B, Sowoidnich L, Janzen E, Langenhan T, Wirth B, Simon CM
iScience (2021) 2411: 103376. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Silencing long ascending propriospinal neurons after spinal cord injury improves hindlimb stepping in the adult rat.
Shepard CT, Pocratsky AM, Brown BL, Van Rijswijck MA, Zalla RM, Burke DA, Morehouse JR, Riegler AS, Whittemore SR, Magnuson DS
eLife (2021) 10: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Assessment of Possible Contributions of Hyaluronan and Proteoglycan Binding Link Protein 4 to Differential Perineuronal Net Formation at the Calyx of Held.
Nojima K, Miyazaki H, Hori T, Vargova L, Oohashi T
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2021) 9: 730550. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mitochondrial biogenesis in developing astrocytes regulates astrocyte maturation and synapse formation.
Zehnder T, Petrelli F, Romanos J, De Oliveira Figueiredo EC, Lewis TL, Déglon N, Polleux F, Santello M, Bezzi P
Cell reports (2021) 352: 108952. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Uncoupling the Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2 From Its C-Terminal Interactome Restores Synaptic Glutamate Clearance at Corticostriatal Synapses and Alleviates Mutant Huntingtin-Induced Hypokinesia.
Hirschberg S, Dvorzhak A, Rasooli-Nejad SMA, Angelov S, Kirchner M, Mertins P, Lättig-Tünnemann G, Harms C, Schmitz D, Grantyn R
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2021) 15: 792652. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring.
Mirabella F, Desiato G, Mancinelli S, Fossati G, Rasile M, Morini R, Markicevic M, Grimm C, Amegandjin C, Termanini A, Peano C, et al.
Immunity (2021) 5411: 2611-2631.e8. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Arrangement of excitatory synaptic inputs on dendrites of the medial superior olive.
Callan AR, Heß M, Felmy F, Leibold C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC
Rescuing Over-activated Microglia Restores Cognitive Performance in Juvenile Animals of the Dp(16) Mouse Model of Down Syndrome.
Pinto B, Morelli G, Rastogi M, Savardi A, Fumagalli A, Petretto A, Bartolucci M, Varea E, Catelani T, Contestabile A, Perlini LE, et al.
Neuron (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression Pattern of ALOXE3 in Mouse Brain Suggests Its Relationship with Seizure Susceptibility.
Tang HL, Chen SY, Zhang H, Lu P, Sun WW, Gao MM, Zeng XD, Su T, Long YS
Cellular and molecular neurobiology (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of GABA interneurons in the mPFC is sufficient and necessary for rapid antidepressant responses.
Fogaça MV, Wu M, Li C, Li XY, Picciotto MR, Duman RS
Molecular psychiatry (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Presynaptic development is controlled by the core active zone proteins CAST/ELKS.
Radulovic T, Dong W, Goral RO, Thomas CI, Veeraraghavan P, Montesinos MS, Guerrero-Given D, Goff K, Lübbert M, Kamasawa N, Ohtsuka T, et al.
The Journal of physiology (2020) 59812: 2431-2452. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Olfactomedin-3 Enhances Seizure Activity by Interacting With AMPA Receptors in Epilepsy Models.
Tang S, Wang T, Zhang X, Guo Y, Xu P, Zeng J, Luo Z, Li D, Zheng Y, Luo Y, Yu C, et al.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2020) 8: 722. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human,mouse
Chemico-genetic discovery of astrocytic control of inhibition in vivo.
Takano T, Wallace JT, Baldwin KT, Purkey AM, Uezu A, Courtland JL, Soderblom EJ, Shimogori T, Maness PF, Eroglu C, Soderling SH, et al.
Nature (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglial Gi-dependent dynamics regulate brain network hyperexcitability.
Merlini M, Rafalski VA, Ma K, Kim KY, Bushong EA, Rios Coronado PE, Yan Z, Mendiola AS, Sozmen EG, Ryu JK, Haberl MG, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The endogenous neuronal complement inhibitor SRPX2 protects against complement-mediated synapse elimination during development.
Cong Q, Soteros BM, Wollet M, Kim JH, Sia GM
Nature neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neurocan Contributes to Perineuronal Net Development.
Schmidt S, Arendt T, Morawski M, Sonntag M
Neuroscience (2020) 442: 69-86. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan-5 forms perisynaptic matrix assemblies in the adult rat cortex.
Pintér A, Hevesi Z, Zahola P, Alpár A, Hanics J
Cellular signalling (2020) 74: 109710. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Synaptic restoration by cAMP/PKA drives activity-dependent neuroprotection to motoneurons in ALS.
Bączyk M, Alami NO, Delestrée N, Martinot C, Tang L, Commisso B, Bayer D, Doisne N, Frankel W, Manuel M, Roselli F, et al.
The Journal of experimental medicine (2020) 2178: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Acute knockdown of Depdc5 leads to synaptic defects in mTOR-related epileptogenesis.
De Fusco A, Cerullo MS, Marte A, Michetti C, Romei A, Castroflorio E, Baulac S, Benfenati F
Neurobiology of disease (2020) : 104822. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
The small GTPase ARF6 regulates GABAergic synapse development.
Kim H, Jung H, Jung H, Kwon SK, Ko J, Um JW
Molecular brain (2020) 131: 2. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: rat
Activity-dependent calcium signaling in neurons of the medial superior olive during late postnatal development.
Franzen DL, Gleiss SA, Kellner CJ, Kladisios N, Felmy F
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC
Microglial activation increases cocaine self-administration following adolescent nicotine exposure.
Linker KE, Elabd MG, Tawadrous P, Cano M, Green KN, Wood MA, Leslie FM
Nature communications (2020) 111: 306. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Single-Cell Transcriptomic Comparison of Human Fetal Retina, hPSC-Derived Retinal Organoids, and Long-Term Retinal Cultures.
Sridhar A, Hoshino A, Finkbeiner CR, Chitsazan A, Dai L, Haugan AK, Eschenbacher KM, Jackson DL, Trapnell C, Bermingham-McDonogh O, Glass I, et al.
Cell reports (2020) 305: 1644-1659.e4. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human
Myelin degeneration and diminished myelin renewal contribute to age-related deficits in memory.
Wang F, Ren SY, Chen JF, Liu K, Li RX, Li ZF, Hu B, Niu JQ, Xiao L, Chan JR, Mei F, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A CRHR1 antagonist prevents synaptic loss and memory deficits in a trauma-induced delirium-like syndrome.
Cursano S, Battaglia CR, Urrutia-Ruiz C, Grabrucker S, Schön M, Bockmann J, Braumüller S, Radermacher P, Roselli F, Huber-Lang M, Boeckers TM, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Postprandial Hyperglycemia Stimulates Neuroglial Plasticity in Hypothalamic POMC Neurons after a Balanced Meal.
Nuzzaci D, Cansell C, Liénard F, Nédélec E, Ben Fradj S, Castel J, Foppen E, Denis R, Grouselle D, Laderrière A, Lemoine A, et al.
Cell reports (2020) 309: 3067-3078.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Uncoupling endosomal CLC chloride/proton exchange causes severe neurodegeneration.
Weinert S, Gimber N, Deuschel D, Stuhlmann T, Puchkov D, Farsi Z, Ludwig CF, Novarino G, López-Cayuqueo KI, Planells-Cases R, Jentsch TJ, et al.
The EMBO journal (2020) : e103358. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neural stem cell delivery via porous collagen scaffolds promotes neuronal differentiation and locomotion recovery in spinal cord injury.
Kourgiantaki A, Tzeranis DS, Karali K, Georgelou K, Bampoula E, Psilodimitrakopoulos S, Yannas IV, Stratakis E, Sidiropoulou K, Charalampopoulos I, Gravanis A, et al.
NPJ Regenerative medicine (2020) 5: 12. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Gabapentinoid treatment promotes corticospinal plasticity and regeneration following murine spinal cord injury.
Sun W, Larson MJ, Kiyoshi CM, Annett AJ, Stalker WA, Peng J, Tedeschi A
The Journal of clinical investigation (2020) 1301: 345-358. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Principal Neurons in the Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus Express Cell-Type Specific Glycine Receptor α Subunits.
Lin S, Xie R
Neuroscience (2019) 415: 77-88. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Heterogeneity of GRIM-19 Expression in the Adult Mouse Brain.
Hwang SN, Kim JC, Kim SY
Cellular and molecular neurobiology (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Structural adaption of axons during de- and remyelination in the Cuprizone mouse model.
Pfeiffer F, Frommer-Kaestle G, Fallier-Becker P
Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Slow NMDA-mediated excitation accelerates offset-response latencies generated via a post-inhibitory rebound mechanism.
Rajaram E, Kaltenbach C, Fischl MJ, Mrowka L, Alexandrova O, Grothe B, Hennig MH, Kopp-Scheinpflug C
eNeuro (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Developmental Requirement of Homeoprotein Otx2 for Specific Habenulo-Interpeduncular Subcircuits.
Ruiz-Reig N, Rakotobe M, Bethus I, Le Menn G, Huditz HI, Marie H, Lamonerie T, D'Autréaux F
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) 396: 1005-1019. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Altered Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic Delta Subunit 2 Expression in Stau2-Deficient Cerebellar Purkinje Cells in the Adult Brain.
Pernice HF, Schieweck R, Jafari M, Straub T, Bilban M, Kiebler MA, Popper B
International journal of molecular sciences (2019) 207: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The development of synaptic transmission is time-locked to early social behaviors in rats.
Naskar S, Narducci R, Balzani E, Cwetsch AW, Tucci V, Cancedda L
Nature communications (2019) 101: 1195. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Short-term plasticity at cerebellar granule cell to molecular layer interneuron synapses expands information processing.
Dorgans K, Demais V, Bailly Y, Poulain B, Isope P, Doussau F
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Regulation of Recurrent Inhibition by Asynchronous Glutamate Release in Neocortex.
Deng S, Li J, He Q, Zhang X, Zhu J, Li L, Mi Z, Yang X, Jiang M, Dong Q, Mao Y, et al.
Neuron (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Inhibition of Nwd1 activity attenuates neuronal hyperexcitability and GluN2B phosphorylation in the hippocampus.
Yang Q, Huang Z, Luo Y, Zheng F, Hu Y, Liu H, Zhu S, He M, Xu D, Li Y, Yang M, et al.
EBioMedicine (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Differential NOVA2-Mediated Splicing in Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons Regulates Cortical Development and Cerebellar Function.
Saito Y, Yuan Y, Zucker-Scharff I, Fak JJ, Jereb S, Tajima Y, Licatalosi DD, Darnell RB
Neuron (2019) 1014: 707-720.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Ventral hippocampal projections to the medial prefrontal cortex regulate social memory.
Phillips ML, Robinson HA, Pozzo-Miller L
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spinal motor circuit synaptic plasticity after peripheral nerve injury depends on microglia activation and a CCR2 mechanism.
Rotterman TM, Akhter ET, Lane AR, MacPherson KP, Garcia VV, Tansey MG, Alvarez FJ
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Distribution of endogenous normal tau in the mouse brain.
Kubo A, Misonou H, Matsuyama M, Nomori A, Wada-Kakuda S, Takashima A, Kawata M, Murayama S, Ihara Y, Miyasaka T
The Journal of comparative neurology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters in transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1)-positive neurons in the rat trigeminal ganglion.
Kim YS, Kim SK, Lee JS, Ko SJ, Bae YC
Brain research (2018) : . 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: rat
Enhancing Oligodendrocyte Myelination Rescues Synaptic Loss and Improves Functional Recovery after Chronic Hypoxia.
Wang F, Yang YJ, Yang N, Chen XJ, Huang NX, Zhang J, Wu Y, Liu Z, Gao X, Li T, Pan GQ, et al.
Neuron (2018) 994: 689-701.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Hapln4/Bral2 is a selective regulator for formation and transmission of GABAergic synapses between Purkinje and deep cerebellar nuclei neurons.
Edamatsu M, Miyano R, Fujikawa A, Fujii F, Hori T, Sakaba T, Oohashi T
Journal of neurochemistry (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Epigenetic Factor CBP Is Required for the Differentiation and Function of Medial Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Interneurons.
Medrano-Fernández A, Delgado-Garcia JM, Del Blanco B, Llinares M, Sánchez-Campusano R, Olivares R, Gruart A, Barco A
Molecular neurobiology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neurochemical fingerprinting of amygdalostriatal and intra-amygdaloid projections: a tracing-immunofluorescence study in the rat.
Wouterlood FG, van Oort S, Bloemhard L, Flierman NA, Spijkerman J, Wright CI, Beliën JAM, Groenewegen HJ
Journal of chemical neuroanatomy (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Relationships between neuronal birthdates and tonotopic position in the mouse cochlear nucleus.
Shepard AR, Scheffel JL, Yu WM
The Journal of comparative neurology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Presynaptic Protein Mover Is Differentially Expressed Across Brain Areas and Synapse Types.
Wallrafen R, Dresbach T
Frontiers in neuroanatomy (2018) 12: 58. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
ZDHHC8 critically regulates seizure susceptibility in epilepsy.
Yang Q, Zheng F, Hu Y, Yang Y, Li Y, Chen G, Wang W, He M, Zhou R, Ma Y, Xu D, et al.
Cell death & disease (2018) 98: 795. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human,mouse
Dentate granule cell recruitment of feedforward inhibition governs engram maintenance and remote memory generalization.
Guo N, Soden ME, Herber C, Kim MT, Besnard A, Lin P, Ma X, Cepko CL, Zweifel LS, Sahay A
Nature medicine (2018) 244: 438-449. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Active presynaptic ribosomes in the mammalian brain, and altered transmitter release after protein synthesis inhibition.
Scarnati MS, Kataria R, Biswas M, Paradiso KG
eLife (2018) 7: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
CAST/ELKS Proteins Control Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channel Density and Synaptic Release Probability at a Mammalian Central Synapse.
Dong W, Radulovic T, Goral RO, Thomas C, Suarez Montesinos M, Guerrero-Given D, Hagiwara A, Putzke T, Hida Y, Abe M, Sakimura K, et al.
Cell reports (2018) 242: 284-293.e6. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Glial Activation and Central Synapse Loss, but Not Motoneuron Degeneration, Are Prevented by the Sigma-1 Receptor Agonist PRE-084 in the Smn2B/- Mouse Model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
Cerveró C, Blasco A, Tarabal O, Casanovas A, Piedrafita L, Navarro X, Esquerda JE, Calderó J
Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1)- and VGLUT2-immunopositive axon terminals on the rat jaw-closing and jaw-opening motoneurons.
Park SK, Ko SJ, Paik SK, Rah JC, Lee KJ, Bae YC
Brain structure & function (2018) : . 135 304 IHC, EM; tested species: rat
Synaptotagmin 7 Mediates Both Facilitation and Asynchronous Release at Granule Cell Synapses.
Turecek J, Regehr WG
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2018) 3813: 3240-3251. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Increased Excitability and Reduced Excitatory Synaptic Input Into Fast-Spiking CA2 Interneurons After Enzymatic Attenuation of Extracellular Matrix.
Hayani H, Song I, Dityatev A
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2018) 12: 149. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Microglial Innate Immune Receptor TREM2 Is Required for Synapse Elimination and Normal Brain Connectivity.
Filipello F, Morini R, Corradini I, Zerbi V, Canzi A, Michalski B, Erreni M, Markicevic M, Starvaggi-Cucuzza C, Otero K, Piccio L, et al.
Immunity (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Molecular Anatomy of the Developing Human Retina.
Hoshino A, Ratnapriya R, Brooks MJ, Chaitankar V, Wilken MS, Zhang C, Starostik MR, Gieser L, La Torre A, Nishio M, Bates O, et al.
Developmental cell (2017) 436: 763-779.e4. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Hippocampal slice preparation in rats acutely suppresses immunoreactivity of microtubule-associated protein (Map2) and glycogen levels without affecting numbers of glia or levels of the glutamate transporter VGlut1.
Stein LR, Zorumski CF, Izumi Y
Brain and behavior (2017) 77: e00736. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
A Sensitized IGF1 Treatment Restores Corticospinal Axon-Dependent Functions.
Liu Y, Wang X, Li W, Zhang Q, Li Y, Zhang Z, Zhu J, Chen B, Williams PR, Zhang Y, Yu B, et al.
