Protocol for in vivo analysis of pre- and post-synaptic protein function in mice.Cramer TML, Abegg A, Tyagarajan SK
STAR protocols (2024) 52: 103117.
224 103 IHC; tested species: mouse
INSIHGT: an accessible multi-scale, multi-modal 3D spatial biology platform.Yau CN, Hung JTS, Campbell RAA, Wong TCY, Huang B, Wong BTY, Chow NKN, Zhang L, Tsoi EPL, Tan Y, Li JJX, et al.
Nature communications (2024) 151: 10888.
224 103 IHC; tested species: mouse
Neural extracellular matrix regulates visual sensory motor integration.Reinhard J, Mueller-Buehl C, Wiemann S, Roll L, Luft V, Shabani H, Rathbun DL, Gan L, Kuo CC, Franzen J, Joachim SC, et al.
iScience (2024) 272: 108846.
224 103 IHC; tested species: mouse
Inhibitory synapse dysfunction and epileptic susceptibility associated with KIF2A deletion in cortical interneurons.Ruiz-Reig N, García-Sánchez D, Schakman O, Gailly P, Tissir F
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience (2022) 15: 1110986.
224 103 WB, IHC; tested species: mouse
NEIL1 and NEIL2 DNA glycosylases modulate anxiety and learning in a cooperative manner in mice.Hildrestrand GA, Rolseth V, Kunath N, Suganthan R, Jensen V, Bugaj AM, Fernandez-Berrocal MS, Sikko SB, Vetlesen S, Kuśnierczyk A, Olsen AK, et al.
Communications biology (2021) 41: 1354.
224 103 IHC; tested species: mouse
Enhancing neuronal chloride extrusion rescues α2/α3 GABAA-mediated analgesia in neuropathic pain.Lorenzo LE, Godin AG, Ferrini F, Bachand K, Plasencia-Fernandez I, Labrecque S, Girard AA, Boudreau D, Kianicka I, Gagnon M, Doyon N, et al.
Nature communications (2020) 111: 869.
224 103 IHC; tested species: rat
Iterative expansion microscopy.Chang JB, Chen F, Yoon YG, Jung EE, Babcock H, Kang JS, Asano S, Suk HJ, Pak N, Tillberg PW, Wassie AT, et al.
Nature methods (2017) 146: 593-599.
224 103 IHC; tested species: mouse
αT-catenin in restricted brain cell types and its potential connection to autism.Folmsbee SS, Wilcox DR, Tyberghein K, De Bleser P, Tourtellotte WG, van Hengel J, van Roy F, Gottardi CJ
Journal of molecular psychiatry (2016) 4: 2.
224 103 IHC
Early postnatal GABAA receptor modulation reverses deficits in neuronal maturation in a conditional neurodevelopmental mouse model of DISC1.Saito A, Taniguchi Y, Rannals MD, Merfeld EB, Ballinger MD, Koga M, Ohtani Y, Gurley DA, Sedlak TW, Cross A, Moss SJ, et al.
Molecular psychiatry (2016) 2110: 1449-59.
224 103 ICC, IHC
GABAA receptor-mediated input change on orexin neurons following sleep deprivation in mice.Matsuki T, Takasu M, Hirose Y, Murakoshi N, Sinton CM, Motoike T, Yanagisawa M
Neuroscience (2015) 284: 217-24.
224 103 IHC
Neural basis of benzodiazepine reward: requirement for α2 containing GABAA receptors in the nucleus accumbens.Engin E, Bakhurin KI, Smith KS, Hines RM, Reynolds LM, Tang W, Sprengel R, Moss SJ, Rudolph U
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (2014) 398: 1805-15.
224 103 IHC; KO verified; tested species: mouse
Long-term behavioral programming induced by peripuberty stress in rats is accompanied by GABAergic-related alterations in the Amygdala.Tzanoulinou S, García-Mompó C, Castillo-Gómez E, Veenit V, Nacher J, Sandi C
PloS one (2014) 94: e94666.
224 103 IHC; tested species: rat
Brain inflammation induces post-synaptic changes during early synapse formation in adult-born hippocampal neurons.Chugh D, Nilsson P, Afjei SA, Bakochi A, Ekdahl CT
Experimental neurology (2013) 250: 176-88.
224 103 IHC; tested species: mouse
Changes in the brain expression of alpha-2 subunits of the GABA-A receptor after chronic restraint stress in low- and high-anxiety rats.Wisłowska-Stanek A, Lehner M, Skórzewska A, Krząścik P, Maciejak P, Szyndler J, Ziemba A, Płaźnik A
Behavioural brain research (2013) 253: 337-45.
224 103 IHC; tested species: rat
Amacrine and bipolar inputs to midget and parasol ganglion cells in marmoset retina.Abbott CJ, Percival KA, Martin PR, Grünert U
Visual neuroscience (2012) 293: 157-68.
224 103 IHC; tested species: marmoset
GABA(A) receptors containing the α2 subunit are critical for direction-selective inhibition in the retina.Auferkorte ON, Baden T, Kaushalya SK, Zabouri N, Rudolph U, Haverkamp S, Euler T
PloS one (2012) 74: e35109.
224 103 IHC, EM; tested species: mouse,rabbit
The α3 subunit of GABAA receptors promotes formation of inhibitory synapses in the absence of collybistin.Wagner S, Lee C, Rojas L, Specht CG, Rhee J, Brose N, Papadopoulos T
The Journal of biological chemistry () 296: 100709.
224 103 ICC, IHC; tested species: mouse