Cholinergic stimulation stabilizes TRPM4 in the plasma membrane of cortical pyramidal neurons.Leyton P, Riquelme D, Peralta FA, Navarro FD, Leiva-Salcedo E
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology (2024) 12: 1440140.
237 105 ICC; tested species: mouse
The infantile myofibromatosis NOTCH3 L1519P mutation leads to hyperactivated ligand-independent Notch signaling and increased PDGFRB expression.Wu D, Wang S, Oliveira DV, Del Gaudio F, Vanlandewijck M, Lebouvier T, Betsholtz C, Zhao J, Jin S, Lendahl U, Karlström H, et al.
Disease models & mechanisms (2021) : .
237 105 ICC; tested species: human
A Super-Resolved View of the Alzheimer's Disease-Related Amyloidogenic Pathway in Hippocampal Neurons.Yu Y, Gao Y, Winblad B, Tjernberg LO, Schedin-Weiss S
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD (2021) 832: 833-852.
237 105 ICC; tested species: mouse