Neuron (2017) 954: 817-833.e4. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Loss of Hyperdirect Pathway Cortico-Subthalamic Inputs Following Degeneration of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons.
Chu HY, McIver EL, Kovaleski RF, Atherton JF, Bevan MD
Neuron (2017) 956: 1306-1318.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Muscle proprioceptors in adult rat: mechanosensory signaling and synapse distribution in spinal cord.
Vincent JA, Gabriel HM, Deardorff AS, Nardelli P, Fyffe REW, Burkholder T, Cope TC
Journal of neurophysiology (2017) 1185: 2687-2701. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Deletion of the Fractalkine Receptor, CX3CR1, Improves Endogenous Repair, Axon Sprouting, and Synaptogenesis after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice.
Freria CM, Hall JC, Wei P, Guan Z, McTigue DM, Popovich PG
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2017) 3713: 3568-3587. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Aerobic exercise and a BDNF-mimetic therapy rescue learning and memory in a mouse model of Down syndrome.
Parrini M, Ghezzi D, Deidda G, Medrihan L, Castroflorio E, Alberti M, Baldelli P, Cancedda L, Contestabile A
Scientific reports (2017) 71: 16825. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of IL-6 trans-signaling in the brain increases sociability in the BTBR mouse model of autism.
Wei H, Ma Y, Liu J, Ding C, Jin G, Wang Y, Hu F, Yu L
Biochimica et biophysica acta (2016) 186210: 1918-25. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
The calcium sensor synaptotagmin 7 is required for synaptic facilitation.
Jackman SL, Turecek J, Belinsky JE, Regehr WG
Nature (2016) 5297584: 88-91. 135 304 IHC
Selective Localization of Shanks to VGLUT1-Positive Excitatory Synapses in the Mouse Hippocampus.
Heise C, Schroeder JC, Schoen M, Halbedl S, Reim D, Woelfle S, Kreutz MR, Schmeisser MJ, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2016) 10: 106. 135 304 IHC
Mapping the alterations in glutamate with GluCEST MRI in a mouse model of dopamine deficiency.
Bagga P, Crescenzi R, Krishnamoorthy G, Verma G, Nanga RP, Reddy D, Greenberg J, Detre JA, Hariharan H, Reddy R
Journal of neurochemistry (2016) 1393: 432-439. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Physiology and anatomy of neurons in the medial superior olive of the mouse.
Fischl MJ, Burger RM, Schmidt-Pauly M, Alexandrova O, Sinclair JL, Grothe B, Forsythe ID, Kopp-Scheinpflug C
Journal of neurophysiology (2016) 1166: 2676-2688. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Dynamic Modulation of Myelination in Response to Visual Stimuli Alters Optic Nerve Conduction Velocity.
Etxeberria A, Hokanson KC, Dao DQ, Mayoral SR, Mei F, Redmond SA, Ullian EM, Chan JR
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3626: 6937-48. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mechanisms of Functional Hypoconnectivity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Mecp2 Null Mice.
Sceniak MP, Lang M, Enomoto AC, James Howell C, Hermes DJ, Katz DM
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) (2016) 265: 1938-1956. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Aberrant excitatory rewiring of layer V pyramidal neurons early after neocortical trauma.
Takahashi DK, Gu F, Parada I, Vyas S, Prince DA
Neurobiology of disease (2016) 91: 166-81. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Neuronal Dystroglycan Is Necessary for Formation and Maintenance of Functional CCK-Positive Basket Cell Terminals on Pyramidal Cells.
Früh S, Romanos J, Panzanelli P, Bürgisser D, Tyagarajan SK, Campbell KP, Santello M, Fritschy JM
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3640: 10296-10313. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
APOE-Sensitive Cholinergic Sprouting Compensates for Hippocampal Dysfunctions Due to Reduced Entorhinal Input.
Bott JB, Héraud C, Cosquer B, Herbeaux K, Aubert J, Sartori M, Goutagny R, Mathis C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3640: 10472-10486. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Somatodendritic Expression of JAM2 Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Myelination.
Redmond SA, Mei F, Eshed-Eisenbach Y, Osso LA, Leshkowitz D, Shen YA, Kay JN, Aurrand-Lions M, Lyons DA, Peles E, Chan JR, et al.
Neuron (2016) 914: 824-836. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Initial characterization of a Syap1 knock-out mouse and distribution of Syap1 in mouse brain and cultured motoneurons.
Schmitt D, Funk N, Blum R, Asan E, Andersen L, Rülicke T, Sendtner M, Buchner E
Histochemistry and cell biology (2016) 1464: 489-512. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Conserved expression of the GPR151 receptor in habenular axonal projections of vertebrates.
Broms J, Antolin-Fontes B, Tingström A, Ibañez-Tallon I
The Journal of comparative neurology (2015) 5233: 359-80. 135 304 IHC
Fast cerebellar reflex circuitry requires synaptic vesicle priming by munc13-3.
Netrakanti PR, Cooper BH, Dere E, Poggi G, Winkler D, Brose N, Ehrenreich H
Cerebellum (London, England) (2015) 143: 264-83. 135 304 IHC
Deletion of myosin VI causes slow retinal optic neuropathy and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)-relevant retinal phenotype.
Schubert T, Gleiser C, Heiduschka P, Franz C, Nagel-Wolfrum K, Sahaboglu A, Weisschuh N, Eske G, Rohbock K, Rieger N, Paquet-Durand F, et al.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2015) 7220: 3953-69. 135 304 IHC
Immunogold characteristics of VGLUT3-positive GABAergic nerve terminals suggest corelease of glutamate.
Stensrud MJ, Sogn CJ, Gundersen V
The Journal of comparative neurology (2015) 52318: 2698-713. 135 304 IHC
An essential role of acetylcholine-glutamate synergy at habenular synapses in nicotine dependence.
Frahm S, Antolin-Fontes B, Görlich A, Zander JF, Ahnert-Hilger G, Ibañez-Tallon I
eLife (2015) 4: e11396. 135 304 WB, IHC
Complexin stabilizes newly primed synaptic vesicles and prevents their premature fusion at the mouse calyx of held synapse.
Chang S, Reim K, Pedersen M, Neher E, Brose N, Taschenberger H
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2015) 3521: 8272-90. 135 304 IHC
Perforant path synaptic loss correlates with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease in the oldest-old.
Robinson JL, Molina-Porcel L, Corrada MM, Raible K, Lee EB, Lee VM, Kawas CH, Trojanowski JQ
Brain : a journal of neurology (2014) 137Pt 9: 2578-87. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human
Bassoon-disruption slows vesicle replenishment and induces homeostatic plasticity at a CNS synapse.
Mendoza Schulz A, Jing Z, Sánchez Caro JM, Wetzel F, Dresbach T, Strenzke N, Wichmann C, Moser T
The EMBO journal (2014) 335: 512-27. 135 304 IHC
Modes and regulation of endocytic membrane retrieval in mouse auditory hair cells.
Neef J, Jung S, Wong AB, Reuter K, Pangrsic T, Chakrabarti R, Kügler S, Lenz C, Nouvian R, Boumil RM, Frankel WN, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 343: 705-16. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Progressive brain damage, synaptic reorganization and NMDA activation in a model of epileptogenic cortical dysplasia.
Colciaghi F, Finardi A, Nobili P, Locatelli D, Spigolon G, Battaglia GS
PloS one (2014) 92: e89898. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Expression of Nampt in hippocampal and cortical excitatory neurons is critical for cognitive function.
Stein LR, Wozniak DF, Dearborn JT, Kubota S, Apte RS, Izumi Y, Zorumski CF, Imai S
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3417: 5800-15. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in the rat dental pulp and trigeminal ganglion following inflammation.
Yang ES, Jin MU, Hong JH, Kim YS, Choi SY, Kim TH, Cho YS, Bae YC
PloS one (2014) 910: e109723. 135 304 WB, IHC
Calcium-dependent PKC isoforms have specialized roles in short-term synaptic plasticity.
Chu Y, Fioravante D, Leitges M, Regehr WG
Neuron (2014) 824: 859-71. 135 304 IHC
Protein kinase C is a calcium sensor for presynaptic short-term plasticity.
Fioravante D, Chu Y, de Jong AP, Leitges M, Kaeser PS, Regehr WG
eLife (2014) 3: e03011. 135 304 IHC
Characterization of long descending premotor propriospinal neurons in the spinal cord.
Ni Y, Nawabi H, Liu X, Yang L, Miyamichi K, Tedeschi A, Xu B, Wall NR, Callaway EM, He Z
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3428: 9404-17. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mice deficient of glutamatergic signaling from intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells exhibit abnormal circadian photoentrainment.
Purrier N, Engeland WC, Kofuji P
PloS one (2014) 910: e111449. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Actin filaments at the leading edge of cancer cells are characterized by a high mobile fraction and turnover regulation by profilin I.
Lorente G, Syriani E, Morales M
PloS one (2014) 91: e85817. 135 304 IHC
Characterization of ectopic colonies that form in widespread areas of the nervous system with neural stem cell transplants into the site of a severe spinal cord injury.
Steward O, Sharp KG, Yee KM, Hatch MN, Bonner JF
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3442: 14013-21. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Region-specific expression of vesicular glutamate and GABA transporters under various ischaemic conditions in mouse forebrain and retina.
Michalski D, Härtig W, Krügel K, Edwards RH, Böddener M, Böhme L, Pannicke T, Reichenbach A, Grosche A
Neuroscience (2013) 231: 328-44. 135 304 IHC
Netrin-1 promotes excitatory synaptogenesis between cortical neurons by initiating synapse assembly.
Goldman JS, Ashour MA, Magdesian MH, Tritsch NX, Harris SN, Christofi N, Chemali R, Stern YE, Thompson-Steckel G, Gris P, Glasgow SD, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 3344: 17278-89. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Fluoxetine-induced cortical adult neurogenesis.
Ohira K, Takeuchi R, Shoji H, Miyakawa T
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (2013) 386: 909-20. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Cracking down on inhibition: selective removal of GABAergic interneurons from hippocampal networks.
Antonucci F, Alpár A, Kacza J, Caleo M, Verderio C, Giani A, Martens H, Chaudhry FA, Allegra M, Grosche J, Michalski D, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2012) 326: 1989-2001. 135 304 IHC
Acoustic overexposure increases the expression of VGLUT-2 mediated projections from the lateral vestibular nucleus to the dorsal cochlear nucleus.
Barker M, Solinski HJ, Hashimoto H, Tagoe T, Pilati N, Hamann M
PloS one (2012) 75: e35955. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Raising cytosolic Cl- in cerebellar granule cells affects their excitability and vestibulo-ocular learning.
Seja P, Schonewille M, Spitzmaul G, Badura A, Klein I, Rudhard Y, Wisden W, Hübner CA, De Zeeuw CI, Jentsch TJ
The EMBO journal (2012) 315: 1217-30. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Synaptic glutamate release is modulated by the Na+ -driven Cl-/HCO₃⁻ exchanger Slc4a8.
Sinning A, Liebmann L, Kougioumtzes A, Westermann M, Bruehl C, Hübner CA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2011) 3120: 7300-11. 135 304 IHC
N-cadherin and neuroligins cooperate to regulate synapse formation in hippocampal cultures.
Aiga M, Levinson JN, Bamji SX
The Journal of biological chemistry (2011) 2861: 851-8. 135 304 IHC
Expression pattern of Kv11 (Ether à-go-go-related gene; erg) K+ channels in the mouse retina.
Cordeiro S, Guseva D, Wulfsen I, Bauer CK
PloS one (2011) 612: e29490. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Quantitative comparison of glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic vesicles unveils selectivity for few proteins including MAL2, a novel synaptic vesicle protein.
Grønborg M, Pavlos NJ, Brunk I, Chua JJ, Münster-Wandowski A, Riedel D, Ahnert-Hilger G, Urlaub H, Jahn R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 301: 2-12. 135 304 ICC, IHC, EM
Sensory modulation of locomotor-like membrane oscillations in Hb9-expressing interneurons.
Hinckley CA, Wiesner EP, Mentis GZ, Titus DJ, Ziskind-Conhaim L
Journal of neurophysiology (2010) 1036: 3407-23. 135 304 IHC
Splice-specific roles of glycine receptor alpha3 in the hippocampus.
Eichler SA, Förstera B, Smolinsky B, Jüttner R, Lehmann TN, Fähling M, Schwarz G, Legendre P, Meier JC
The European journal of neuroscience (2009) 306: 1077-91. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Unique luminal localization of VGAT-C terminus allows for selective labeling of active cortical GABAergic synapses.
Martens H, Weston MC, Boulland JL, Grønborg M, Grosche J, Kacza J, Hoffmann A, Matteoli M, Takamori S, Harkany T, Chaudhry FA, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2008) 2849: 13125-31. 135 304 IHC
Localization of aquaporin-0 immunoreactivity in the rat retina.
Iandiev I, Pannicke T, Härtig W, Grosche J, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A, Bringmann A
Neuroscience letters (2007) 4262: 81-6. 135 304 IHC
Synaptic Organization of VGLUT3 Expressing Low-Threshold Mechanosensitive C Fiber Terminals in the Rodent Spinal Cord.
Larsson M, Broman J
eNeuro () 61: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
14-3-3θ Does Not Protect against Behavioral or Pathological Deficits in Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Models.
Gannon M, Wang B, Stringfellow SA, Quintin S, Mendoza I, Srikantha T, Roberts AC, Saito T, Saido TC, Roberson ED, Yacoubian TA, et al.
eNeuro () 93: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Erythropoietin Stimulates GABAergic Maturation in the Mouse Hippocampus.
Khalid K, Frei J, Aboouf MA, Koester-Hegmann C, Gassmann M, Fritschy JM, Schneider Gasser EM
eNeuro () 81: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
RIM-BP2 regulates Ca2+ channel abundance and neurotransmitter release at hippocampal mossy fiber terminals.
Miyano R, Sakamoto H, Hirose K, Sakaba T
eLife (2024) 12: . 135 304 IHC-Fr; tested species: mouse
Protecting RNA quality for spatial transcriptomics while improving immunofluorescent staining quality.
Hahn N, Bens M, Kempfer M, Reißig C, Schmidl L, Geis C
Frontiers in neuroscience (2023) 17: 1198154. 135 304 IHC-Fr; tested species: mouse
Enhanced synaptic protein visualization by multicolor super-resolution expansion microscopy.
Eilts J, Reinhard S, Michetschläger N, Werner C, Sauer M
Neurophotonics (2023) 104: 044412. 135 304 ExM; tested species: mouse
Improved fluorescent signal in expansion microscopy using fluorescent Fab fragment secondary antibodies.
Sherry DM, Stiles MA
MethodsX (2022) 9: 101796. 135 304 ExM; tested species: rat
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
CLARITY increases sensitivity and specificity of fluorescence immunostaining in long-term archived human brain tissue.
Woelfle S, Deshpande D, Feldengut S, Braak H, Del Tredici K, Roselli F, Deisseroth K, Michaelis J, Boeckers TM, Schön M
BMC biology (2023) 211: 113. 135 304 Clarity; tested species: human
Differential ultrastructural alterations in the Vglut2 glutamatergic input to the substantia nigra pars compacta/pars reticulata following nigrostriatal dopamine loss in a progressive mouse model of Parkinson's disease.
Moore C, Xu M, Bohlen JK, Meshul CK
The European journal of neuroscience (2021) 537: 2061-2077. 135 304 EM; tested species: mouse
Vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1)- and VGLUT2-immunopositive axon terminals on the rat jaw-closing and jaw-opening motoneurons.
Park SK, Ko SJ, Paik SK, Rah JC, Lee KJ, Bae YC
Brain structure & function (2018) : . 135 304 IHC, EM; tested species: rat
Reduced Glutamate Release in Adult BTBR Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Wei H, Ma Y, Ding C, Jin G, Liu J, Chang Q, Hu F, Yu L
Neurochemical research (2016) 4111: 3129-3137. 135 304 WB, EM
Analysis of acute brain slices by electron microscopy: a correlative light-electron microscopy workflow based on Tokuyasu cryo-sectioning.
Loussert Fonta C, Leis A, Mathisen C, Bouvier DS, Blanchard W, Volterra A, Lich B, Humbel BM
Journal of structural biology (2015) 1891: 53-61. 135 304 EM
Activity-dependent synaptic GRIP1 accumulation drives synaptic scaling up in response to action potential blockade.
Gainey MA, Tatavarty V, Nahmani M, Lin H, Turrigiano GG
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2015) 11227: E3590-9. 135 304 EM; tested species: rat
Differential distribution of glycine receptor subtypes at the rat calyx of Held synapse.
Hruskova B, Trojanova J, Kulik A, Kralikova M, Pysanenko K, Bures Z, Syka J, Trussell LO, Turecek R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2012) 3247: 17012-24. 135 304 EM
Quantitative comparison of glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic vesicles unveils selectivity for few proteins including MAL2, a novel synaptic vesicle protein.
Grønborg M, Pavlos NJ, Brunk I, Chua JJ, Münster-Wandowski A, Riedel D, Ahnert-Hilger G, Urlaub H, Jahn R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 301: 2-12. 135 304 ICC, IHC, EM
Synaptic and vesicular coexistence of VGLUT and VGAT in selected excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
Zander JF, Münster-Wandowski A, Brunk I, Pahner I, Gómez-Lira G, Heinemann U, Gutiérrez R, Laube G, Ahnert-Hilger G
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 3022: 7634-45. 135 304 EM; tested species: rat
Critical Analysis of Particle Detection Artifacts in Synaptosome Flow Cytometry.
Hobson BD, Sims PA
eNeuro (2019) : . 135 304 FACS; tested species: mouse
Neuregulin-1 is concentrated in the postsynaptic subsurface cistern of C-bouton inputs to α-motoneurons and altered during motoneuron diseases.
Gallart-Palau X, Tarabal O, Casanovas A, Sábado J, Correa FJ, Hereu M, Piedrafita L, Calderó J, Esquerda JE
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (2014) 288: 3618-32. 135 304 ; tested species: mouse
Cat. No.: 135 304
Amount: 100 µl
Price: $400.00
Microglia enable cross-modal plasticity by removing inhibitory synapses.
Hashimoto A, Kawamura N, Tarusawa E, Takeda I, Aoyama Y, Ohno N, Inoue M, Kagamiuchi M, Kato D, Matsumoto M, Hasegawa Y, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 425: 112383. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuronopathic GBA1L444P Mutation Accelerates Glucosylsphingosine Levels and Formation of Hippocampal Alpha-Synuclein Inclusions.
Mahoney-Crane CL, Viswanathan M, Russell D, Curtiss RAC, Freire J, Bobba SS, Coyle SD, Kandebo M, Yao L, Wan BL, Hatcher NG, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) 433: 501-521. 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Epilepsy-Related CDKL5 Deficiency Slows Synaptic Vesicle Endocytosis in Central Nerve Terminals.
Kontaxi C, Ivanova D, Davenport EC, Kind PC, Cousin MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) 4311: 2002-2020. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Brevican, Neurocan, Tenascin-C, and Tenascin-R Act as Important Regulators of the Interplay Between Perineuronal Nets, Synaptic Integrity, Inhibitory Interneurons, and Otx2.
Mueller-Buehl C, Reinhard J, Roll L, Bader V, Winklhofer KF, Faissner A
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2022) 10: 886527. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Extracellular transglutaminase-2, nude or associated with astrocytic extracellular vesicles, modulates neuronal calcium homeostasis.
Tonoli E, Verduci I, Gabrielli M, Prada I, Forcaia G, Coveney C, Savoca MP, Boocock DJ, Sancini G, Mazzanti M, Verderio C, et al.
Progress in neurobiology (2022) : 102313. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Clathrin-independent endocytic retrieval of SV proteins mediated by the clathrin adaptor AP-2 at mammalian central synapses.
López-Hernández T, Takenaka KI, Mori Y, Kongpracha P, Nagamori S, Haucke V, Takamori S
eLife (2022) 11: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Vesicular Glutamate Transporters (SLCA17 A6, 7, 8) Control Synaptic Phosphate Levels.
Cheret C, Ganzella M, Preobraschenski J, Jahn R, Ahnert-Hilger G
Cell reports (2021) 342: 108623. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human,mouse
SHANK2 Mutations Result in Dysregulation of the ERK1/2 Pathway in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Neurons and Shank2(-/-) Mice.
Lutz AK, Pérez Arévalo A, Ioannidis V, Stirmlinger N, Demestre M, Delorme R, Bourgeron T, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2021) 14: 773571. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human
Neuroligin-3 Regulates Excitatory Synaptic Transmission and EPSP-Spike Coupling in the Dentate Gyrus In Vivo.
Muellerleile J, Vnencak M, Ippolito A, Krueger-Burg D, Jungenitz T, Schwarzacher SW, Jedlicka P
Molecular neurobiology (2021) : . 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring.
Mirabella F, Desiato G, Mancinelli S, Fossati G, Rasile M, Morini R, Markicevic M, Grimm C, Amegandjin C, Termanini A, Peano C, et al.
Immunity (2021) 5411: 2611-2631.e8. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Neurocan Contributes to Perineuronal Net Development.
Schmidt S, Arendt T, Morawski M, Sonntag M
Neuroscience (2020) 442: 69-86. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Critical role for piccolo in synaptic vesicle retrieval.
Ackermann F, Schink KO, Bruns C, Izsvák Z, Hamra FK, Rosenmund C, Garner CC
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Glutamate-induced and NMDA receptor-mediated neurodegeneration entails P2Y1 receptor activation.
Simões AP, Silva CG, Marques JM, Pochmann D, Porciúncula LO, Ferreira S, Oses JP, Beleza RO, Real JI, Köfalvi A, Bahr BA, et al.
Cell death & disease (2018) 93: 297. 135 304 WB; tested species: rat
Pentraxin 3 regulates synaptic function by inducing AMPA receptor clustering via ECM remodeling and β1-integrin.
Fossati G, Pozzi D, Canzi A, Mirabella F, Valentino S, Morini R, Ghirardini E, Filipello F, Moretti M, Gotti C, Annis DS, et al.
The EMBO journal (2018) : . 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Dose-dependent reversal of KCC2 hypofunction and phenobarbital-resistant neonatal seizures by ANA12.
Carter BM, Sullivan BJ, Landers JR, Kadam SD
Scientific reports (2018) 81: 11987. 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Blockade of adenosine A2A receptors recovers early deficits of memory and plasticity in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Silva AC, Lemos C, Gonçalves FQ, Pliássova AV, Machado NJ, Silva HB, Canas PM, Cunha RA, Lopes JP, Agostinho P
Neurobiology of disease (2018) : . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters in transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1)-positive neurons in the rat trigeminal ganglion.
Kim YS, Kim SK, Lee JS, Ko SJ, Bae YC
Brain research (2018) : . 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: rat
VGLUT1 Binding to Endophilin or Intersectin1 and Dynamin Phosphorylation in a Diurnal Context.
Richter K, Schmutz I, Darna M, Zander JF, Chavan R, Albrecht U, Ahnert-Hilger G
Neuroscience (2018) 371: 29-37. 135 304 WB; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of IL-6 trans-signaling in the brain increases sociability in the BTBR mouse model of autism.
Wei H, Ma Y, Liu J, Ding C, Jin G, Wang Y, Hu F, Yu L
Biochimica et biophysica acta (2016) 186210: 1918-25. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Reduced Glutamate Release in Adult BTBR Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Wei H, Ma Y, Ding C, Jin G, Liu J, Chang Q, Hu F, Yu L
Neurochemical research (2016) 4111: 3129-3137. 135 304 WB, EM
An essential role of acetylcholine-glutamate synergy at habenular synapses in nicotine dependence.
Frahm S, Antolin-Fontes B, Görlich A, Zander JF, Ahnert-Hilger G, Ibañez-Tallon I
eLife (2015) 4: e11396. 135 304 WB, IHC
Activity-Dependent Bidirectional Regulation of GAD Expression in a Homeostatic Fashion Is Mediated by BDNF-Dependent and Independent Pathways.
Hanno-Iijima Y, Tanaka M, Iijima T
PloS one (2015) 108: e0134296. 135 304 WB
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in the rat dental pulp and trigeminal ganglion following inflammation.
Yang ES, Jin MU, Hong JH, Kim YS, Choi SY, Kim TH, Cho YS, Bae YC
PloS one (2014) 910: e109723. 135 304 WB, IHC
Primary cilia signaling in astrocytes mediates development and regional-specific functional specification.
Wang L, Guo Q, Acharya S, Zheng X, Huynh V, Whitmore B, Yimit A, Malhotra M, Chatterji S, Rosin N, Labit E, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2024) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Protocol for the culturing of primary hippocampal mouse neurons for functional in vitro studies.
Cramer TML, Tyagarajan SK
STAR protocols (2024) 52: 102991. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Phosphoinositide detection at synapses of fixed murine hippocampal neurons.
Bolz S, Kaempf N, Muehlbauer M, Löwe D, Haucke V
STAR protocols (2024) 52: 102945. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Heterogeneous subpopulations of GABAAR-responding neurons coexist across neuronal network scales and developmental stages in health and disease.
Colombi I, Rastogi M, Parrini M, Alberti M, Potenzieri A, Chellali MM, Rosati S, Chiappalone M, Nanni M, Contestabile A, Cancedda L, et al.
iScience (2024) 274: 109438. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The stability of the primed pool of synaptic vesicles and the clamping of spontaneous neurotransmitter release rely on the integrity of the C-terminal half of the SNARE domain of syntaxin-1A.
Salazar Lázaro A, Trimbuch T, Vardar G, Rosenmund C
eLife (2024) 12: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Differential regulations of neural activity and survival in primary cortical neurons by PFOA or PFHpA.
Ko MY, Park H, Chon SH, Kim YB, Cha SW, Lee BS, Hyun SA, Ka M
Chemosphere (2024) 352: 141379. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Death Induced by Survival gene Elimination (DISE) correlates with neurotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease and aging.
Paudel B, Jeong SY, Martinez CP, Rickman A, Haluck-Kangas A, Bartom ET, Fredriksen K, Affaneh A, Kessler JA, Mazzulli JR, Murmann AE, et al.
Nature communications (2024) 151: 264. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Compartmentalization of soluble endocytic proteins in synaptic vesicle clusters by phase separation.
Yoshida T, Takenaka KI, Sakamoto H, Kojima Y, Sakano T, Shibayama K, Nakamura K, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Mori Y, Hirabayashi Y, Hirose K, et al.
iScience (2023) 266: 106826. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuronal extracellular vesicles and associated microRNAs induce circuit connectivity downstream BDNF.
Antoniou A, Auderset L, Kaurani L, Sebastian E, Zeng Y, Allahham M, Cases-Cunillera S, Schoch S, Gruendemann J, Fischer A, Schneider A, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 422: 112063. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Epilepsy-Related CDKL5 Deficiency Slows Synaptic Vesicle Endocytosis in Central Nerve Terminals.
Kontaxi C, Ivanova D, Davenport EC, Kind PC, Cousin MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) 4311: 2002-2020. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Syntaxin 7 modulates seizure activity in epilepsy.
Wu J, Zhang H, Yang L, Chen Y, Li J, Yang M, Zhang X, He C, Wang X, Xu X
Neurobiology of disease (2023) : 106118. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Long-term α5 GABA A receptor negative allosteric modulator treatment reduces NMDAR-mediated neuronal excitation and maintains basal neuronal inhibition.
Nuwer JL, Povysheva N, Jacob TC
Neuropharmacology (2023) 237: 109587. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
16p11.2 CNV gene Doc2α functions in neurodevelopment and social behaviors through interaction with Secretagogin.
Wang QW, Qin J, Chen YF, Tu Y, Xing YY, Wang Y, Yang LY, Lu SY, Geng L, Shi W, Yang Y, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 427: 112691. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 elevation contributes to age-associated cognitive decline.
Tian J, Guo L, Wang T, Jia K, Swerdlow RH, Zigman JM, Du H
JCI insight (2023) 810: . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Activity-dependent tau cleavage by caspase-3 promotes neuronal dysfunction and synaptotoxicity.
Opland CK, Bryan MR, Harris B, McGillion-Moore J, Tian X, Chen Y, Itano MS, Diering GH, Meeker RB, Cohen TJ
iScience (2023) 266: 106905. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Syntabulin regulates neuronal excitation/inhibition balance and epileptic seizures by transporting syntaxin 1B.
Ke P, Gu J, Liu J, Liu Y, Tian X, Ma Y, Meng Y, Xiao F
Cell death discovery (2023) 91: 187. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neurexin-3 subsynaptic densities are spatially distinct from Neurexin-1 and essential for excitatory synapse nanoscale organization in the hippocampus.
Lloyd BA, Han Y, Roth R, Zhang B, Aoto J
Nature communications (2023) 141: 4706. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Presynapses contain distinct actin nanostructures.
Bingham D, Jakobs CE, Wernert F, Boroni-Rueda F, Jullien N, Schentarra EM, Friedl K, Da Costa Moura J, van Bommel DM, Caillol G, Ogawa Y, et al.
The Journal of cell biology (2023) 22210: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Extracellular transglutaminase-2, nude or associated with astrocytic extracellular vesicles, modulates neuronal calcium homeostasis.
Tonoli E, Verduci I, Gabrielli M, Prada I, Forcaia G, Coveney C, Savoca MP, Boocock DJ, Sancini G, Mazzanti M, Verderio C, et al.
Progress in neurobiology (2022) : 102313. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
Clathrin-independent endocytic retrieval of SV proteins mediated by the clathrin adaptor AP-2 at mammalian central synapses.
López-Hernández T, Takenaka KI, Mori Y, Kongpracha P, Nagamori S, Haucke V, Takamori S
eLife (2022) 11: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Endosomal phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate controls synaptic vesicle cycling and neurotransmission.
Liu GT, Kochlamazashvili G, Puchkov D, Müller R, Schultz C, Mackintosh AI, Vollweiter D, Haucke V, Soykan T
The EMBO journal (2022) : e109352. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
The synaptic scaffold protein MPP2 interacts with GABAA receptors at the periphery of the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic synapses.
Schmerl B, Gimber N, Kuropka B, Stumpf A, Rentsch J, Kunde SA, von Sivers J, Ewers H, Schmitz D, Freund C, Schmoranzer J, et al.
PLoS biology (2022) 203: e3001503. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Patient-derived anti-NMDAR antibody disinhibits cortical neuronal networks through dysfunction of inhibitory neuron output.
Andrzejak E, Rabinovitch E, Kreye J, Prüss H, Rosenmund C, Ziv NE, Garner CC, Ackermann F
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
MAD2B promotes podocyte injury through regulating Numb-dependent Notch 1 pathway in diabetic nephropathy.
Li MR, Lei CT, Tang H, Yin XJ, Hao Z, Qiu Y, Xie YR, Zeng JY, Su H, Zhang C
International journal of biological sciences (2022) 185: 1896-1911. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Deconstructing Synaptotagmin-1's Distinct Roles in Synaptic Vesicle Priming and Neurotransmitter Release.
Bouazza-Arostegui B, Camacho M, Brockmann MM, Zobel S, Rosenmund C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) 4214: 2856-2871. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Hemisynapse Formation Between Target Astrocytes and Cortical Neuron Axons in vitro.
Teng Z, Gottmann K
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2022) 15: 829506. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Aβ-Induced Alterations in Membrane Lipids Occur before Synaptic Loss Appears.
Van Bulck M, Brandt N, Claus RA, Gräler M, Bräuer AU
International journal of molecular sciences (2022) 234: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Identification of Synaptic DGKθ Interactors That Stimulate DGKθ Activity.
Barber CN, Goldschmidt HL, Ma Q, Devine LR, Cole RN, Huganir RL, Raben DM
Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience (2022) 14: 855673. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Involvement of CaV 2.2 channels and α2 δ-1 in homeostatic synaptic plasticity in cultured hippocampal neurons.
Pilch KS, Ramgoolam KH, Dolphin AC
The Journal of physiology (2022) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Beclin1 Deficiency Suppresses Epileptic Seizures.
Yang M, Lin P, Jing W, Guo H, Chen H, Chen Y, Guo Y, Gu Y, He M, Wu J, Jiang X, et al.
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2022) 15: 807671. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
The lipid transporter ORP2 regulates synaptic neurotransmitter release via two distinct mechanisms.
Weber-Boyvat M, Kroll J, Trimbuch T, Olkkonen VM, Rosenmund C
Cell reports (2022) 4113: 111882. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
A bidirectional switch in the Shank3 phosphorylation state biases synapses toward up- or downscaling.
Wu CH, Tatavarty V, Jean Beltran PM, Guerrero AA, Keshishian H, Krug K, MacMullan MA, Li L, Carr SA, Cottrell JR, Turrigiano GG, et al.
eLife (2022) 11: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Bassoon controls synaptic vesicle release via regulation of presynaptic phosphorylation and cAMP.
Montenegro-Venegas C, Guhathakurta D, Pina-Fernandez E, Andres-Alonso M, Plattner F, Gundelfinger ED, Fejtova A
EMBO reports (2022) 238: e53659. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
FMRP Sustains Presynaptic Function via Control of Activity-Dependent Bulk Endocytosis.
Bonnycastle K, Kind PC, Cousin MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) 428: 1618-1628. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
A high-content neuron imaging assay demonstrates inhibition of prion disease-associated neurotoxicity by an anti-prion protein antibody.
Reilly M, Benilova I, Khalili-Shirazi A, Schmidt C, Ahmed P, Yip D, Jat PS, Collinge J
Scientific reports (2022) 121: 9493. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring.
Mirabella F, Desiato G, Mancinelli S, Fossati G, Rasile M, Morini R, Markicevic M, Grimm C, Amegandjin C, Termanini A, Peano C, et al.
Immunity (2021) 5411: 2611-2631.e8. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Neuroinflammation induces synaptic scaling through IL-1β-mediated activation of the transcriptional repressor REST/NRSF.
Buffolo F, Petrosino V, Albini M, Moschetta M, Carlini F, Floss T, Kerlero de Rosbo N, Cesca F, Rocchi A, Uccelli A, Benfenati F, et al.
Cell death & disease (2021) 122: 180. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Amelioration of Tau pathology and memory deficits by targeting 5-HT7 receptor.
Labus J, Röhrs KF, Ackmann J, Varbanov H, Müller FE, Jia S, Jahreis K, Vollbrecht AL, Butzlaff M, Schill Y, Guseva D, et al.
Progress in neurobiology (2021) 197: 101900. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Vesicular Glutamate Transporters (SLCA17 A6, 7, 8) Control Synaptic Phosphate Levels.
Cheret C, Ganzella M, Preobraschenski J, Jahn R, Ahnert-Hilger G
Cell reports (2021) 342: 108623. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human,mouse
Synaptotagmin-1 interacts with PI(4,5)P2 to initiate synaptic vesicle docking in hippocampal neurons.
Chen Y, Wang YH, Zheng Y, Li M, Wang B, Wang QW, Fu CL, Liu YN, Li X, Yao J
Cell reports (2021) 3411: 108842. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Synaptotagmin-7-mediated activation of spontaneous NMDAR currents is disrupted in bipolar disorder susceptibility variants.
Wang QW, Wang YH, Wang B, Chen Y, Lu SY, Yao J
PLoS biology (2021) 197: e3001323. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Synaptogenic activity of the axon guidance molecule Robo2 underlies hippocampal circuit function.
Blockus H, Rolotti SV, Szoboszlay M, Peze-Heidsieck E, Ming T, Schroeder A, Apostolo N, Vennekens KM, Katsamba PS, Bahna F, Mannepalli S, et al.
Cell reports (2021) 373: 109828. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuronal Autophagy Regulates Presynaptic Neurotransmission by Controlling the Axonal Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Kuijpers M, Kochlamazashvili G, Stumpf A, Puchkov D, Swaminathan A, Lucht MT, Krause E, Maritzen T, Schmitz D, Haucke V
Neuron (2021) 1092: 299-313.e9. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Reciprocal regulation of spontaneous synaptic vesicle fusion by Fragile X mental retardation protein and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors.
Subrahmanyam R, Dwivedi D, Rashid Z, Bonnycastle K, Cousin MA, Chattarji S
Journal of neurochemistry (2021) 1585: 1094-1109. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
Improved modeling of human AD with an automated culturing platform for iPSC neurons, astrocytes and microglia.
Bassil R, Shields K, Granger K, Zein I, Ng S, Chih B
Nature communications (2021) 121: 5220. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
RNA editing-mediated regulation of calcium-dependent activator protein for secretion (CAPS1) localization and its impact on synaptic transmission.
Shumate KM, Tas ST, Kavalali ET, Emeson RB
Journal of neurochemistry (2021) 1582: 182-196. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Poly I:C Activated Microglia Disrupt Perineuronal Nets and Modulate Synaptic Balance in Primary Hippocampal Neurons in vitro.
Wegrzyn D, Freund N, Faissner A, Juckel G
Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience (2021) 13: 637549. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Cnksr2 Loss in Mice Leads to Increased Neural Activity and Behavioral Phenotypes of Epilepsy-Aphasia Syndrome.
Erata E, Gao Y, Purkey AM, Soderblom EJ, McNamara JO, Soderling SH
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2021) 4146: 9633-9649. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Presynaptic store-operated Ca2+ entry drives excitatory spontaneous neurotransmission and augments endoplasmic reticulum stress.
Chanaday NL, Nosyreva E, Shin OH, Zhang H, Aklan I, Atasoy D, Bezprozvanny I, Kavalali ET
Neuron (2021) 1098: 1314-1332.e5. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Ciliary neuropeptidergic signaling dynamically regulates excitatory synapses in postnatal neocortical pyramidal neurons.
Tereshko L, Gao Y, Cary BA, Turrigiano GG, Sengupta P
eLife (2021) 10: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
SHANK2 Mutations Result in Dysregulation of the ERK1/2 Pathway in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Neurons and Shank2(-/-) Mice.
Lutz AK, Pérez Arévalo A, Ioannidis V, Stirmlinger N, Demestre M, Delorme R, Bourgeron T, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2021) 14: 773571. 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: human
Deletion of RBMX RGG/RG motif in Shashi-XLID syndrome leads to aberrant p53 activation and neuronal differentiation defects.
Cai T, Cinkornpumin JK, Yu Z, Villarreal OD, Pastor WA, Richard S
Cell reports (2021) 362: 109337. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Synapse and Active Zone Assembly in the Absence of Presynaptic Ca2+ Channels and Ca2+ Entry.
Held RG, Liu C, Ma K, Ramsey AM, Tarr TB, De Nola G, Wang SSH, Wang J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Schneider T, Sun J, et al.
Neuron (2020) 1074: 667-683.e9. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Poly I:C induced maternal immune challenge reduces perineuronal net area and raises spontaneous network activity of hippocampal neurons in vitro.
Wegrzyn D, Manitz MP, Kostka M, Freund N, Juckel G, Faissner A
The European journal of neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The small GTPase Arf6 is dysregulated in a mouse model for fragile X syndrome.
Briševac D, Scholz R, Du D, Elagabani MN, Köhr G, Kornau HC
Journal of neurochemistry (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Chemico-genetic discovery of astrocytic control of inhibition in vivo.
Takano T, Wallace JT, Baldwin KT, Purkey AM, Uezu A, Courtland JL, Soderblom EJ, Shimogori T, Maness PF, Eroglu C, Soderling SH, et al.
Nature (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Autism-Associated Shank3 Is Essential for Homeostatic Compensation in Rodent V1.
Tatavarty V, Torrado Pacheco A, Groves Kuhnle C, Lin H, Koundinya P, Miska NJ, Hengen KB, Wagner FF, Van Hooser SD, Turrigiano GG
Neuron (2020) 1065: 769-777.e4. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Rapid 3D Enhanced Resolution Microscopy Reveals Diversity in Dendritic Spinule Dynamics, Regulation, and Function.
Zaccard CR, Shapiro L, Martin-de-Saavedra MD, Pratt C, Myczek K, Song A, Forrest MP, Penzes P
Neuron (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Synaptotagmin 1 oligomers clamp and regulate different modes of neurotransmitter release.
Tagliatti E, Bello OD, Mendonça PRF, Kotzadimitriou D, Nicholson E, Coleman J, Timofeeva Y, Rothman JE, Krishnakumar SS, Volynski KE
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2020) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Genetic inactivation of mTORC1 or mTORC2 in neurons reveals distinct functions in glutamatergic synaptic transmission.
McCabe MP, Cullen ER, Barrows CM, Shore AN, Tooke KI, Laprade KA, Stafford JM, Weston MC
eLife (2020) 9: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Acute knockdown of Depdc5 leads to synaptic defects in mTOR-related epileptogenesis.
De Fusco A, Cerullo MS, Marte A, Michetti C, Romei A, Castroflorio E, Baulac S, Benfenati F
Neurobiology of disease (2020) : 104822. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
A CRHR1 antagonist prevents synaptic loss and memory deficits in a trauma-induced delirium-like syndrome.
Cursano S, Battaglia CR, Urrutia-Ruiz C, Grabrucker S, Schön M, Bockmann J, Braumüller S, Radermacher P, Roselli F, Huber-Lang M, Boeckers TM, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
The small GTPase ARF6 regulates GABAergic synapse development.
Kim H, Jung H, Jung H, Kwon SK, Ko J, Um JW
Molecular brain (2020) 131: 2. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: rat
Biallelic DMXL2 mutations impair autophagy and cause Ohtahara syndrome with progressive course.
Esposito A, Falace A, Wagner M, Gal M, Mei D, Conti V, Pisano T, Aprile D, Cerullo MS, De Fusco A, Giovedì S, et al.
Brain : a journal of neurology (2019) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuronal apolipoprotein E4 increases cell death and phosphorylated tau release in alzheimer disease.
Wadhwani AR, Affaneh A, Van Gulden S, Kessler JA
Annals of neurology (2019) 855: 726-739. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Glutamatergic Innervation onto Striatal Neurons Potentiates GABAergic Synaptic Output.
Paraskevopoulou F, Herman MA, Rosenmund C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) 3923: 4448-4460. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Induced neuronal activity does not attenuate amyloid beta-induced synaptic loss in vitro.
Kono R, Kim GL, Nagata H, Ikegaya Y, Koyama R
Neuropsychopharmacology reports (2019) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
p97 regulates GluA1 homomeric AMPA receptor formation and plasma membrane expression.
Ge Y, Tian M, Liu L, Wong TP, Gong B, Wu D, Cho T, Lin S, Kast J, Lu J, Wang YT, et al.
Nature communications (2019) 101: 4089. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Elimination of the four extracellular matrix molecules tenascin-C, tenascin-R, brevican and neurocan alters the ratio of excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
Gottschling C, Wegrzyn D, Denecke B, Faissner A
Scientific reports (2019) 91: 13939. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Brain-specific Drp1 regulates postsynaptic endocytosis and dendrite formation independently of mitochondrial division.
Itoh K, Murata D, Kato T, Yamada T, Araki Y, Saito A, Adachi Y, Igarashi A, Li S, Pletnikov M, Huganir RL, et al.
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Alternative Splicing and the Intracellular Domain Mediate TM-agrin's Ability to Differentially Regulate the Density of Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapse-like Specializations in Developing CNS Neurons.
Handara G, Kröger S
Neuroscience (2019) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Autism and Schizophrenia-Associated CYFIP1 Regulates the Balance of Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition.
Davenport EC, Szulc BR, Drew J, Taylor J, Morgan T, Higgs NF, López-Doménech G, Kittler JT
Cell reports (2019) 268: 2037-2051.e6. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
SMO-M2 mutation does not support cell-autonomous Hedgehog activity in cerebellar granule cell precursors.
Petroni M, Sahùn Roncero M, Ramponi V, Fabretti F, Nicolis Di Robilant V, Moretti M, Alfano V, Corsi A, De Panfilis S, Giubettini M, Di Giulio S, et al.
Scientific reports (2019) 91: 19623. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Modeling a Neurexin-3α Human Mutation in Mouse Neurons Identifies a Novel Role in the Regulation of Transsynaptic Signaling and Neurotransmitter Release at Excitatory Synapses.
Restrepo S, Langer NJ, Nelson KA, Aoto J
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) 3946: 9065-9082. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Multiplexed and high-throughput neuronal fluorescence imaging with diffusible probes.
Guo SM, Veneziano R, Gordonov S, Li L, Danielson E, Perez de Arce K, Park D, Kulesa AB, Wamhoff EC, Blainey PC, Boyden ES, et al.
Nature communications (2019) 101: 4377. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Differential Properties of the Synaptogenic Activities of the Neurexin Ligands Neuroligin1 and LRRTM2.
Dagar S, Gottmann K
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2019) 12: 269. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Critical role for piccolo in synaptic vesicle retrieval.
Ackermann F, Schink KO, Bruns C, Izsvák Z, Hamra FK, Rosenmund C, Garner CC
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: rat
The Role of Agrin, Lrp4 and MuSK during Dendritic Arborization and Synaptogenesis in Cultured Embryonic CNS Neurons.
Handara G, Hetsch FJA, Jüttner R, Schick A, Haupt C, Rathjen FG, Kröger S
Developmental biology (2018) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Blockade of adenosine A2A receptors recovers early deficits of memory and plasticity in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Silva AC, Lemos C, Gonçalves FQ, Pliássova AV, Machado NJ, Silva HB, Canas PM, Cunha RA, Lopes JP, Agostinho P
Neurobiology of disease (2018) : . 135 304 WB, ICC; tested species: mouse
Critical roles of αII spectrin in brain development and epileptic encephalopathy.
Wang Y, Ji T, Nelson AD, Glanowska K, Murphy GG, Jenkins PM, Parent JM
The Journal of clinical investigation (2018) 1282: 760-773. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Salvianolic acid B attenuates mitochondrial stress against Aβ toxicity in primary cultured mouse neurons.
He Y, Jia K, Li L, Wang Q, Zhang S, Du J, Du H
Biochemical and biophysical research communications (2018) 4984: 1066-1072. 135 304 ICC
De novo mutations of the ATP6V1A gene cause developmental encephalopathy with epilepsy.
Fassio A, Esposito A, Kato M, Saitsu H, Mei D, Marini C, Conti V, Nakashima M, Okamoto N, Olmez Turker A, Albuz B, et al.
Brain : a journal of neurology (2018) 1416: 1703-1718. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Constitutive Inactivation of the PRRT2 Gene Alters Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity and Promotes Network Hyperexcitability in Hippocampal Neurons.
Valente P, Romei A, Fadda M, Sterlini B, Lonardoni D, Forte N, Fruscione F, Castroflorio E, Michetti C, Giansante G, Valtorta F, et al.
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) (2018) : . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Neuregulin 1-ErbB module in C-bouton synapses on somatic motor neurons: molecular compartmentation and response to peripheral nerve injury.
Casanovas A, Salvany S, Lahoz V, Tarabal O, Piedrafita L, Sabater R, Hernández S, Calderó J, Esquerda JE
Scientific reports (2017) 7: 40155. 135 304 ICC
Bicistronic CACNA1A Gene Expression in Neurons Derived from Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6 Patient-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Bavassano C, Eigentler A, Stanika R, Obermair GJ, Boesch S, Dechant G, Nat R
Stem cells and development (2017) 2622: 1612-1625. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Neuronal hyperactivity causes Na+/H+ exchanger-induced extracellular acidification at active synapses.
Chiacchiaretta M, Latifi S, Bramini M, Fadda M, Fassio A, Benfenati F, Cesca F
Journal of cell science (2017) 1308: 1435-1449. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The antipsychotic drugs olanzapine and haloperidol modify network connectivity and spontaneous activity of neural networks in vitro.
Dzyubenko E, Juckel G, Faissner A
Scientific reports (2017) 71: 11609. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
ELKS controls the pool of readily releasable vesicles at excitatory synapses through its N-terminal coiled-coil domains.
Held RG, Liu C, Kaeser PS
eLife (2016) 5: . 135 304 ICC
Arf6 regulates the cycling and the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles at hippocampal synapse.
Tagliatti E, Fadda M, Falace A, Benfenati F, Fassio A
eLife (2016) 5: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
PRRT2 Is a Key Component of the Ca(2+)-Dependent Neurotransmitter Release Machinery.
Valente P, Castroflorio E, Rossi P, Fadda M, Sterlini B, Cervigni RI, Prestigio C, Giovedì S, Onofri F, Mura E, Guarnieri FC, et al.
Cell reports (2016) 151: 117-31. 135 304 ICC
Electrical Responses and Spontaneous Activity of Human iPS-Derived Neuronal Networks Characterized for 3-month Culture with 4096-Electrode Arrays.
Amin H, Maccione A, Marinaro F, Zordan S, Nieus T, Berdondini L
Frontiers in neuroscience (2016) 10: 121. 135 304 ICC; tested species: human
Deregulation of mitochondrial F1FO-ATP synthase via OSCP in Alzheimer's disease.
Beck SJ, Guo L, Phensy A, Tian J, Wang L, Tandon N, Gauba E, Lu L, Pascual JM, Kroener S, Du H, et al.
Nature communications (2016) 7: 11483. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Optogenetic activation of intracellular adenosine A2A receptor signaling in the hippocampus is sufficient to trigger CREB phosphorylation and impair memory.
Li P, Rial D, Canas PM, Yoo JH, Li W, Zhou X, Wang Y, van Westen GJ, Payen MP, Augusto E, Gonçalves N, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2015) 2011: 1339-49. 135 304 ICC
Regulated Dynamic Trafficking of Neurexins Inside and Outside of Synaptic Terminals.
Neupert C, Schneider R, Klatt O, Reissner C, Repetto D, Biermann B, Niesmann K, Missler M, Heine M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2015) 3540: 13629-47. 135 304 ICC
Vesicular Synaptobrevin/VAMP2 Levels Guarded by AP180 Control Efficient Neurotransmission.
Koo SJ, Kochlamazashvili G, Rost B, Puchkov D, Gimber N, Lehmann M, Tadeus G, Schmoranzer J, Rosenmund C, Haucke V, Maritzen T, et al.
Neuron (2015) 882: 330-44. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Subventricular zone neural progenitors reverse TNF-alpha effects in cortical neurons.
Morini R, Ghirardini E, Butti E, Verderio C, Martino G, Matteoli M
Stem cell research & therapy (2015) 6: 166. 135 304 ICC
Impact of preconditioning with retinoic acid during early development on morphological and functional characteristics of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons.
Horschitz S, Matthäus F, Groß A, Rosner J, Galach M, Greffrath W, Treede RD, Utikal J, Schloss P, Meyer-Lindenberg A
Stem cell research (2015) 151: 30-41. 135 304 ICC
Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Presynaptic Localization of the ALS/FTD Related Protein FUS in Hippocampal Neurons.
Schoen M, Reichel JM, Demestre M, Putz S, Deshpande D, Proepper C, Liebau S, Schmeisser MJ, Ludolph AC, Michaelis J, Boeckers TM, et al.
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2015) 9: 496. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
ROCK1 and 2 differentially regulate actomyosin organization to drive cell and synaptic polarity.
Newell-Litwa KA, Badoual M, Asmussen H, Patel H, Whitmore L, Horwitz AR
The Journal of cell biology (2015) 2102: 225-42. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Reduced SNAP-25 increases PSD-95 mobility and impairs spine morphogenesis.
Fossati G, Morini R, Corradini I, Antonucci F, Trepte P, Edry E, Sharma V, Papale A, Pozzi D, Defilippi P, Meier JC, et al.
Cell death and differentiation (2015) 229: 1425-36. 135 304 ICC
Investigation of synapse formation and function in a glutamatergic-GABAergic two-neuron microcircuit.
Chang CL, Trimbuch T, Chao HT, Jordan JC, Herman MA, Rosenmund C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 343: 855-68. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
The active zone protein family ELKS supports Ca2+ influx at nerve terminals of inhibitory hippocampal neurons.
Liu C, Bickford LS, Held RG, Nyitrai H, Südhof TC, Kaeser PS
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3437: 12289-303. 135 304 ICC
High abundance of BDNF within glutamatergic presynapses of cultured hippocampal neurons.
Andreska T, Aufmkolk S, Sauer M, Blum R
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2014) 8: 107. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Microglia convert aggregated amyloid-β into neurotoxic forms through the shedding of microvesicles.
Joshi P, Turola E, Ruiz A, Bergami A, Libera DD, Benussi L, Giussani P, Magnani G, Comi G, Legname G, Ghidoni R, et al.
Cell death and differentiation (2014) 214: 582-93. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
Signaling adaptor protein SH2B1 enhances neurite outgrowth and accelerates the maturation of human induced neurons.
Hsu YC, Chen SL, Wang YJ, Chen YH, Wang DY, Chen L, Chen CH, Chen HH, Chiu IM
Stem cells translational medicine (2014) 36: 713-22. 135 304 ICC
Reduced SNAP-25 alters short-term plasticity at developing glutamatergic synapses.
Antonucci F, Corradini I, Morini R, Fossati G, Menna E, Pozzi D, Pacioni S, Verderio C, Bacci A, Matteoli M
EMBO reports (2013) 147: 645-51. 135 304 ICC
Complexin activates exocytosis of distinct secretory vesicles controlled by different synaptotagmins.
Cao P, Yang X, Südhof TC
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 334: 1714-27. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Netrin-1 promotes excitatory synaptogenesis between cortical neurons by initiating synapse assembly.
Goldman JS, Ashour MA, Magdesian MH, Tritsch NX, Harris SN, Christofi N, Chemali R, Stern YE, Thompson-Steckel G, Gris P, Glasgow SD, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 3344: 17278-89. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Specific trans-synaptic interaction with inhibitory interneuronal neurexin underlies differential ability of neuroligins to induce functional inhibitory synapses.
Futai K, Doty CD, Baek B, Ryu J, Sheng M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 338: 3612-23. 135 304 ICC; tested species: rat
The Munc13 proteins differentially regulate readily releasable pool dynamics and calcium-dependent recovery at a central synapse.
Chen Z, Cooper B, Kalla S, Varoqueaux F, Young SM
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 3319: 8336-51. 135 304 ICC
CDKL5 ensures excitatory synapse stability by reinforcing NGL-1-PSD95 interaction in the postsynaptic compartment and is impaired in patient iPSC-derived neurons.
Ricciardi S, Ungaro F, Hambrock M, Rademacher N, Stefanelli G, Brambilla D, Sessa A, Magagnotti C, Bachi A, Giarda E, Verpelli C, et al.
Nature cell biology (2012) 149: 911-23. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
β-III spectrin is critical for development of purkinje cell dendritic tree and spine morphogenesis.
Gao Y, Perkins EM, Clarkson YL, Tobia S, Lyndon AR, Jackson M, Rothstein JD
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2011) 3146: 16581-90. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Activation of voltage-gated Na⁺ and Ca²⁺ channels is required for glutamate release from retinal glial cells implicated in cell volume regulation.
Linnertz R, Wurm A, Pannicke T, Krügel K, Hollborn M, Härtig W, Iandiev I, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A, Bringmann A
Neuroscience (2011) 188: 23-34. 135 304 ICC
Quantitative comparison of glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic vesicles unveils selectivity for few proteins including MAL2, a novel synaptic vesicle protein.
Grønborg M, Pavlos NJ, Brunk I, Chua JJ, Münster-Wandowski A, Riedel D, Ahnert-Hilger G, Urlaub H, Jahn R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 301: 2-12. 135 304 ICC, IHC, EM
Tumor necrosis factor-α signaling maintains the ability of cortical synapses to express synaptic scaling.
Steinmetz CC, Turrigiano GG
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 3044: 14685-90. 135 304 ICC
Stiff person syndrome-associated autoantibodies to amphiphysin mediate reduced GABAergic inhibition.
Geis C, Weishaupt A, Hallermann S, Grünewald B, Wessig C, Wultsch T, Reif A, Byts N, Beck M, Jablonka S, Boettger MK, et al.
Brain : a journal of neurology (2010) 13311: 3166-80. 135 304 ICC
Structural and mutational analysis of functional differentiation between synaptotagmins-1 and -7.
Xue M, Craig TK, Shin OH, Li L, Brautigam CA, Tomchick DR, Südhof TC, Rosenmund C, Rizo J
PloS one (2010) 59: . 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Dendritic branching of olfactory bulb mitral and tufted cells: regulation by TrkB.
Imamura F, Greer CA
PloS one (2009) 48: e6729. 135 304 ICC; tested species: mouse
Splice-specific roles of glycine receptor alpha3 in the hippocampus.
Eichler SA, Förstera B, Smolinsky B, Jüttner R, Lehmann TN, Fähling M, Schwarz G, Legendre P, Meier JC
The European journal of neuroscience (2009) 306: 1077-91. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Scribble interacts with beta-catenin to localize synaptic vesicles to synapses.
Sun Y, Aiga M, Yoshida E, Humbert PO, Bamji SX
Molecular biology of the cell (2009) 2014: 3390-400. 135 304 ICC
Association of medullary reticular formation ventral part with spasticity in mice suffering from photothrombotic stroke.
Isumi S, Futamura D, Hanasaki T, Sako Y, Miyata S, Kan H, Suzuki Y, Hasegawa N, Mushiake H, Kametaka S, Uchiyama Y, et al.
NeuroImage (2024) 298: 120791. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spatiotemporal Mapping and Molecular Basis of Whole-brain Circuit Maturation.
Xue J, Brawner AT, Thompson JR, Yelhekar TD, Newmaster KT, Qiu Q, Cooper YA, Yu CR, Ahmed-Braima YH, Kim Y, Lin Y, et al.
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Beyond neuromuscular activity: botulinum toxin type A exerts direct central action on spinal control of movement.
Šoštarić P, Matić M, Nemanić D, Lučev Vasić Ž, Cifrek M, Pirazzini M, Matak I
European journal of pharmacology (2024) 962: 176242. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Synaptic cell-adhesion molecule latrophilin-2 is differentially directed to dendritic domains of hippocampal neurons.
Murphy TR, Amidon RF, Donohue JD, Li L, Anderson GR
iScience (2024) 272: 108799. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A microglial activation cascade across cortical regions underlies secondary mechanical hypersensitivity to amputation.
Wei HR, Tang L, Yang XL, Chen CM, Li LX, Mao Y, Wang D, Kang F, Qun S, Zhang Z, Cao P, et al.
Cell reports (2024) 432: 113804. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Loss of interleukin 1 signaling causes impairment of microglia- mediated synapse elimination and autistic-like behaviour in mice.
Borreca A, Mantovani C, Desiato G, Corradini I, Filipello F, Elia CA, D'Autilia F, Santamaria G, Garlanda C, Morini R, Pozzi D, et al.
Brain, behavior, and immunity (2024) 117: 493-509. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Exacerbate Epileptic Seizures by Modulating the TLR4-Autophagy Axis.
Ke P, Liu J, Chen C, Luo S, Gu H, Gu J, Liu Y, Ma Y, Meng Y, Hu L, Tian X, et al.
International journal of nanomedicine (2024) 19: 2025-2038. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neonatal GABAergic transmission primes vestibular gating of output for adult spatial navigation.
Jiang Q, Wu KL, Hu XQ, Cheung MH, Chen W, Ma CW, Shum DK, Chan YS
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2024) 811: 147. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Lifelong absence of microglia alters hippocampal glutamatergic networks but not synapse and spine density.
Surala M, Soso-Zdravkovic L, Munro D, Rifat A, Ouk K, Vida I, Priller J, Madry C
EMBO reports (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Transplantation of dorsal root ganglia overexpressing the NaChBac sodium channel improves locomotion after complete SCI.
Hingorani S, Paniagua Soriano G, Sánchez Huertas C, Villalba Riquelme EM, López Mocholi E, Martínez Rojas B, Alastrué Agudo A, Dupraz S, Ferrer Montiel AV, Moreno Manzano V
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Dysfunction of specific auditory fibers impacts cortical oscillations, driving an autism phenotype despite near-normal hearing.
Marchetta P, Dapper K, Hess M, Calis D, Singer W, Wertz J, Fink S, Hage SR, Alam M, Schwabe K, Lukowski R, et al.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (2024) 382: e23411. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Role of Tenascin-C on the Structural Plasticity of Perineuronal Nets and Synaptic Expression in the Hippocampus of Male Mice.
Jakovljević A, Stamenković V, Poleksić J, Hamad MIK, Reiss G, Jakovcevski I, Andjus PR
Biomolecules (2024) 144: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Obesity alters POMC and kisspeptin neuron crosstalk leading to reduced luteinizing hormone in male mice.
Villa PA, Ruggiero-Ruff RE, Jamieson BB, Campbell RE, Coss D
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Growth hormone promotes myelin repair after chronic hypoxia via triggering pericyte-dependent angiogenesis.
Ren SY, Xia Y, Yu B, Lei QJ, Hou PF, Guo S, Wu SL, Liu W, Yang SF, Jiang YB, Chen JF, et al.
Neuron (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Adenosine mediates the amelioration of social novelty deficits during rhythmic light treatment of 16p11.2 deletion female mice.
Ju J, Li X, Pan Y, Du J, Yang X, Men S, Liu B, Zhang Z, Zhong H, Mai J, Wang Y, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2024) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia enhance post-anesthesia neuronal activity by shielding inhibitory synapses.
Haruwaka K, Ying Y, Liang Y, Umpierre AD, Yi MH, Kremen V, Chen T, Xie T, Qi F, Zhao S, Zheng J, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2024) 273: 449-461. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Excitatory and inhibitory synapses show a tight subcellular correlation that weakens over development.
Horton S, Mastrolia V, Jackson RE, Kemlo S, Pereira Machado PM, Carbajal MA, Hindges R, Fleck RA, Aguiar P, Neves G, Burrone J, et al.
Cell reports (2024) 437: 114361. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Excitatory synaptic structural abnormalities produced by templated aggregation of α-syn in the basolateral amygdala.
Gcwensa NZ, Russell DL, Long KY, Brzozowski CF, Liu X, Gamble KL, Cowell RM, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Neurobiology of disease (2024) 199: 106595. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prefrontal microglia deficiency during adolescence disrupts adult cognitive functions and synaptic structures: A follow-up study in female mice.
von Arx AS, Dawson K, Lin HY, Mattei D, Notter T, Meyer U, Schalbetter SM
Brain, behavior, and immunity (2023) 111: 230-246. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mice deficient in synaptic protease neurotrypsin show impaired spaced long-term potentiation and blunted learning-induced modulation of dendritic spines.
Ferrer-Ferrer M, Jia S, Kaushik R, Schneeberg J, Figiel I, Aleshin S, Mironov A, Safari M, Frischknecht R, Wlodarczyk J, Senkov O, et al.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2023) 804: 82. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Structural preservation does not ensure function at sensory Ia - motoneuron synapses following peripheral nerve injury and repair.
Rotterman TM, García VV, Housley SN, Nardelli P, Sierra R, Fix CE, Cope TC
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2023) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Neonatal immune challenge poses a sex-specific risk for epigenetic microglial reprogramming and behavioral impairment.
Schwabenland M, Mossad O, Sievert A, Peres AG, Ringel E, Baasch S, Kolter J, Cascone G, Dokalis N, Vlachos A, Ruzsics Z, et al.
Nature communications (2023) 141: 2721. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Immunohistochemical analysis of glutamatergic and serotonergic signaling pathways in chemosensory cell clusters in the pharynx and larynx of rats.
Abdali SS, Yokoyama T, Nakamuta N, Saino T, Yamamoto Y
Tissue & cell (2023) 82: 102122. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 elevation contributes to age-associated cognitive decline.
Tian J, Guo L, Wang T, Jia K, Swerdlow RH, Zigman JM, Du H
JCI insight (2023) 810: . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Post-weaning social isolation in male mice leads to abnormal aggression and disrupted network organization in the prefrontal cortex: Contribution of parvalbumin interneurons with or without perineuronal nets.
Biro L, Miskolczi C, Szebik H, Bruzsik B, Varga ZK, Szente L, Toth M, Halasz J, Mikics E
Neurobiology of stress (2023) 25: 100546. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Golgi polarity shift instructs dendritic refinement in the neonatal cortex by mediating NMDA receptor signaling.
Nakagawa N, Iwasato T
Cell reports (2023) : 112843. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Developmental profile of microglia distribution in nuclei of the superior olivary complex.
Zacher AC, Hohaus K, Felmy F, Pätz-Warncke C
The Journal of comparative neurology (2023) : . 135 304 IHC
Dendritic Degeneration and Altered Synaptic Innervation of a Central Auditory Neuron During Age-related Hearing Loss.
Wang M, Zhang C, Lin S, Xie R
Neuroscience (2023) 514: 25-37. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Increased hippocampal cannabinoid 1 receptor expression is associated with protection from severe seizures in pregnant mice with reduced uterine perfusion pressure.
Jones-Muhammad M, Pryor T, Shao Q, Freeman KB, Warrington JP
Journal of neuroscience research (2023) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Synaptic mechanisms for associative learning in the cerebellar nuclei.
Broersen R, Albergaria C, Carulli D, Carey MR, Canto CB, De Zeeuw CI
Nature communications (2023) 141: 7459. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Phospholipid scramblase Xkr8 is required for developmental axon pruning via phosphatidylserine exposure.
Neniskyte U, Kuliesiute U, Vadisiute A, Jevdokimenko K, Coletta L, Deivasigamani S, Pamedytyte D, Daugelaviciene N, Dabkeviciene D, Perlas E, Bali A, et al.
The EMBO journal (2023) 4214: e111790. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The proteomic landscape of synaptic diversity across brain regions and cell types.
van Oostrum M, Blok TM, Giandomenico SL, Tom Dieck S, Tushev G, Fürst N, Langer JD, Schuman EM
Cell (2023) 18624: 5411-5427.e23. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia enable cross-modal plasticity by removing inhibitory synapses.
Hashimoto A, Kawamura N, Tarusawa E, Takeda I, Aoyama Y, Ohno N, Inoue M, Kagamiuchi M, Kato D, Matsumoto M, Hasegawa Y, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 425: 112383. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Engram cell connectivity as a mechanism for information encoding and memory function.
Ortega-de San Luis C, Pezzoli M, Urrieta E, Ryan TJ
Current biology : CB (2023) 3324: 5368-5380.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Age-Dependent Regulation of Dendritic Spine Density and Protein Expression in Mir324 KO Mice.
Parkins EV, Burwinkel JM, Ranatunga R, Yaser S, Hu YC, Tiwari D, Gross C
Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN (2023) 739-10: 818-830. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Adamtsl3 mediates DCC signaling to selectively promote GABAergic synapse function.
Cramer TML, Pinan-Lucarre B, Cavaccini A, Damilou A, Tsai YC, Bhat MA, Panzanelli P, Rama N, Mehlen P, Benke D, Karayannis T, et al.
Cell reports (2023) 428: 112947. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Shared GABA transmission pathology in dopamine agonist- and antagonist-induced dyskinesia.
Abe Y, Yagishita S, Sano H, Sugiura Y, Dantsuji M, Suzuki T, Mochizuki A, Yoshimaru D, Hata J, Matsumoto M, Taira S, et al.
Cell reports. Medicine (2023) 410: 101208. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
SAPAP3 regulates epileptic seizures involving GluN2A in post-synaptic densities.
Zhang Y, Wu J, Yan Y, Gu Y, Ma Y, Wang M, Zhang H, Tao K, Lü Y, Yu W, Jing W, et al.
Cell death & disease (2022) 135: 437. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Brevican, Neurocan, Tenascin-C, and Tenascin-R Act as Important Regulators of the Interplay Between Perineuronal Nets, Synaptic Integrity, Inhibitory Interneurons, and Otx2.
Mueller-Buehl C, Reinhard J, Roll L, Bader V, Winklhofer KF, Faissner A
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2022) 10: 886527. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Novel types of frequency filtering in the lateral perforant path projections to dentate gyrus.
Quintanilla J, Jia Y, Lauterborn JC, Pruess BS, Le AA, Cox CD, Gall CM, Lynch G, Gunn BG
The Journal of physiology (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Differential expression patterns of phospholipase D isoforms 1 and 2 in the mammalian brain and retina.
Barber CN, Goldschmidt HL, Lilley B, Bygrave AM, Johnson RC, Huganir RL, Zack DJ, Raben DM
Journal of lipid research (2022) 638: 100247. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Structural arrangement of auditory brainstem nuclei in the bats Phyllostomus discolor and Carollia perspicillata.
Pätz C, Console-Meyer L, Felmy F
The Journal of comparative neurology (2022) : . 135 304 IHC
Cross-talk between GABAergic postsynapse and microglia regulate synapse loss after brain ischemia.
Cramer T, Gill R, Thirouin ZS, Vaas M, Sampath S, Martineau F, Noya SB, Panzanelli P, Sudharshan TJJ, Colameo D, Chang PK, et al.
Science advances (2022) 89: eabj0112. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Calretinin-Expressing Synapses Show Improved Synaptic Efficacy with Reduced Asynchronous Release during High-Rate Activity.
Zhang C, Wang M, Lin S, Xie R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) 4213: 2729-2742. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Cranial irradiation impairs intrinsic excitability and synaptic plasticity of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons with implications for cognitive function.
Wu MY, Zou WJ, Yu P, Yang Y, Li SJ, Liu Q, Xie J, Chen SQ, Lin WJ, Tang Y
Neural regeneration research (2022) 1710: 2253-2259. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Laser microscopy acquisition and analysis of premotor synapses in the murine spinal cord.
Buettner JM, Kirmann T, Mentis GZ, Hallermann S, Simon CM
STAR protocols (2022) 31: 101236. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Time course of activity-dependent changes in auditory nerve synapses reveals multiple underlying cellular mechanisms.
Wong NF, Xu-Friedman MA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A direct excitatory projection from entorhinal layer 6b neurons to the hippocampus contributes to spatial coding and memory.
Ben-Simon Y, Kaefer K, Velicky P, Csicsvari J, Danzl JG, Jonas P
Nature communications (2022) 131: 4826. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Beclin1 Deficiency Suppresses Epileptic Seizures.
Yang M, Lin P, Jing W, Guo H, Chen H, Chen Y, Guo Y, Gu Y, He M, Wu J, Jiang X, et al.
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2022) 15: 807671. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Aging-Associated Changes in Cognition, Expression and Epigenetic Regulation of Chondroitin 6-Sulfotransferase Chst3.
Baidoe-Ansah D, Sakib S, Jia S, Mirzapourdelavar H, Strackeljan L, Fischer A, Aleshin S, Kaushik R, Dityatev A
Cells (2022) 1113: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Shank2/3 double knockout-based screening of cortical subregions links the retrosplenial area to the loss of social memory in autism spectrum disorders.
Garrido D, Beretta S, Grabrucker S, Bauer HF, Bayer D, Sala C, Verpelli C, Roselli F, Bockmann J, Proepper C, Catanese A, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglial control of neuronal development via somatic purinergic junctions.
Cserép C, Schwarcz AD, Pósfai B, László ZI, Kellermayer A, Környei Z, Kisfali M, Nyerges M, Lele Z, Katona I, Ádám Dénes , et al.
Cell reports (2022) 4012: 111369. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A mutation in ATP11A causes autosomal-dominant auditory neuropathy type 2.
Chepurwar S, von Loh SM, Wigger DC, Neef J, Frommolt P, Beutner D, Lang-Roth R, Kubisch C, Strenzke N, Volk AE
Human molecular genetics (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Preliminary analysis of hippocampus synaptic apoptosis and microglial phagocytosis induced by severe restraint stress.
Enomoto S, Ohgidani M, Sagata N, Inamine S, Kato TA
Neuropsychopharmacology reports (2022) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Tonotopic differentiation of presynaptic neurotransmitter-releasing machinery in the auditory brainstem during the prehearing period and its selective deficits in Fmr1 knockout mice.
Yu X, Wang Y
The Journal of comparative neurology (2022) 53018: 3248-3269. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
p53-dependent c-Fos expression is a marker but not executor for motor neuron death in spinal muscular atrophy mouse models.
Buettner JM, Sowoidnich L, Gerstner F, Blanco-Redondo B, Hallermann S, Simon CM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2022) 16: 1038276. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia maintain the normal structure and function of the hippocampal astrocyte network.
Du Y, Brennan FH, Popovich PG, Zhou M
Glia (2022) 707: 1359-1379. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prenatal environmental stressors impair postnatal microglia function and adult behavior in males.
Block CL, Eroglu O, Mague SD, Smith CJ, Ceasrine AM, Sriworarat C, Blount C, Beben KA, Malacon KE, Ndubuizu N, Talbot A, et al.
Cell reports (2022) 405: 111161. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Altered basal forebrain function during whole-brain network activity at pre- and early-plaque stages of Alzheimer's disease in TgF344-AD rats.
van den Berg M, Adhikari MH, Verschuuren M, Pintelon I, Vasilkovska T, Van Audekerke J, Missault S, Heymans L, Ponsaerts P, De Vos WH, Van der Linden A, et al.
Alzheimer's research & therapy (2022) 141: 148. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Disruption of VGLUT1 in Cholinergic Medial Habenula Projections Increases Nicotine Self-Administration.
Souter EA, Chen YC, Zell V, Lallai V, Steinkellner T, Conrad WS, Wisden W, Harris KD, Fowler CD, Hnasko TS
eNeuro (2022) 91: . 135 304 IHC; KO verified; tested species: mouse
Biased auditory nerve central synaptopathy is associated with age-related hearing loss.
Wang M, Zhang C, Lin S, Wang Y, Seicol BJ, Ariss RW, Xie R
The Journal of physiology (2021) 5996: 1833-1854. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Sleep down state-active ID2/Nkx2.1 interneurons in the neocortex.
Valero M, Viney TJ, Machold R, Mederos S, Zutshi I, Schuman B, Senzai Y, Rudy B, Buzsáki G
Nature neuroscience (2021) 243: 401-411. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Nutritional regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation regulates perineuronal net remodeling in the median eminence.
Kohnke S, Buller S, Nuzzaci D, Ridley K, Lam B, Pivonkova H, Bentsen MA, Alonge KM, Zhao C, Tadross J, Holmqvist S, et al.
Cell reports (2021) 362: 109362. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglia Depletion-Induced Remodeling of Extracellular Matrix and Excitatory Synapses in the Hippocampus of Adult Mice.
Strackeljan L, Baczynska E, Cangalaya C, Baidoe-Ansah D, Wlodarczyk J, Kaushik R, Dityatev A
Cells (2021) 108: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Orexin-A/Hypocretin-1 Controls the VTA-NAc Mesolimbic Pathway via Endocannabinoid-Mediated Disinhibition of Dopaminergic Neurons in Obese Mice.
Tunisi L, D'Angelo L, Fernández-Rilo AC, Forte N, Piscitelli F, Imperatore R, de Girolamo P, Di Marzo V, Cristino L
Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience (2021) 13: 622405. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Inhibitory control in neuronal networks relies on the extracellular matrix integrity.
Dzyubenko E, Fleischer M, Manrique-Castano D, Borbor M, Kleinschnitz C, Faissner A, Hermann DM
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2021) 7814: 5647-5663. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Distinct subtypes of proprioceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons regulate adaptive proprioception in mice.
Wu H, Petitpré C, Fontanet P, Sharma A, Bellardita C, Quadros RM, Jannig PR, Wang Y, Heimel JA, Cheung KKY, Wanderoy S, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 1026. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
C9orf72 deficiency promotes microglial-mediated synaptic loss in aging and amyloid accumulation.
Lall D, Lorenzini I, Mota TA, Bell S, Mahan TE, Ulrich JD, Davtyan H, Rexach JE, Muhammad AKMG, Shelest O, Landeros J, et al.
Neuron (2021) 10914: 2275-2291.e8. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Detrimental impacts of mixed-ion radiation on nervous system function.
Klein PM, Parihar VK, Szabo GG, Zöldi M, Angulo MC, Allen BD, Amin AN, Nguyen QA, Katona I, Baulch JE, Limoli CL, et al.
Neurobiology of disease (2021) : 105252. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Surfactant protein C is associated with perineuronal nets and shows age-dependent changes of brain content and hippocampal deposits in wildtype and 3xTg mice.
Schob S, Puchta J, Winter K, Michalski D, Mages B, Martens H, Emmer A, Hoffmann KT, Gaunitz F, Meinicke A, Krause M, et al.
Journal of chemical neuroanatomy (2021) 118: 102036. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Orexin-A and endocannabinoids are involved in obesity-associated alteration of hippocampal neurogenesis, plasticity, and episodic memory in mice.
Forte N, Boccella S, Tunisi L, Fernández-Rilo AC, Imperatore R, Iannotti FA, De Risi M, Iannotta M, Piscitelli F, Capasso R, De Girolamo P, et al.
Nature communications (2021) 121: 6137. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Layer-Specific Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 1 Immunofluorescence Levels Delineate All Layers of the Human Hippocampus Including the Stratum lucidum.
Woelfle S, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2021) 15: 789903. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
Sparser and Less Efficient Hippocampal-Prefrontal Projections account for Developmental Network Dysfunction in a Model of Psychiatric Risk Mediated by Gene-Environment Interaction.
Song L, Xu X, Putthoff P, Fleck D, Spehr M, Hanganu-Opatz IL
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2021) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Central synaptopathy is the most conserved feature of motor circuit pathology across spinal muscular atrophy mouse models.
Buettner JM, Sime Longang JK, Gerstner F, Apel KS, Blanco-Redondo B, Sowoidnich L, Janzen E, Langenhan T, Wirth B, Simon CM
iScience (2021) 2411: 103376. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Silencing long ascending propriospinal neurons after spinal cord injury improves hindlimb stepping in the adult rat.
Shepard CT, Pocratsky AM, Brown BL, Van Rijswijck MA, Zalla RM, Burke DA, Morehouse JR, Riegler AS, Whittemore SR, Magnuson DS
eLife (2021) 10: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Assessment of Possible Contributions of Hyaluronan and Proteoglycan Binding Link Protein 4 to Differential Perineuronal Net Formation at the Calyx of Held.
Nojima K, Miyazaki H, Hori T, Vargova L, Oohashi T
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2021) 9: 730550. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mitochondrial biogenesis in developing astrocytes regulates astrocyte maturation and synapse formation.
Zehnder T, Petrelli F, Romanos J, De Oliveira Figueiredo EC, Lewis TL, Déglon N, Polleux F, Santello M, Bezzi P
Cell reports (2021) 352: 108952. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Uncoupling the Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2 From Its C-Terminal Interactome Restores Synaptic Glutamate Clearance at Corticostriatal Synapses and Alleviates Mutant Huntingtin-Induced Hypokinesia.
Hirschberg S, Dvorzhak A, Rasooli-Nejad SMA, Angelov S, Kirchner M, Mertins P, Lättig-Tünnemann G, Harms C, Schmitz D, Grantyn R
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2021) 15: 792652. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Prenatal interleukin 6 elevation increases glutamatergic synapse density and disrupts hippocampal connectivity in offspring.
Mirabella F, Desiato G, Mancinelli S, Fossati G, Rasile M, Morini R, Markicevic M, Grimm C, Amegandjin C, Termanini A, Peano C, et al.
Immunity (2021) 5411: 2611-2631.e8. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Arrangement of excitatory synaptic inputs on dendrites of the medial superior olive.
Callan AR, Heß M, Felmy F, Leibold C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC
Rescuing Over-activated Microglia Restores Cognitive Performance in Juvenile Animals of the Dp(16) Mouse Model of Down Syndrome.
Pinto B, Morelli G, Rastogi M, Savardi A, Fumagalli A, Petretto A, Bartolucci M, Varea E, Catelani T, Contestabile A, Perlini LE, et al.
Neuron (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression Pattern of ALOXE3 in Mouse Brain Suggests Its Relationship with Seizure Susceptibility.
Tang HL, Chen SY, Zhang H, Lu P, Sun WW, Gao MM, Zeng XD, Su T, Long YS
Cellular and molecular neurobiology (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of GABA interneurons in the mPFC is sufficient and necessary for rapid antidepressant responses.
Fogaça MV, Wu M, Li C, Li XY, Picciotto MR, Duman RS
Molecular psychiatry (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Presynaptic development is controlled by the core active zone proteins CAST/ELKS.
Radulovic T, Dong W, Goral RO, Thomas CI, Veeraraghavan P, Montesinos MS, Guerrero-Given D, Goff K, Lübbert M, Kamasawa N, Ohtsuka T, et al.
The Journal of physiology (2020) 59812: 2431-2452. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Olfactomedin-3 Enhances Seizure Activity by Interacting With AMPA Receptors in Epilepsy Models.
Tang S, Wang T, Zhang X, Guo Y, Xu P, Zeng J, Luo Z, Li D, Zheng Y, Luo Y, Yu C, et al.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2020) 8: 722. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human,mouse
Chemico-genetic discovery of astrocytic control of inhibition in vivo.
Takano T, Wallace JT, Baldwin KT, Purkey AM, Uezu A, Courtland JL, Soderblom EJ, Shimogori T, Maness PF, Eroglu C, Soderling SH, et al.
Nature (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Microglial Gi-dependent dynamics regulate brain network hyperexcitability.
Merlini M, Rafalski VA, Ma K, Kim KY, Bushong EA, Rios Coronado PE, Yan Z, Mendiola AS, Sozmen EG, Ryu JK, Haberl MG, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The endogenous neuronal complement inhibitor SRPX2 protects against complement-mediated synapse elimination during development.
Cong Q, Soteros BM, Wollet M, Kim JH, Sia GM
Nature neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neurocan Contributes to Perineuronal Net Development.
Schmidt S, Arendt T, Morawski M, Sonntag M
Neuroscience (2020) 442: 69-86. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan-5 forms perisynaptic matrix assemblies in the adult rat cortex.
Pintér A, Hevesi Z, Zahola P, Alpár A, Hanics J
Cellular signalling (2020) 74: 109710. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Synaptic restoration by cAMP/PKA drives activity-dependent neuroprotection to motoneurons in ALS.
Bączyk M, Alami NO, Delestrée N, Martinot C, Tang L, Commisso B, Bayer D, Doisne N, Frankel W, Manuel M, Roselli F, et al.
The Journal of experimental medicine (2020) 2178: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Acute knockdown of Depdc5 leads to synaptic defects in mTOR-related epileptogenesis.
De Fusco A, Cerullo MS, Marte A, Michetti C, Romei A, Castroflorio E, Baulac S, Benfenati F
Neurobiology of disease (2020) : 104822. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
The small GTPase ARF6 regulates GABAergic synapse development.
Kim H, Jung H, Jung H, Kwon SK, Ko J, Um JW
Molecular brain (2020) 131: 2. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: rat
Activity-dependent calcium signaling in neurons of the medial superior olive during late postnatal development.
Franzen DL, Gleiss SA, Kellner CJ, Kladisios N, Felmy F
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC
Microglial activation increases cocaine self-administration following adolescent nicotine exposure.
Linker KE, Elabd MG, Tawadrous P, Cano M, Green KN, Wood MA, Leslie FM
Nature communications (2020) 111: 306. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Single-Cell Transcriptomic Comparison of Human Fetal Retina, hPSC-Derived Retinal Organoids, and Long-Term Retinal Cultures.
Sridhar A, Hoshino A, Finkbeiner CR, Chitsazan A, Dai L, Haugan AK, Eschenbacher KM, Jackson DL, Trapnell C, Bermingham-McDonogh O, Glass I, et al.
Cell reports (2020) 305: 1644-1659.e4. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human
Myelin degeneration and diminished myelin renewal contribute to age-related deficits in memory.
Wang F, Ren SY, Chen JF, Liu K, Li RX, Li ZF, Hu B, Niu JQ, Xiao L, Chan JR, Mei F, et al.
Nature neuroscience (2020) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
A CRHR1 antagonist prevents synaptic loss and memory deficits in a trauma-induced delirium-like syndrome.
Cursano S, Battaglia CR, Urrutia-Ruiz C, Grabrucker S, Schön M, Bockmann J, Braumüller S, Radermacher P, Roselli F, Huber-Lang M, Boeckers TM, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2020) : . 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Postprandial Hyperglycemia Stimulates Neuroglial Plasticity in Hypothalamic POMC Neurons after a Balanced Meal.
Nuzzaci D, Cansell C, Liénard F, Nédélec E, Ben Fradj S, Castel J, Foppen E, Denis R, Grouselle D, Laderrière A, Lemoine A, et al.
Cell reports (2020) 309: 3067-3078.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Uncoupling endosomal CLC chloride/proton exchange causes severe neurodegeneration.
Weinert S, Gimber N, Deuschel D, Stuhlmann T, Puchkov D, Farsi Z, Ludwig CF, Novarino G, López-Cayuqueo KI, Planells-Cases R, Jentsch TJ, et al.
The EMBO journal (2020) : e103358. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neural stem cell delivery via porous collagen scaffolds promotes neuronal differentiation and locomotion recovery in spinal cord injury.
Kourgiantaki A, Tzeranis DS, Karali K, Georgelou K, Bampoula E, Psilodimitrakopoulos S, Yannas IV, Stratakis E, Sidiropoulou K, Charalampopoulos I, Gravanis A, et al.
NPJ Regenerative medicine (2020) 5: 12. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Gabapentinoid treatment promotes corticospinal plasticity and regeneration following murine spinal cord injury.
Sun W, Larson MJ, Kiyoshi CM, Annett AJ, Stalker WA, Peng J, Tedeschi A
The Journal of clinical investigation (2020) 1301: 345-358. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Principal Neurons in the Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus Express Cell-Type Specific Glycine Receptor α Subunits.
Lin S, Xie R
Neuroscience (2019) 415: 77-88. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Heterogeneity of GRIM-19 Expression in the Adult Mouse Brain.
Hwang SN, Kim JC, Kim SY
Cellular and molecular neurobiology (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Structural adaption of axons during de- and remyelination in the Cuprizone mouse model.
Pfeiffer F, Frommer-Kaestle G, Fallier-Becker P
Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Slow NMDA-mediated excitation accelerates offset-response latencies generated via a post-inhibitory rebound mechanism.
Rajaram E, Kaltenbach C, Fischl MJ, Mrowka L, Alexandrova O, Grothe B, Hennig MH, Kopp-Scheinpflug C
eNeuro (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Developmental Requirement of Homeoprotein Otx2 for Specific Habenulo-Interpeduncular Subcircuits.
Ruiz-Reig N, Rakotobe M, Bethus I, Le Menn G, Huditz HI, Marie H, Lamonerie T, D'Autréaux F
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) 396: 1005-1019. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Altered Glutamate Receptor Ionotropic Delta Subunit 2 Expression in Stau2-Deficient Cerebellar Purkinje Cells in the Adult Brain.
Pernice HF, Schieweck R, Jafari M, Straub T, Bilban M, Kiebler MA, Popper B
International journal of molecular sciences (2019) 207: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The development of synaptic transmission is time-locked to early social behaviors in rats.
Naskar S, Narducci R, Balzani E, Cwetsch AW, Tucci V, Cancedda L
Nature communications (2019) 101: 1195. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Short-term plasticity at cerebellar granule cell to molecular layer interneuron synapses expands information processing.
Dorgans K, Demais V, Bailly Y, Poulain B, Isope P, Doussau F
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Regulation of Recurrent Inhibition by Asynchronous Glutamate Release in Neocortex.
Deng S, Li J, He Q, Zhang X, Zhu J, Li L, Mi Z, Yang X, Jiang M, Dong Q, Mao Y, et al.
Neuron (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Inhibition of Nwd1 activity attenuates neuronal hyperexcitability and GluN2B phosphorylation in the hippocampus.
Yang Q, Huang Z, Luo Y, Zheng F, Hu Y, Liu H, Zhu S, He M, Xu D, Li Y, Yang M, et al.
EBioMedicine (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Differential NOVA2-Mediated Splicing in Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons Regulates Cortical Development and Cerebellar Function.
Saito Y, Yuan Y, Zucker-Scharff I, Fak JJ, Jereb S, Tajima Y, Licatalosi DD, Darnell RB
Neuron (2019) 1014: 707-720.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Ventral hippocampal projections to the medial prefrontal cortex regulate social memory.
Phillips ML, Robinson HA, Pozzo-Miller L
eLife (2019) 8: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Spinal motor circuit synaptic plasticity after peripheral nerve injury depends on microglia activation and a CCR2 mechanism.
Rotterman TM, Akhter ET, Lane AR, MacPherson KP, Garcia VV, Tansey MG, Alvarez FJ
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2019) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Distribution of endogenous normal tau in the mouse brain.
Kubo A, Misonou H, Matsuyama M, Nomori A, Wada-Kakuda S, Takashima A, Kawata M, Murayama S, Ihara Y, Miyasaka T
The Journal of comparative neurology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters in transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1)-positive neurons in the rat trigeminal ganglion.
Kim YS, Kim SK, Lee JS, Ko SJ, Bae YC
Brain research (2018) : . 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: rat
Enhancing Oligodendrocyte Myelination Rescues Synaptic Loss and Improves Functional Recovery after Chronic Hypoxia.
Wang F, Yang YJ, Yang N, Chen XJ, Huang NX, Zhang J, Wu Y, Liu Z, Gao X, Li T, Pan GQ, et al.
Neuron (2018) 994: 689-701.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Hapln4/Bral2 is a selective regulator for formation and transmission of GABAergic synapses between Purkinje and deep cerebellar nuclei neurons.
Edamatsu M, Miyano R, Fujikawa A, Fujii F, Hori T, Sakaba T, Oohashi T
Journal of neurochemistry (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Epigenetic Factor CBP Is Required for the Differentiation and Function of Medial Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Interneurons.
Medrano-Fernández A, Delgado-Garcia JM, Del Blanco B, Llinares M, Sánchez-Campusano R, Olivares R, Gruart A, Barco A
Molecular neurobiology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neurochemical fingerprinting of amygdalostriatal and intra-amygdaloid projections: a tracing-immunofluorescence study in the rat.
Wouterlood FG, van Oort S, Bloemhard L, Flierman NA, Spijkerman J, Wright CI, Beliën JAM, Groenewegen HJ
Journal of chemical neuroanatomy (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Relationships between neuronal birthdates and tonotopic position in the mouse cochlear nucleus.
Shepard AR, Scheffel JL, Yu WM
The Journal of comparative neurology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Presynaptic Protein Mover Is Differentially Expressed Across Brain Areas and Synapse Types.
Wallrafen R, Dresbach T
Frontiers in neuroanatomy (2018) 12: 58. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
ZDHHC8 critically regulates seizure susceptibility in epilepsy.
Yang Q, Zheng F, Hu Y, Yang Y, Li Y, Chen G, Wang W, He M, Zhou R, Ma Y, Xu D, et al.
Cell death & disease (2018) 98: 795. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human,mouse
Dentate granule cell recruitment of feedforward inhibition governs engram maintenance and remote memory generalization.
Guo N, Soden ME, Herber C, Kim MT, Besnard A, Lin P, Ma X, Cepko CL, Zweifel LS, Sahay A
Nature medicine (2018) 244: 438-449. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Active presynaptic ribosomes in the mammalian brain, and altered transmitter release after protein synthesis inhibition.
Scarnati MS, Kataria R, Biswas M, Paradiso KG
eLife (2018) 7: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
CAST/ELKS Proteins Control Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channel Density and Synaptic Release Probability at a Mammalian Central Synapse.
Dong W, Radulovic T, Goral RO, Thomas C, Suarez Montesinos M, Guerrero-Given D, Hagiwara A, Putzke T, Hida Y, Abe M, Sakimura K, et al.
Cell reports (2018) 242: 284-293.e6. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Glial Activation and Central Synapse Loss, but Not Motoneuron Degeneration, Are Prevented by the Sigma-1 Receptor Agonist PRE-084 in the Smn2B/- Mouse Model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
Cerveró C, Blasco A, Tarabal O, Casanovas A, Piedrafita L, Navarro X, Esquerda JE, Calderó J
Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1)- and VGLUT2-immunopositive axon terminals on the rat jaw-closing and jaw-opening motoneurons.
Park SK, Ko SJ, Paik SK, Rah JC, Lee KJ, Bae YC
Brain structure & function (2018) : . 135 304 IHC, EM; tested species: rat
Synaptotagmin 7 Mediates Both Facilitation and Asynchronous Release at Granule Cell Synapses.
Turecek J, Regehr WG
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2018) 3813: 3240-3251. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Increased Excitability and Reduced Excitatory Synaptic Input Into Fast-Spiking CA2 Interneurons After Enzymatic Attenuation of Extracellular Matrix.
Hayani H, Song I, Dityatev A
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2018) 12: 149. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
The Microglial Innate Immune Receptor TREM2 Is Required for Synapse Elimination and Normal Brain Connectivity.
Filipello F, Morini R, Corradini I, Zerbi V, Canzi A, Michalski B, Erreni M, Markicevic M, Starvaggi-Cucuzza C, Otero K, Piccio L, et al.
Immunity (2018) : . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Molecular Anatomy of the Developing Human Retina.
Hoshino A, Ratnapriya R, Brooks MJ, Chaitankar V, Wilken MS, Zhang C, Starostik MR, Gieser L, La Torre A, Nishio M, Bates O, et al.
Developmental cell (2017) 436: 763-779.e4. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Hippocampal slice preparation in rats acutely suppresses immunoreactivity of microtubule-associated protein (Map2) and glycogen levels without affecting numbers of glia or levels of the glutamate transporter VGlut1.
Stein LR, Zorumski CF, Izumi Y
Brain and behavior (2017) 77: e00736. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
A Sensitized IGF1 Treatment Restores Corticospinal Axon-Dependent Functions.
Liu Y, Wang X, Li W, Zhang Q, Li Y, Zhang Z, Zhu J, Chen B, Williams PR, Zhang Y, Yu B, et al.
Neuron (2017) 954: 817-833.e4. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Loss of Hyperdirect Pathway Cortico-Subthalamic Inputs Following Degeneration of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons.
Chu HY, McIver EL, Kovaleski RF, Atherton JF, Bevan MD
Neuron (2017) 956: 1306-1318.e5. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Muscle proprioceptors in adult rat: mechanosensory signaling and synapse distribution in spinal cord.
Vincent JA, Gabriel HM, Deardorff AS, Nardelli P, Fyffe REW, Burkholder T, Cope TC
Journal of neurophysiology (2017) 1185: 2687-2701. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Deletion of the Fractalkine Receptor, CX3CR1, Improves Endogenous Repair, Axon Sprouting, and Synaptogenesis after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice.
Freria CM, Hall JC, Wei P, Guan Z, McTigue DM, Popovich PG
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2017) 3713: 3568-3587. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Aerobic exercise and a BDNF-mimetic therapy rescue learning and memory in a mouse model of Down syndrome.
Parrini M, Ghezzi D, Deidda G, Medrihan L, Castroflorio E, Alberti M, Baldelli P, Cancedda L, Contestabile A
Scientific reports (2017) 71: 16825. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Inhibition of IL-6 trans-signaling in the brain increases sociability in the BTBR mouse model of autism.
Wei H, Ma Y, Liu J, Ding C, Jin G, Wang Y, Hu F, Yu L
Biochimica et biophysica acta (2016) 186210: 1918-25. 135 304 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
The calcium sensor synaptotagmin 7 is required for synaptic facilitation.
Jackman SL, Turecek J, Belinsky JE, Regehr WG
Nature (2016) 5297584: 88-91. 135 304 IHC
Selective Localization of Shanks to VGLUT1-Positive Excitatory Synapses in the Mouse Hippocampus.
Heise C, Schroeder JC, Schoen M, Halbedl S, Reim D, Woelfle S, Kreutz MR, Schmeisser MJ, Boeckers TM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2016) 10: 106. 135 304 IHC
Mapping the alterations in glutamate with GluCEST MRI in a mouse model of dopamine deficiency.
Bagga P, Crescenzi R, Krishnamoorthy G, Verma G, Nanga RP, Reddy D, Greenberg J, Detre JA, Hariharan H, Reddy R
Journal of neurochemistry (2016) 1393: 432-439. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Physiology and anatomy of neurons in the medial superior olive of the mouse.
Fischl MJ, Burger RM, Schmidt-Pauly M, Alexandrova O, Sinclair JL, Grothe B, Forsythe ID, Kopp-Scheinpflug C
Journal of neurophysiology (2016) 1166: 2676-2688. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Dynamic Modulation of Myelination in Response to Visual Stimuli Alters Optic Nerve Conduction Velocity.
Etxeberria A, Hokanson KC, Dao DQ, Mayoral SR, Mei F, Redmond SA, Ullian EM, Chan JR
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3626: 6937-48. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mechanisms of Functional Hypoconnectivity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Mecp2 Null Mice.
Sceniak MP, Lang M, Enomoto AC, James Howell C, Hermes DJ, Katz DM
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) (2016) 265: 1938-1956. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Aberrant excitatory rewiring of layer V pyramidal neurons early after neocortical trauma.
Takahashi DK, Gu F, Parada I, Vyas S, Prince DA
Neurobiology of disease (2016) 91: 166-81. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Neuronal Dystroglycan Is Necessary for Formation and Maintenance of Functional CCK-Positive Basket Cell Terminals on Pyramidal Cells.
Früh S, Romanos J, Panzanelli P, Bürgisser D, Tyagarajan SK, Campbell KP, Santello M, Fritschy JM
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3640: 10296-10313. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
APOE-Sensitive Cholinergic Sprouting Compensates for Hippocampal Dysfunctions Due to Reduced Entorhinal Input.
Bott JB, Héraud C, Cosquer B, Herbeaux K, Aubert J, Sartori M, Goutagny R, Mathis C
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2016) 3640: 10472-10486. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Somatodendritic Expression of JAM2 Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Myelination.
Redmond SA, Mei F, Eshed-Eisenbach Y, Osso LA, Leshkowitz D, Shen YA, Kay JN, Aurrand-Lions M, Lyons DA, Peles E, Chan JR, et al.
Neuron (2016) 914: 824-836. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Initial characterization of a Syap1 knock-out mouse and distribution of Syap1 in mouse brain and cultured motoneurons.
Schmitt D, Funk N, Blum R, Asan E, Andersen L, Rülicke T, Sendtner M, Buchner E
Histochemistry and cell biology (2016) 1464: 489-512. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Conserved expression of the GPR151 receptor in habenular axonal projections of vertebrates.
Broms J, Antolin-Fontes B, Tingström A, Ibañez-Tallon I
The Journal of comparative neurology (2015) 5233: 359-80. 135 304 IHC
Fast cerebellar reflex circuitry requires synaptic vesicle priming by munc13-3.
Netrakanti PR, Cooper BH, Dere E, Poggi G, Winkler D, Brose N, Ehrenreich H
Cerebellum (London, England) (2015) 143: 264-83. 135 304 IHC
Deletion of myosin VI causes slow retinal optic neuropathy and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)-relevant retinal phenotype.
Schubert T, Gleiser C, Heiduschka P, Franz C, Nagel-Wolfrum K, Sahaboglu A, Weisschuh N, Eske G, Rohbock K, Rieger N, Paquet-Durand F, et al.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (2015) 7220: 3953-69. 135 304 IHC
Immunogold characteristics of VGLUT3-positive GABAergic nerve terminals suggest corelease of glutamate.
Stensrud MJ, Sogn CJ, Gundersen V
The Journal of comparative neurology (2015) 52318: 2698-713. 135 304 IHC
An essential role of acetylcholine-glutamate synergy at habenular synapses in nicotine dependence.
Frahm S, Antolin-Fontes B, Görlich A, Zander JF, Ahnert-Hilger G, Ibañez-Tallon I
eLife (2015) 4: e11396. 135 304 WB, IHC
Complexin stabilizes newly primed synaptic vesicles and prevents their premature fusion at the mouse calyx of held synapse.
Chang S, Reim K, Pedersen M, Neher E, Brose N, Taschenberger H
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2015) 3521: 8272-90. 135 304 IHC
Perforant path synaptic loss correlates with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease in the oldest-old.
Robinson JL, Molina-Porcel L, Corrada MM, Raible K, Lee EB, Lee VM, Kawas CH, Trojanowski JQ
Brain : a journal of neurology (2014) 137Pt 9: 2578-87. 135 304 IHC; tested species: human
Bassoon-disruption slows vesicle replenishment and induces homeostatic plasticity at a CNS synapse.
Mendoza Schulz A, Jing Z, Sánchez Caro JM, Wetzel F, Dresbach T, Strenzke N, Wichmann C, Moser T
The EMBO journal (2014) 335: 512-27. 135 304 IHC
Modes and regulation of endocytic membrane retrieval in mouse auditory hair cells.
Neef J, Jung S, Wong AB, Reuter K, Pangrsic T, Chakrabarti R, Kügler S, Lenz C, Nouvian R, Boumil RM, Frankel WN, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 343: 705-16. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Progressive brain damage, synaptic reorganization and NMDA activation in a model of epileptogenic cortical dysplasia.
Colciaghi F, Finardi A, Nobili P, Locatelli D, Spigolon G, Battaglia GS
PloS one (2014) 92: e89898. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Expression of Nampt in hippocampal and cortical excitatory neurons is critical for cognitive function.
Stein LR, Wozniak DF, Dearborn JT, Kubota S, Apte RS, Izumi Y, Zorumski CF, Imai S
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3417: 5800-15. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Expression of vesicular glutamate transporters VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in the rat dental pulp and trigeminal ganglion following inflammation.
Yang ES, Jin MU, Hong JH, Kim YS, Choi SY, Kim TH, Cho YS, Bae YC
PloS one (2014) 910: e109723. 135 304 WB, IHC
Calcium-dependent PKC isoforms have specialized roles in short-term synaptic plasticity.
Chu Y, Fioravante D, Leitges M, Regehr WG
Neuron (2014) 824: 859-71. 135 304 IHC
Protein kinase C is a calcium sensor for presynaptic short-term plasticity.
Fioravante D, Chu Y, de Jong AP, Leitges M, Kaeser PS, Regehr WG
eLife (2014) 3: e03011. 135 304 IHC
Characterization of long descending premotor propriospinal neurons in the spinal cord.
Ni Y, Nawabi H, Liu X, Yang L, Miyamichi K, Tedeschi A, Xu B, Wall NR, Callaway EM, He Z
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3428: 9404-17. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Mice deficient of glutamatergic signaling from intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells exhibit abnormal circadian photoentrainment.
Purrier N, Engeland WC, Kofuji P
PloS one (2014) 910: e111449. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Actin filaments at the leading edge of cancer cells are characterized by a high mobile fraction and turnover regulation by profilin I.
Lorente G, Syriani E, Morales M
PloS one (2014) 91: e85817. 135 304 IHC
Characterization of ectopic colonies that form in widespread areas of the nervous system with neural stem cell transplants into the site of a severe spinal cord injury.
Steward O, Sharp KG, Yee KM, Hatch MN, Bonner JF
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2014) 3442: 14013-21. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Region-specific expression of vesicular glutamate and GABA transporters under various ischaemic conditions in mouse forebrain and retina.
Michalski D, Härtig W, Krügel K, Edwards RH, Böddener M, Böhme L, Pannicke T, Reichenbach A, Grosche A
Neuroscience (2013) 231: 328-44. 135 304 IHC
Netrin-1 promotes excitatory synaptogenesis between cortical neurons by initiating synapse assembly.
Goldman JS, Ashour MA, Magdesian MH, Tritsch NX, Harris SN, Christofi N, Chemali R, Stern YE, Thompson-Steckel G, Gris P, Glasgow SD, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2013) 3344: 17278-89. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse,rat
Fluoxetine-induced cortical adult neurogenesis.
Ohira K, Takeuchi R, Shoji H, Miyakawa T
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (2013) 386: 909-20. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Cracking down on inhibition: selective removal of GABAergic interneurons from hippocampal networks.
Antonucci F, Alpár A, Kacza J, Caleo M, Verderio C, Giani A, Martens H, Chaudhry FA, Allegra M, Grosche J, Michalski D, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2012) 326: 1989-2001. 135 304 IHC
Acoustic overexposure increases the expression of VGLUT-2 mediated projections from the lateral vestibular nucleus to the dorsal cochlear nucleus.
Barker M, Solinski HJ, Hashimoto H, Tagoe T, Pilati N, Hamann M
PloS one (2012) 75: e35955. 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
Raising cytosolic Cl- in cerebellar granule cells affects their excitability and vestibulo-ocular learning.
Seja P, Schonewille M, Spitzmaul G, Badura A, Klein I, Rudhard Y, Wisden W, Hübner CA, De Zeeuw CI, Jentsch TJ
The EMBO journal (2012) 315: 1217-30. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Synaptic glutamate release is modulated by the Na+ -driven Cl-/HCO₃⁻ exchanger Slc4a8.
Sinning A, Liebmann L, Kougioumtzes A, Westermann M, Bruehl C, Hübner CA
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2011) 3120: 7300-11. 135 304 IHC
N-cadherin and neuroligins cooperate to regulate synapse formation in hippocampal cultures.
Aiga M, Levinson JN, Bamji SX
The Journal of biological chemistry (2011) 2861: 851-8. 135 304 IHC
Expression pattern of Kv11 (Ether à-go-go-related gene; erg) K+ channels in the mouse retina.
Cordeiro S, Guseva D, Wulfsen I, Bauer CK
PloS one (2011) 612: e29490. 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Quantitative comparison of glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic vesicles unveils selectivity for few proteins including MAL2, a novel synaptic vesicle protein.
Grønborg M, Pavlos NJ, Brunk I, Chua JJ, Münster-Wandowski A, Riedel D, Ahnert-Hilger G, Urlaub H, Jahn R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 301: 2-12. 135 304 ICC, IHC, EM
Sensory modulation of locomotor-like membrane oscillations in Hb9-expressing interneurons.
Hinckley CA, Wiesner EP, Mentis GZ, Titus DJ, Ziskind-Conhaim L
Journal of neurophysiology (2010) 1036: 3407-23. 135 304 IHC
Splice-specific roles of glycine receptor alpha3 in the hippocampus.
Eichler SA, Förstera B, Smolinsky B, Jüttner R, Lehmann TN, Fähling M, Schwarz G, Legendre P, Meier JC
The European journal of neuroscience (2009) 306: 1077-91. 135 304 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse
Unique luminal localization of VGAT-C terminus allows for selective labeling of active cortical GABAergic synapses.
Martens H, Weston MC, Boulland JL, Grønborg M, Grosche J, Kacza J, Hoffmann A, Matteoli M, Takamori S, Harkany T, Chaudhry FA, et al.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2008) 2849: 13125-31. 135 304 IHC
Localization of aquaporin-0 immunoreactivity in the rat retina.
Iandiev I, Pannicke T, Härtig W, Grosche J, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A, Bringmann A
Neuroscience letters (2007) 4262: 81-6. 135 304 IHC
Synaptic Organization of VGLUT3 Expressing Low-Threshold Mechanosensitive C Fiber Terminals in the Rodent Spinal Cord.
Larsson M, Broman J
eNeuro () 61: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: rat
14-3-3θ Does Not Protect against Behavioral or Pathological Deficits in Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Models.
Gannon M, Wang B, Stringfellow SA, Quintin S, Mendoza I, Srikantha T, Roberts AC, Saito T, Saido TC, Roberson ED, Yacoubian TA, et al.
eNeuro () 93: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
Erythropoietin Stimulates GABAergic Maturation in the Mouse Hippocampus.
Khalid K, Frei J, Aboouf MA, Koester-Hegmann C, Gassmann M, Fritschy JM, Schneider Gasser EM
eNeuro () 81: . 135 304 IHC; tested species: mouse
RIM-BP2 regulates Ca2+ channel abundance and neurotransmitter release at hippocampal mossy fiber terminals.
Miyano R, Sakamoto H, Hirose K, Sakaba T
eLife (2024) 12: . 135 304 IHC-Fr; tested species: mouse
Protecting RNA quality for spatial transcriptomics while improving immunofluorescent staining quality.
Hahn N, Bens M, Kempfer M, Reißig C, Schmidl L, Geis C
Frontiers in neuroscience (2023) 17: 1198154. 135 304 IHC-Fr; tested species: mouse
Enhanced synaptic protein visualization by multicolor super-resolution expansion microscopy.
Eilts J, Reinhard S, Michetschläger N, Werner C, Sauer M
Neurophotonics (2023) 104: 044412. 135 304 ExM; tested species: mouse
Improved fluorescent signal in expansion microscopy using fluorescent Fab fragment secondary antibodies.
Sherry DM, Stiles MA
MethodsX (2022) 9: 101796. 135 304 ExM; tested species: rat
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein.
Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA
Acta neuropathologica communications (2021) 91: 180. 135 304 WB, ICC, IHC, ExM; tested species: mouse
CLARITY increases sensitivity and specificity of fluorescence immunostaining in long-term archived human brain tissue.
Woelfle S, Deshpande D, Feldengut S, Braak H, Del Tredici K, Roselli F, Deisseroth K, Michaelis J, Boeckers TM, Schön M
BMC biology (2023) 211: 113. 135 304 Clarity; tested species: human
Differential ultrastructural alterations in the Vglut2 glutamatergic input to the substantia nigra pars compacta/pars reticulata following nigrostriatal dopamine loss in a progressive mouse model of Parkinson's disease.
Moore C, Xu M, Bohlen JK, Meshul CK
The European journal of neuroscience (2021) 537: 2061-2077. 135 304 EM; tested species: mouse
Vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1)- and VGLUT2-immunopositive axon terminals on the rat jaw-closing and jaw-opening motoneurons.
Park SK, Ko SJ, Paik SK, Rah JC, Lee KJ, Bae YC
Brain structure & function (2018) : . 135 304 IHC, EM; tested species: rat
Reduced Glutamate Release in Adult BTBR Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Wei H, Ma Y, Ding C, Jin G, Liu J, Chang Q, Hu F, Yu L
Neurochemical research (2016) 4111: 3129-3137. 135 304 WB, EM
Analysis of acute brain slices by electron microscopy: a correlative light-electron microscopy workflow based on Tokuyasu cryo-sectioning.
Loussert Fonta C, Leis A, Mathisen C, Bouvier DS, Blanchard W, Volterra A, Lich B, Humbel BM
Journal of structural biology (2015) 1891: 53-61. 135 304 EM
Activity-dependent synaptic GRIP1 accumulation drives synaptic scaling up in response to action potential blockade.
Gainey MA, Tatavarty V, Nahmani M, Lin H, Turrigiano GG
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2015) 11227: E3590-9. 135 304 EM; tested species: rat
Differential distribution of glycine receptor subtypes at the rat calyx of Held synapse.
Hruskova B, Trojanova J, Kulik A, Kralikova M, Pysanenko K, Bures Z, Syka J, Trussell LO, Turecek R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2012) 3247: 17012-24. 135 304 EM
Quantitative comparison of glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic vesicles unveils selectivity for few proteins including MAL2, a novel synaptic vesicle protein.
Grønborg M, Pavlos NJ, Brunk I, Chua JJ, Münster-Wandowski A, Riedel D, Ahnert-Hilger G, Urlaub H, Jahn R
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 301: 2-12. 135 304 ICC, IHC, EM
Synaptic and vesicular coexistence of VGLUT and VGAT in selected excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
Zander JF, Münster-Wandowski A, Brunk I, Pahner I, Gómez-Lira G, Heinemann U, Gutiérrez R, Laube G, Ahnert-Hilger G
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2010) 3022: 7634-45. 135 304 EM; tested species: rat
Critical Analysis of Particle Detection Artifacts in Synaptosome Flow Cytometry.
Hobson BD, Sims PA
eNeuro (2019) : . 135 304 FACS; tested species: mouse
Neuregulin-1 is concentrated in the postsynaptic subsurface cistern of C-bouton inputs to α-motoneurons and altered during motoneuron diseases.
Gallart-Palau X, Tarabal O, Casanovas A, Sábado J, Correa FJ, Hereu M, Piedrafita L, Calderó J, Esquerda JE
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (2014) 288: 3618-32. 135 304 ; tested species: mouse

The vesicular glutamate transporter 1 VGLUT 1, also referred to as BNPI and SLC17A7, was originally identified as a brain specific phosphate transporter. Like the related VGLUT 2, VGLUT 1 is both necessary and sufficient for uptake and storage of glutamate and thus comprises the sole determinant for a glutamatergic phenotype. Both VGLUTs are different from the plasma membrane transporters in that they are driven by a proton electrochemical gradient across the vesicle membrane.
VGLUT 1 and VGLUT 2 show complementary expression patterns. Together, they are currently the best markers for glutamatergic nerve terminals and glutamatergic synapses.